Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 07:10:27 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #31en: 2/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide UNITE! Info #31en: 2/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide [Posted: 29.03.97] [Continued from part 1/8] W H A T C O M R A D E A D O L F O' S R I D D L E S H I D E (ctd.) WHAT IS REALLY THE ISSUE OF CONTENTION HERE? As those readers at least know who have followed the Net debates since a year or more back among those who claim they're Marxists, it has been above all one thing that I on my part have been stressing in these debates: How necessary it is that the really sincere among those people actually get to inform themselves of, to understand, to adhere to and to advocate to others precisely that correct, really proletarian revolutionary line that was developed and represented by Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. That's the line that I've been representing and making propaganda for, to the best of my ability, in Sweden since 1974, and internationally too, as far as I've had the opportunity, this to any significant extent only being the case since approximately 1993-94 - in fact it was the people's war in Peru and the support which that just cause received in a number of countries that at that time helped bring me (too) to some extent out of a long-time situation of comparative isolation geographically - and in particular since late 1995, when I got Net access. In fact I happened to get the opportunity, because persecution in (West) Germany at the time occasioned the presence of some exiles here in Malmoe, Sweden, in the mid -'70:s, to get some information, schooling and in due course some experience on a level which, I believe, existed in few other places in the world then and probably in fewer still today. In several postings already, I've mentioned my long-time close association (1974-1990) with the once genuinely proletarian revolutionary party the KPD/ML (NEUE EINHEIT). It i.a. was the only party at least in Europe, and possibly in the whole world, really to continue to adhere to Mao Zedong's correct line after the overthrow of socialism in China in 1976/78, but most unfortunately degenerated in the late '80:s. (Its remains have the addresses <> and <>.) It's precisely that correct line that Adolfo *charges me* with "holding dear" - not untrue, but a ridiculous way to express it - and some vital elements of it that he alleges to be "my own"(!) "pet theories"(!) - no, they're *not* "mine", neither in the sense of who developed these elementes in the first place, on the basis of what experience this took place, nor in the sense of who today badly need them, which of course is not this or that individual as an isolated person but is precisely the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples. *They* need those vital elements of the correct Marxist-Leninist line. What is it that comrade Adolfo on his part has "held dear", that has been his "pet theories"? On a number of important issues, precisely the reactionary "theories" of the "RIM Declaration". I'm not forgetting the fact that Adolfo also, since many years back, has been representing, making propaganda for and organising support for the just people's war in his country of origin, Peru, a people's war that long has been and still today is a not unimportant positive factor in the whole international situation. Marxists always have held armed insurrection by the masses to be the highest form for revolutionary struggle. And after the overthrow of socialism in China, which resulted in a reactionary international landslide, the PCP in Peru to its great merit showed the world that the idea of such insurrection was not dead, that the idea of communism "had not vanished" after all. But the imperialists have various resources in their struggle against the revolutionary forces in the world, who have long been practically isolated from each other, each within their own country, who are few in number, who have various weaknesses caused by objective factors, and so, in the case of the PCP, the US imperialists and their Avakianist muppets managed to fool that party into endorsing the reactionary anti-Mao Zedong "RIM Declaration" in 1984 and into continuing that endorsement, which in its turn has led to two lamentable facts today: 1. A considerable part of the entire international Marxist- Leninst movement is "struggling" in a significantly wrong direction, has been misled on to a wrong track. This is very harmful to the proletariat and the oppressed peoples. 2. The just people's war in Peru to a great extent has become isolated from that support, which it really would need and merit, from the masses in other countries, from those in many comparatively highly-developed imperialist countries, for instance, because of this association of the PCP with the entire Avakianist ideology and program, which many clearly see or sense are wrong and can bring themselves no good. What can and must be done against this? Naturally, to unmask and refute that phoney"Marxist" ideology and program, to start discussing it in the very first place, to compare it to the ideology and line of Marxism, to do all one can to unite the revolutionaries in all countries on the basis of Marxism, Lenin- ism and Mao Zedong Thought (or "Maoism", as some say). To contribute precisely towars this is what I've been striving to do, not least via the Net since more than a year back. I happened to have the knowledge with which to refute the "RIM Declaration". I did so with my 1994 article posted on 01.01.96. (See parts 4/8 and 5/8 below.) Fortunately, the Avakianists from late 1993 on had started to unmask themselves to practiaclly everybody at least as persons, with their open support for the "peace letters" hoax in Peru, thus stabbing the people's war there in the back. But those comrades, among them comrade Adolfo, who had swallowed their original and most important hoax, the "RIM Declaration", and since 1984 had been presenting these swindlers to the world as "genuine revolutionaries" (well, precisely in Adolfo's London group there were grave doubts about those people - *but* apparenly not about their bullshit programme) did not, not even after they had now come to consider them as traitors, understand that they had been fooled by them all along. This is what I've been trying to make these comrades realize. Among others, and not least, the PCP must correct its serious error of endorsning the "RIM Declaration", I've urged. I have repeatedly explained why. I've called on the comrades, to many of whom the facts on the various matters might not be known, seriously to investigate them and to discuss them internationally, with me for instance and among themselves. As an an example of this, I bring below in part 6/8 the May '96 posting "Debate needed on M-L general line", in which I pointed to three important matters on which the Avakianists' reactionary and harmful "theories" needed to be debated and refuted, on which there was great need for the comrades to help the masses by disclosing to them the truth and supporting the struggle in the right direction instead of in the wrong one. The three points enumerated there remain important today. Does that which I'm advocating on these three points perhaps constitute some curious "pet theories" "of my own"? Or does it constitute the line of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought? In several other postings, I've demonstrated that the latter is the case. If you disagree, then let's discuss the issues. By no means can it be said to be unimportant whether the "RIM Declaration"'s vile misrepresentations of and open attacks on Mao Zedong's correct line are continued to be supported and upheld, now that the facts on this are long since known, or whether the comrades repudiate them and put an end to them. With the comrades in Peru, for instance, most of us here in Europe have as good as no direct contact. Obviously, it is and has been an important thing for me to try to make those comrades who in various ways may have such contacts see the demonstrable facts concerning the Marxist line on some vital international questions versus the Avakianist one. BRIEFLY ON THE "QUISPE" FIGHT AND ON THE WMC The Call, in March 1996, by comrade Luis Arce Borja, comrade Adolfo and some others for a World Mobilisation Commision (WMC) was a good initiative. The WMC was to support the revolution in Peru and i.a. call together a broad international conference for this. And it was also to "defend Marxism, Leninism and Maoism" internationally, thus taking on itself also the tasks of an International. It meant in practice an effort at, if not actually breaking with the "RIM", then at least creating something that would not lie under the "organisatorical juris- diction" of that "aircraft carrier of subversion against the inter- national communist movement", as *I* at least knew it was. (See "UNITE! Info #8en: The sinking of the 'RIMitz'", 25.04.1996.) I endorsed the Call, as did several organizations and indivuduals. The swindler "Quispe", an agent of the CIA or something of that order, didn't like the WMC idea at all. He and his helpers, during that Internet struggle in April-June '96 in the course of which they were completely exposed, showed extremely great interest in having the PCP continue its endorsement of the "RIM Declaration". I was able to contribute some things to that struggle, in which comrade Adolfo played an important part. Among other things, I had already, using my position as Steering Committee member within the united-front organisation the IEC, exposed one not completely unimportant swindler here in Malmoe, Sweden, "Mr. TP", back in April 1994, even before he started calling for a boycott of El Diario Internacional and later justly got his story told by that monthly too. The actions of Mr. TP, which I wrote about, helped expose "Quispe", for he, who pretended to "oppose" Avakian, could be clearly seen staunchly to support - precisely Avakian's agent (with influence in other countries too) Mr. TP. And I exposed some of "Quispe's" ultra-reactionary political standpoints, i.a. in the abovementioned "UNITE! Info #8en". With these swindlers exposed and not being able to sabotage as much as they had before, the road seemed to lie rather clear for the formation of a WMC, by those not inconsiderable forces that had endorsed this plan. (A list of them appears in a note at the end of the posting in part 6/8 below.) What was the most important thing in connection with this formation and the further development of a WMC? Naturally, what political line it more precisely would represent and advocate. "The line is key" - this is a most basic principle of Marxism. And precisely with a view to this it was that I urged, as in the part 6/8 posting, "Debate needed on M-L general line". It would be very bad if the WMC, because of the comparative lack of knowledge that there still undoubtedly was in many quarters, would just "take over" the reactionary ideology of the "RIM" and not at least make a critical appraisal of it. It would also be very bad if those different forces which had an interest in the formation of a WMC would get together only in name and not - despite all practical difficulties - in reality also. Unfortunately, precisely these bad things were what took place. In August 1996, the initiators of the Call for the WMC made the grave mistake of going ahead themselves, together with who knows how many or which others, but certainly not together with all those organizations and indivuduals in many countries who had endorsed that original Call, and creating a so-called "WMC" on *that* "basis". This we other endorsers were suddenly informed of in mid- Sepember '96 (in my case at least) by some El Diario Interna- cional articles that were also posted on the Net and which on one point, for instance, one that I on my part could ascertain, brought incorrect information concerning what had taken place - the signature of the (then completely dormant) Malmoe IEC group "replacing" mine on a document that would have been important had it not been a hoax. I protested with a decla- ration on how this had been, even dishonestly, mishandled. (See documents and a note on this in part 7/8 below.) A *real* WMC would have been obliged sharply to criticize and repudiate the erroneous and reactionary platform of the "RIM". Should it perhaps have avoided doing so, "out of consideration for the PCP", which might still be continuing its grave error? Absolutely not. The first duty of Marxists is to the masses, that of telling them the truth (as well as they can). If communication between people here in Europe, say, and the PCP leadership in Peru in practice is so difficult as to prevent discussion of the most important things there are, then this of course must not be taken as a reason for accepting that people here should continue what they've already seen is misleading the masses. THE RESUPMTION NOW (IN A TWISTED WAY) OF THE DISCUSSION BETWEEN COMRADE ADOLFO AND ME, AND SOME REACTIONARY "ARGUMENTS" IN IT There was a certain discussion, or a discussion on whether we should have one, on some of the things I pointed to as important, beteween comrade Adolfo and me, in June-July '96. (See "UNITE! Info #21en", from which are the "RIM Declaration" quotes in part 4/8 below.) It ended on the note of Adolfo's writing that "we" (the PCP, I think he meant) "are not going to take lessons from individuals" and my criticizing that statement. Since then, comrade Adolfo has avoided discussing the crucial matters of the general political line with me in any (direct) way. I suppose it can surprise nobody that I find it important to discuss these matters with representatives (direct or indirect) of the PCP, to convey to them that knowledge which I have on at least some of the questions connected with this and which I think may be of value to them, and vice versa. When this is constantly declined, one must wonder why. In Adolfo's posting now with all those charges against me in it, certain "ways of reasoning" appear which are definitly not Marxist. They in fact are a continuation of his "we are not going to take lessons from individuals" of July '96, whose Chrushchevite character he doesn't seem to have realized at all. And he added some even worse things. First of all, he brings as a purported "argument", without regard to what is correct or what is erroneous, a statement on what "other Marxists", "(the overwhelming majority)", think and want to do - in this case, they supposedly don't want to discuss those points I hold are crucial. (Charge No. 10.) In many others of his "charges" there also are references, based on no facts, to a supposed "individualism" of mine, etc. Should the Marxists - now supposing we're talking about actual such - have as criteria for what to do or say what "other Marxists", "in their majority", for instance, do or say? They shouldn't. At least, such a thing ought never to be a principal factor in this. What is true, what is false? What is in the interest of the over- whelming majority of all people? *Those* are the criteria. It's the Chrushchevites who have always been "arguing" as does comrade Adolfo now, with "a majority of Marxists", in order to stop the revolts within or against their degenerated revisionist parties, revolts which as all know have usually been started by a minority of cadres, or from outside these parties. Another question is, who those people might be that in this connection comrade Adolfo is referring to. Doesn't he recognize the fact that in order actually to be a Marxist today, you must at least adhere to Mao Zedong Thought (Maoism to some)? Among those which he and I both have contact, via the Net, for instance, how many qualify on this point? Is it two or three? It's no secret either that there are a number of the "mao"_quack or "kisspee" type swindlers around, whose "Long live!" camouflage statements one would be silly indeed to believe. On the M-G-list, for instance, I've had fruitful discussions with several IMO sensible and progressive people, whom I'd not however actually qualify as Marxists. It seems to me that Adolfo is "lowering his standards", for the purpose of such "majority reasoning". That's an old Chrushchevite ploy too. What did Mao Zedong and other actual Marxists always stress, concerning the questions of line and of "majority/miniority" among e.g. the cadres of a party? Below I shall repeat this. [Continued in part 3/8] --- from list ---
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