Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 07:09:59 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #31en: 1/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide UNITE! Info #31en: 1/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide [Posted: 29.03.97] Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anm=E4rkning: On the UNITE! / VEREINIGT EUCH! / UNISSEZ-VOUS! / =A1UNIOS! / F=D6RENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series: See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der letzten Seite / Verrez information =E0 la derni=E8re page / Ver informaci=F3n en la =FAltima p=E1gina / Se information p=E5 sista sidan. INTRO NOTE: Comrade Adolfo Olaechea, who is a well-known "ambassador" in Europe of the PCP, who among other things was a valued ally of mine in the victorious "Quispe" fight in which we both as well as others took part in April-June, 1996, but who, most unfortunately, still has not given up his flagrant defence of the so-called "Declaration of the RIM" - with which the CIA-inspired Avakianists (named so after the chairman of the infamous "RPC" of the USA) have been vilifying Mao Zedong's all-sidedly correct political line and in fact have been confronting and menacing the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations for some 13 years now - recently has seen fit once more to try to justify that very mistaken standpoint of his. He did this by a kind of indirect counterattack, by suddenly, in an apparenly unprovoked outburst of anger, putting forward, in a posting on 25.03.97 sent i.a. to the Marxism-General mailing list managed by the Spoon Collective, as many as 30 different charges against me, all of which were quite unfounded. A large number of them were mainly ridculous but some also - this has to be pointed out - downright counter-revolutionary. Not least, in this posting he spoke so completely in riddles that most readers must have wondered what on earth all that in fact was about. (See part 8/8: "30 charges by the Monday Olaeracle of A-Delphi", where these charges are listed, or the original posting, in part 4/8.) In this Info, I shall venture to make this clear. To those of the charges brought by comrade Adolfo against me which it appears meaningful at all to reply, I shall do so, and in particular comment on those by which he violates some very basic principles of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and/or directly is helping reaction. This comrade's diatribe - which his entire posting is - even is anti-Marxist and bourgeois in its entirety in one particular way, namely, in that there is not one single attempt at basing even one of the allegations in it on any reference to concrete events. It all just hangs in the air. It's "easy" to invent some baseless things and throw them into the air, if you want to do so. It doesn't require many lines of writing. To clear such matters up, to show others what really lie behind them and perhaps substantiate that which you're saying too, in general requires more effort. This is why, in this case, I'm bringing a posting in as many as 8 parts. I intend in the first three of them (1/8-3/8) to explain the real context, briefly recount those earlier discussions in which Adolfo and I were somehow involved and comment on some of charges. The other five parts (4/8-8/8) contain documentation. I'm trying to enable the reader to see for him/herself what have been the actual matters of contention, since several months back, and who has taken what stand concerning them. I have been seeking unity, on the basis of the ideological and political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, with comrade Adolfo, as well as with a number of other comrades whose views on some vital political issues are basically similar to his, in the course of such international discussions as it has been possible for me to engage in - in practice, mainly since I got Internet access, towards the end of '95. Also after his 25.03.97 posting, I shall continue to seek such unity with him. This is because I hope that comrade Adolfo has not fully understood what it is that he has been doing, which this Info however i.a. is intended to make clear to him too. But if he sees fit to continue, in any significant way, on that road on which he started to embark with that recent posting of his, I shall address a message to the Central Committee of that party of which he is a representative - in the manner which I have loosely described above as that of an "ambassador" - the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), asking that body of comrades in Peru itself publicly to distance itself from him, since in such a case, he would mainly be doing damage to the cause of the Peruvian revolution, as well as to that of the entire international proletarian revolution, instead of representing it or supporting it. Needless to say, such a message on my part would be difficult, if not even impossible, really to convey to the CC of the PCP, under the circumstances that exist today. But this would not prevent me from attempting to convey it and at the same time to publish it, if I should find such a measure necessary. CONTENTS: This Info will contain 8 parts which have sub-titles as listed below. The first three, including the present, are the main parts, written now in reply to Adolfo's enigmatic but definitely not very friendly allegations. The others are for reference. They contain, in order precisely to show that which the "Monday Olaeracle" smoke- screen obviously was intended to conceal, certain earlier postings either in their entirety or in part. 1/8: (Rest of this part:) What comrade Adolfo's riddles hide 2/8: What comrade Adolfo's riddles hide (ctd.) 3/8: What comrade Adolfo's riddles hide (ctd.) (on the main points of that ideological struggle which this is all about and on events in that struggle so far, also on the in fact politically central ones of the recent false charges) 4/8: A posting full of riddles, and: Quotes from the "RIM Declaration", which vilifies Mao's line (the posting by c. Adolfo on 25.03.1997, and an excerpt from parts 4-5/5 of my 14.07.1996 posting to the earlier Marxism list "Do c. Adolfo & PCP need lessons from individuals?", sent also to newsgroups on 27.10.1996 in "UNITE! Info #21en: Debate with Olaechea, '96 VII") 5/8: My 1994 criticism of the reactionary "RIM Declaration" (first published on 12.08.94 as part of an 8-page English- language article in a leaflet, posted on the Net on 01.01.96 in "UNITE! Info #3en") 6/8: My posting, May '96: "Debate needed on M-L general line" (sent, in connection with my having endorsed the March '96 Call for a World Mobilisation Commission to Defend the Revolution in Peru (WMC), on 27.05.1996 i.a. to the Marxism mailing list and later, on 22.07.96, posted again in "UNITE! Info #15en" and also issued as leaflet) 7/8: A "Communique 1", Sep '96, announcing the founding(?) of a "WMC", and a Declaration by me the next day on this concerning the context of these, see account in part 2/8; they were posted on 16.09.96 and 17.09.96, respectively) 8/8: 30 charges by the Monday Olaeracle of A-Delphi (enumerating the charges against me brought by comrade =09 Adolfo, mainly speaking in riddles, on 25.03.97, under subject "M-G: Re: Monday Posts M-I (part two)" - the posting itself is reproduced in part 4/8) W H A T C O M R A D E A D O L F O' S R I D D L E S H I D E The immediate occasion or cause of Adolfo's "speaking a piece of his mind" in the way described I shall briefly mention here. This started with comrade Adolfo's first posting (quite justifiedly, I venture to guess) an attack on certain dealings by the moderators of the so-called M-I list ("Marxism- International", likewise managed by the Spoon Collective), one that I, because of its provocatively slavery-type rule saying that "no subscriber under any circumstances must accuse another of being a cop", never have subscribed to. I then answered approximately "yes, I support you on that, but why do you want to be on that *ball-and-chain* list at all; why not move here to M-G instead and ask all at least half-way sensible people to emigrate with you?". The "Marxism-General" is an unmoderated mailing list. It has co-existed i.a. with the moderated "M-I" since October 1996. This posting of mine was the immediate cause of Adolfo's reply with its 30 charges against me. I wrote above that it was "an apparently unprovoked outburst of anger". But this was really only describing how this might seem to some others. I on my part (at least) know that there in the background or under the surface since several months back has been a factor that might make such a "sudden" ouburst on comrade Adolfo's part explicable, even if of course not justifiable. It has to with something about which he has long, perhaps, had a bad conscience, or at any rate IMO *should* have had it. And I actually in various postings of mine in the last few weeks have placed some things that I hoped precisely might pique that bad conscience of Adolfo's - whether factual or only guessed at by me. Admittedly, I in the posting he replied to had also i.a. hinted at an opinion of mine that he had sometimes been engaging in some less fruitful discussions - a mild criticism in fact. (See part 4/8.) So I suppose I shouldn't complain, at least, when I now so to speak get 30 teacups and saucers hurled at me all at once. And I'm not complaining either. I never was much for "diplomatic" forms of expression, among people who're supposed to be proletarian revolutionaries and comrades. Though I hold that which apparently was on Adolfo's mind on 25.03 to be quite bad and it also disappointed me, it's better that it got out into the open than if it had remained lurking under the surface. The "saucers throwing" here does remind me of a small incident in modern history involving the very "established" gentlemen British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden and the military adviser Sir Basil Liddell Hart (the "father of modern [bourgeois] warfare"), an inkpot and a waste basket, in connection with the first-mentioned's being told already in advance the truth about the "planning" of British imperialism's of course completely bungled "Suez Affair" in 1956. A difference here, I promise, will be that I shall not reply to "inkpot" with "waste basket", as did Sir Basil. But the character of some of the charges brought against me here cannot really be compared to such things either but are of a more serious order, I think readers will agree. And the underlying matters in fact are serious. These charges, which I'm enumerating in part 8/8 below, I shall divide into some different groups, according to how much comment I think they require. Those comments on them which I have then follow here in parts 1/8-3/8. I'm starting with those charges which either can really be seen to refer, obliquely, to the in fact underlying matter of contention, or which obviously go against basic principles of Marxism, or constitute serious slander, or which have two or all three of these qualities. 1ST GROUP OF ACCUSATIONS: THE MOST TELLING ONES Adolfo charges me with, among others, the following things (whose numbers here are those from the list in part 8/8): 10) having many things that I hold dear but which other Marxists (the overwhelming majority) do not want to discuss or resolve at present 11) being irked no end at this fact 24) having my own pet theories, wanting them to get a free ride, possibly being willing to do a "fair" exchange to obtain this by occasioning others to give the agent provocateurs yet another chance as above (reference to - less important - charge 23) 25) holding that El Diario Internacional (a monthly stating as its aim to serve the interests of the oppressed masses in Peru; since March 1995, I've been disseminating it regularly here in Sweden) has to demean itself down to the level of a "Cockroach" (a Trotskyite "E-zine") 26) having sent and/or being liable to send certain postings that will not be allowed on (the apparently recently created) LeninList 27) having engaged, though not constantly, in activities that fall in the cathegories of indiscipline and disruptive activities, including such that are antagonistic to any purposeful debate at the present 30) advocating that the communists, who have already "come together and set themselves apart", return to the swamp and take another bath among the roaches and snakes Among these, No:s 10 and 24, and also 26 and 27, meet the eye. There apparenly are some things which I (personally) happen to "hold dear", "my own" "pet theories". However, the "overwhelming majority" among some people referred to as "Marxists" oppose resolving, even discussing, them "at present". Trying to make the latter take place, it seems, is "antagonistic to purposeful debate". It even would be forbidden on the "LeninList" (one unknown to me). What might those things be, that "only I" like and want to discuss? Further, as hinted at by No:s 25 and 30, some people, "Marxists", "communists", have "come together" on some programme(?) or other, and I apparently am after "dragging them down from that". To what "Marxists" is being referred here? How have they "set themselves apart", in a way that I "should cease opposing"? "LOOK YOU - THE WORLD IS BEING TURNED UPSIDE-DOWN!" Some readers may recognise this as a line from a poem by Mao Zedong. Here I'm using it in another and opposite sense, to characterize how Adolfo in his Monday Olaeracle posting pictures those things that are so vital for the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples: The acute need for correct leadership, for a correct picture of the situation in the world and of the road forward, as opposed to all those impostors and falsifications with which they're constantly being confronted. This is how he pictures the matter of adhering to, and consistenly advocating, the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, such as I have done, on the one hand, versus that, on the other, in which he himself has engaged, of adhering to and defending, in international questions, such counter-revolutionary programs as that of the "RIM Declaration", which openly vilifies and attacks that political line, for years and years and still more years - something that may of course be caused by the ignorance of really sincere persons - and then, even after it has long since been publicly unmasked and refuted, still continuing flagranty to defend it, indeed trying to prevent all discussion of its true character, to suppress the correct criticism of it and, when this is of no avail, then even turn against the source of that criticism with massive slander and mendacious attacks. [Continued in part 2/8] --- from list ---
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