Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 23:31:50 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Re: Concerning Zeynep and marxism-international In a message dated 97-03-28 07:48:24 EST, (Louis R Godena) writes: << There is much wisdom, as you suggest, in Mao's words of "hitting the conscience" of those of whom you suspect political insouciance or error. >> remarkable. look at how Mr. Mao hit the conscience of his opponents. beatings, murder and political repression on a scale barely imaginable. the fact that you would actually attempt to engage an individual who brands a working class militant as subhuman in rational discourse is curious. he views her as an obstacle, opportunity to rally the militant, teach others a lesson. she has become an object for him. probably always was. this is the politics of manipulation and alienation. the rhetoric which has been used is identical to that used in the show trials. i would be that you would be on a short list of those to be rounded up and silenced if that type of marxist came to power. if you think otherwise, you are more romantic than i would have thought. --- from list ---
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