File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-29.115, message 20

Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 23:11:10 +0000
Subject: M-G: LM99/27-03-97

Calling all those interested in the freedom of speech.  Living Marxism is
currently fighting ITN for the truth behind the famous Trnopolje refugee
camp TV footage to be told.

The magazine is being taken to court for libel by the news organisation
after publishing German journalist Thomas Deichmann's revelations over the
'picture that fooled the world' - of the emaciated refugee Fikret Alic in a
'concentration camp' - the picture which helped define the West's policy
towards Yugoslavia and the Serbs.

Deichmann's findings have already appeared in respected publications
throughout Europe but are being silenced in the UK.  The little coverage so
far has consisted only of attacks on Deichmann and LM editor Mick Hume's
characters and no interest in the evidence has been expressed. This means
that important questions on the West's intervention and interests in the
former Yugoslavia (as well as other parts of the world) will fade into the
background as censorious reaction deepens.  It may also herald the end of an
important political magazine.

I urge all those who wish the truth be told and to strike a blow for
rational debate in these reactionary and censorious times to get involved or
at least know the score:

>LM 99
>LM 99 is now online at:
>Dear Subscribers,
>We would like to remind you of the urgent need for donations to the 'Off
>The Fence Fund' to defend press freedom against the attack on LM magazine
>by ITN.  All donations are welcome in this vital battle. If you would like
>to set up a local group to raise money please email us at
><> and we will send on information. Otherwise, we need
>every donation we can get to fight the case. If you would like to continue
>reading LM magazine please send all you donations to:
>        BM Off The Fence
>        London
>        WC1N 3XX
>Please make cheques/sterling drafts payable to 'Off The Fence Fund'.
>The full story of 'The picture that fooled the world', including the
>articles in LM99, is documented at
>        <>.

>We are placing a regular series of topical news items on the home page.
>Please let us know what you think of this innovation. If you have any
>issues that you think should be covered or if there are other aspects of
>the site you would like to see changed - let us know.
>If you are not on this mailing list and would like to join, create a mail
>from the address you would like to receive the commentaries:
>Subject:    <none>
>Body:       Subscribe LM-commentary Yourfirstname Yourlastname
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>Back issues of LM-commentary can be accessed at:
>            <>
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