Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:05:20 -0500 Subject: M-G: Cockroach Supplement! (Revolutionary regroupment or centrist alchemy?) (Part 3) The slogan of the "anti-imperialist front" issued out of a disoriented discussion at the Fourth Congress of the CI. It was seized on and perverted by Stalin to justify his policy of political liquidation of the Chinese Communist Party into the bourgeois-nationalist Kuomintang og Chaing Kai-Skek, which led to the massacre of tens of thousands of Communists and militant workers in Shanghai in 1927. A more recent application of the "anti-imperiakist united front" was the suppport given by the left, including the fore- bears of the LCMRCI, the LTT and the CRR, to the Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1978-79. The bloody outcome of this "movement" has long been completely apparent: the jailing and execution of countless numbers of leftists, the reimposition of the veil and the brutal persecution of women, workers and national minorities. Yet, at the same time,we were unique in demanding: "Down with the Shah! Down with the Mullahs! For workers revolution in Iran!". While their support for Khomeini is smething rarely mentioned today, Workers Power and (John D.s) LCMRCI continue to boast of their call for military support for General Galteri's Argentina in the Falklands/Malvinas war. Even after splitting with Workers Power, (John D's) group appprovingly noted that in 1981 Workers Power "had the courage to agitate for the victory of Argentina in the war that was fought by its 'own' British Imperialism". The Spartacist League/Britain fought for revolutionary defeatism on both sides. Raising the call "Sink Thacther! Sink the Junta!" we argued that the best possible outcome would be if the nilitary machines of both governments were ground up. As we noted in our phamplet "Workers Power's phoney international splinters over Balkan betrayal" (November 1995): "Argentina was not a semi-colony nor was this war against imperialist aggrandisement. Britain went to war with the Argentine bourgeoisie over a desolate piece of land hundreds of miles from the Argentine mainland, which had had no Argentine population for over 150 years. As for theoil fields around the Malvinas, the Argentine and British governments are cheerfully divvying up the potential proceeds in friendly New York confabs, "Workers Power's' line of military support for General Galteri's Argentina may not have had fatal consequences in Britain, but in Argentina and elsewhere in Latin America it was a criminal betrayal which bplstered national chauvinism against proletarian class struggle." Of course, there can bespecific united-front actions of an anti-imperialist character between proletarian revolutionaries and bougeois or petty-bourgeois nationalist forces. For example, revolutionists supported Nasser's Eygpt when it ar- tempted to take over the Suez Canal out of imperialist hands in 1956. Our international tendency, particully our American section, campaigned to raise money for the embattled petty- bourgeois nationalists Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980s against the US-backed contra war. Our slogan was "Defend,complete,extend the Nicaraguan Revolution!." But this is a far cry from the LCMRCI's idea of an "anti-imperialist united front" which means political support for "Third World" nationalist regimes. A touching faith in the capitalist state.. John D.s) LCMRCI support for an "anti-imperialist united front" is completed by their revisionist conception of the capitalist state. Their documents raise the call for "penetration of the army and the military police, creating communist cells and committees of soldiers and military policemen". Ludicrously implying that the savagely brutal military police in Bolivia can be won to the side of the working class. (John D.s) line is anti-marxist and potentially suicidal. He purposefully obsures the difference between soldiers in a conscript army, who are used as cannon fodder in the capitalist bosses war and the police (including military) who voluntarily hire themselves out as the capitalists armed thugs. Under conditions of great social struggle and revolutionary ferment, it becomes possible and indeed vitally neccessary to split the army along class lines, and to organise workers and soldiers councils. But it is an elementary point of Marxism that the racist, strike-breaking cops are deadly enemies of the workers movement, which must be swept away completely in the course of workers revolution. But if the LCMRCI does at least maintain a posture about "arming the masses", Gerry Downing's CRR hysterically denounces us for upholding the Chartist slogan "for the right of the citizens to bear arms!" Yet, with true Labour-cretinism, Downing fukminates about the "consequences of exporting the US gun-culture along with its horrific murder rate" (Workers Republic no 2, December 1996). This "little England" parochi- alism is a racist echo of the American bourgeoisie who "abhor" the "gun culture" in the black ghettos of the US. If Downing would really like to know what it is like to be unarmed in American society, perhaps he could try interviewing Rodney King who was beaten to within an inch of his life by the highly armed criminals of the Los Angeles Police Department. On "British soil", so sacred to the Labourite left, what Downing's position boils down to is a revognition of the "right" of "Her Majesty's" state to have an absolute monopoly over weapons. Here is revealed the anti-revolutionary yellow belly of the Labourite left. The fight for a Leninist vanguard party.. We fight to complete the task begun by Lenin and trotsky when they led the working class to victory in russia in 1917--the fight for new October Revolutions across the globe. The essence of Trotskyism is the fight for a revolution- ary leadership to lead the proletariat to power internationally. As Trotsky wrote in the founding document of the Fourth International: The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to the crisis of the revolutionary leadership". Unlike our centrist and reformist opponents, who wallow in their opportunism while denying any internal problems, we strive to be honest and straightforward in assessing our tasks and the difficulties we face. As we wrote in our international "Perspectives and tasks memorandum" last year: "Failure to recognize the period we are in and the neccessary relationship of our small revolutionary vanguard to the proletariat, and the absence of the Soviet Union as an active and defining factor in politics, have led to disorientation and appetite to follow alien political programs and forces." An early manifestation within our organisation was the 1994 minority faction of Y Rad and Marie Hayes in our Canadian section. Frantically seeking to discover forces other than the proletariat to lead "the struggle", they lauded various ex-Stalinists formations, like the facist-infested Russian "red- brown coalition", looked to the Algerian military regime to combat Islamic fundementalism and called for support to the bougeois-nationalist African National Coingress in the 1994 South African elections. The penchant for unsavory nation- alist formations rapidly led them out of our international after a sharply fought political stuggle. Today, Rad and Hayes constitute the Canadian section of the LTT. In their factional struggle inside our organisation, Rad and Hayes raced on about the supposed "Stalinophobia" of the ICL charging that we had "joined the anti-communist crusade". After quitting the ICL, and "regrouping" with the LTT, their line was the exact opposite. In an article announcing their adherence to the LTT, they denounced us for "Stalinophilia" while they retrospectively embraced the cause of anti-Commu- nist forces like Solidarnosc. But, nowhere was Rad/Hayes 180-degree line-shift more stunning than over Yugoslavia. >From a position of virtual unconditional support to the Serbs in te bloody nationalist fratricide in Yugoslavia, they were now calling for "struggle in defence of the Muslims" against the Serbs. Such eas evidently the price od admission to WIL's international. At the same time, the fact that the LTT weren't bothered by Rad/Hayes capacity to instantly flip over to positions diamet- rically counteredposed to those which led them to form a faction within our organisation speaks volumes about their idea of "regroupment". far from the struggle for Leninist program- matic clarity needed to forge a genuiinely de,ocratic-centralist revolutionary international, the LTT's "regroupment" process seems to leave more in common with handing out overseas Wimpy franchises. For all of the "regroupers" the idea that internal political struggle is a neccessary component in the fight to perserve the programme and the purpose of the revolutionary vanguard is completely foreign. In an article titled "revolutionary Regroup- ment" (Workers Republic no 2, December 1996) Gerry Downing of the CRR sneers that the recent political struggle in the ICL against a revisionist course being pursued by the long- time editor of Workers Vanguard, Jan norden, was merely an attempt to "scapegoat" Norden for our surpposed "line change" on the nature of Stalinism. According to downing, the defection of Norden from our organisation reflects "acute disappointment at the failure of the Stalinist (sic) to fulfill the historic role ascribed to them by the Sparts and defend the nationalized property relations in eastern Europe and the USSR". There is no question that Norden had ascribed such a role to the Stalinists. But, if the ICL had expected the Stalinists to defend the workers states, then why would we have, for example, mobilised the cadre and resources of our international in East Germany to fight for a workers political revolution against the Stalinist betrayers? Indeed, one of the issues that has Norden denouncing us is that we openly said that the Stalinists led the counterrevolution in the DDR, doing everything in their power to supress any insurection by the working class, because they knew they would be the targets. As we wrote in our article "A Shamefaced Defection from Trotskyism" (Workers Vanguard no 648, 5 July 1996): "...we fight for a new October Revolution. But the dispro- portion between this purpose and the curent political concious- ness of the working class, youth and the left internationally is great. Today, even most subjective leftists view as rather esoteric the idea that a proletarian revolution, like that siccessfully pursued by Lenin's Bolshevik Party in Russia in 1917, is the key to the liberation of mankind. This is due in no small measure to the crimes of the Stalinists, and the Social Democrats before them, who made a mockery of the program and ideals of revolu- tionary Marxism." For Norden the disproportion between that we strive for and the current conciousness of the working class has become a yawning, unbridgable abyss. his increasing pessimism about the ability of our party and its programme to have any impact in the "New World Order" was reflected in an increasingly desoerate search for, and accommodation to, social forces other than the proletariat and to vehicles other than a Leninist vanguard party to advance the cause of human emacipation. While declaring that Norden doesn't seem "amenable to change on the qustion of Stalinism", Downing gives favor- able mention to Norden's centrist conciliation of the Luta Metal=FArgica (LM), group, with whom the ICL had fraternal relations, was cut of the same cloth as the rotten-bloc "international relations" pursued by CRR,LTT and LCMRCI. Our relations with LM were guided by Trotsky's call "To treat with the greatest attention those groupings that actually gravitate to us; patiently and carefully to listen to their critism, doubts and vacillations; to help them develop toward Marxism not to be frightened by their caprices, threats, ultimatums (centrists are always capricious and touchy); not to make any concessions to them in principle..." --"Centrism and the Fourth International" 22 February 1934 After some months of testing through trips to Brazil, letters addressed to struggle with political problems and differences, we finally broke fraternal relations with LM when it became quite apparent that they had elevated their opportunist union work and positions above the struggle to forge a nucleus od a Trotskyist party in Brazil. Splits as well as fusions are the means through which a Leninist party is built. But the idea of splitting with a group of militant trade-unionists in the name of programme and principle is completely alien to centrist manovrers such as Downing, the LTT and LMRCI. As the Transtional Programme, the founding document of the Fourth International written in 1938, states: "The Fourth International does not search after and does not invent panaceas. It takes its stand completely on Marxism as the only revolutionary doctrine that enables one to undersyand reality, unearth the cause behind the defeats, and conciously prepare for cvictory. the Fourth International continues the tradition of Bolshevism, which first showed the proletariat how to conquer power." For authentic revolutionaries, political struggle over pro- gramme is key to building a politically homogeneous and disciplined international revolutionary party. For groups like the LTT conference's "regroupers", political programme is the enemy to be buried as far as possible, in the name of "unity". But politics has its own logic, and as centrists and reformists are ever susceptable to the pressures of their own national ruling classes, international non-aggression pacts will always blow up in their faces. whatever issues from this lash-up will be as violently unstable as it is deeply unprincipled. End... International Communist League PO Box 7429 New York, New York 10116 United States --- from list ---
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