Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 07:10:57 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #31en: 3/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide UNITE! Info #31en: 3/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide [Posted: 29.03.97] [Continued from part 2/8] W H A T C O M R A D E A D O L F O' S R I D D L E S H I D E (ctd.) I'm bringing here, one more time, some quotes which I've already used at least once before in a reply precisely to that same writer, who styles himself a "Maoist" yet in posting after posting directed at me so far has argued, not in the way which precisely Mao Zedong so much stressed that you should do but in the one typical to Chrushchev and similar people. I think the below merits another repetition. (From "Does c. Adolfo & PCP need lessons >from individuals?", part 1/5, 14.07.1996:) 2. LESSONS FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF MARXIST- LENINIST PARTIES CONCERNING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE QUESTION OF LINE Perhaps it's not superfluous once more to repeat some things on this IMO crucial point which by no means have been thought out by me, for instance, but which were the results of the experience of the abovementioned parties: [The quotes below are from the Documents of the10th Congress of the Communist Party of China, in August, 1973, and (in my translation) from a pamphlet published in Germany in 1979 by the then still proletarian revolutionary party the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT), respectively - see "UNITE! Info #13en" and "#12en".] "The correctness or the incorrectness of the ideological and political line decides everything." (Mao Zedong) "*To go against the tide is a Marxist-Leninist principle.* During the discussions on the revision of the Party Constitution, many comrades, reviewing the [Chinese Communist] Party's history and their own experiences, held that this was the most important in the two-line struggle within the Party." "There were many instances in the past when one tendency covered another and when a tide came, the majority went along with it, while only a few withstood it." "And when a wrong tendency surges towards us like a rising tide, we must not fear isolation and must dare to go against the tide and brave it through." "If one's line is incorrect, one's downfall in inevitable, even with the control of the central, local and army leadership. If one's line is correct, even if one has not a single soldier at first, there will be soldiers, and even if there is no polical power, political power will be gained. This is borne out by the historical experience of our Party and by that of the international communist movement since the time of Marx." "When confronted with issues that concern the line and the overall situation, a true Communist must act without any selfish considerations and dare to go against the tide, fearing neither removal from his post, expulsion from the Party, imprisonment, divorce nor guillotine." These things were said by the CPC, and the following two by the likewise formerly revolutionary KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT): "Even if the small Marxist party would be one of, say, ten people, and the party such as the 'KPD' a party of, let us suppose, three hundred thousand people, even in such a case the party of ten people would be the party of the Marxists, while the other one would be the opportunist party." "It can in history not be overlooked, for instance, that Marx and Engels, as a comparatively small circle of persons, were basically right in their criticism of the Gotha progamme, while all those who, a hundred years ago, defended the Gotha programme were taking up an erroneous position..." [The NE in 1979 i.a. continued concerning this, I'd like to add:] "Marx and Engels were right, while the others were wrong. To this we must connect." *This* is the proletarian revolutionary standpoint on such questions. In that first group of charges which I*m still refering to - they were listed as a group in part 1/8 above - there are some other things too that merit comment. I shall be briefer on them: *A threat of suppression of Marxism in favour of revisionism*. In charge 26, *Adolfo* i.a. says that some postings of *mine* "will not be allowed" on a certain mailing list. In our debates (if any), and in my postings in general, I have always represented and advocated Marxism. He has defended the vile revisionism of e.g. the "RIM Declaration". He thus here advocates "defending" such things by suppressing, for instance, that correct criticism of them which I've been bringing. This is counter-revolutionary. *Baseless slander* I'm accused, in charges 24, 25, 27 and 30, of wanting to make a "deal" with reactionaries in order to get "my pet theories" a "free ride" - a ridiculous but all the same nasty charge - further of wanting to bring some comrades, and the monthly El Diario International too, "down to the level of the swamp" - likewise nasty and even more ridiculous since it has all the time been I who have tried to *raise* their level. And what else is the continued support today, by comrade Adolfo, for instance, of the long-refuted "RIM Declaration" other than precisely the standpoint of the *swamp*? In No. 27, I'm accused of "disruption". A lie. *The defender of the swamp talks of "discipline"* In charge 27 too, *Adolfo* has the gall to accuse *me* of "in- discipline". One might have thought, perhaps, when reading that, that *he* was the one who in our controversy had represented the Marxist standpoint, and *I* the one standing for the "RIM Declara- tion", instead of the other way around. On the question of discipline or lack of it, it should be noted that this is something that has to do with people working together, in the case of political activity such as discussed here, within an organization of course. And Adolfo and I are in *no* organization together, except for the IEC - unimportant in this context. So he has just as little business discussing "discipline" with me as I have doing the same with him. Perhaps some comrades in the London Sol Peru Committee, which he leads, might be impressed if Adolfo replied to some criticism of theirs to his "pet theories" of the reactionary "RIM Declaration" with "Indiscipline!" or "Shut up!"? I at least am not. 2ND GROUP OF ACCUSATIONS: SOME LIKEWISE MORE SERIOUSLY SLANDEROUS On these, which I in the main shall just enumerate here, there's no need for much comment except at once to say that they're all false, baseless. A couple of comments I shall add after them. 2) endorsing anarchism 3) failing to understand the need to "ball and chain" reactionaries and agents provocateurs, fascists and criminal anti-working-class wreckers 4) failing to understand the need to establish the supremacy of Marxism 8) not understanding the need for them (the Marxists) to raise their level among true comrades and to resolve their differences in a democratic and principled fashion *among revolutionaries* 9) being like a "lone wolf" 13) on many occasions ending up giving ammunition to the enemies of the communist cause 14) not understanding the need for the "ball and chain" of revolutionary discipline 17) spending quite a lot of my time finding points of "agreement" with agent provocateurs 21) having a narrow interest and putting it above the class's interest Among these, No. 9 (and a number of similar things elsewhere in Adolfo's posting) actually must be taken as alleging something negative, in fact a *wish* to be "like a lone wolf". About someone who has been posting things with "UNITE!" as a recurring call in their subject lines, not too flattering. In fact, circumstances may sometimes necessitate it for people to continue acting, in the main, on their own. Very helpful in this respect has not so far been, for instance, the behaviour of comrade Adolfo. Two of the things already quoted above I'd like to stress once more, concerning such a thing as No. 9 as an "accusation". Tthey are both from the 10th Congress of the CPC, in 1973: "*To go against the tide is a Marxist-Leninist principle.*" "And when a wrong tendency surges towards us like a rising tide, we must not fear isolation and must dare to go against the tide and brave it through." If Adolfo wants people to "seek company", why doesn't he advocate that all join some social-democratic party or other? It's really ridiculous to hear such things as the above from a repre- sentative of the PCP, who on other occasions always get to hear "O you sectarians, how can you fail to join the Izquierda Unida?" On the nastier things of his above, I repeat: They're all dirty lies. 3RD GROUP OF ACCUSATIONS: THOSE ON LIST AFFAIRS Those charges in all cases are less important, so I shall not bother to quote them all, but I'm referring to No:s (on the list in part 8/8): 5, 6, 7, 16, 19, 20 and 22, as well as to some parts of those charges already discussed. What am I really being "accused of" here? It all in fact, as far as I understand, boils down, firstly, to a strange idea that comrade Adolfo has concerning what people it really is that control those lists to which we both are subscribing (in my case, only one), and secondly, to a difference between us that is not all that important, concerning the way that Marxists today might fruitfully engage in international discussions. He levels at me the charge (No. 22) that I want to "necessitate" him "likewise to hear the predictable and imbecilic whines of the dogs of reaction". Why is this? Because I wrote, in effect: "why not give up that slave list M-I and emigrate to us here on M-G instead?" Were or are there no imbecilic whines on M-I, the moderated one of those two? In fact the dogs of reaction, of which there of course are a number on M-G, are probably at least as numerous on M-I, whose rule "no cop accusations!" must suit them much better. And how do you get to be "forced" to read their predictable whines? The delete button functions equally well in both cases. On both lists, managed by the Spoon Collective, Adolfo and I are guests. We have the chance of discussing things with many non-Mao-Zedong adherents as well as among ourselves. This I at least want to do, and of course the unmoderated list must be preferable. Does Adolfo think that *he*, or he together with some friends, can prevent dogs of reaction from whining on either of them? Some of his charges seem to contain such an illusion. It there existed a mailing list that was in fact managed by Marxists, it could be useful to try to keep dogs as mentioned out - only, there's the considerable difficulty of telling dog from non-dog. And Adolfo's recently discovered or constructed "LeninList" will on certain points, he writes, ban posts from *me*. Why? Because I advocate the line of Mao Zedong, of course. That list obviously is really a "RIM Declaration" list, an "AvakianismList", if he's right. I advocate the dictatorship of the proletariat, and thus the suppression of reactionaries wherever and whenever necessary. But for instance a "RIM Declaration" list, managed by some phoney"Marxist" fools who would have people believe they're Marxists, this has nothing whatever to do with such a system. In the actual world today, the actual Net world in fact, which is what we're discussing, there are for Marxists the possibilties of using newsgroups and also such mailing-lists where they're welcome or at least accepted, as guests. Since the adherents of that ideology supposedly represent an important truth, they need not fear the contact with any elements whatsoever but on the contrary, have a need to make propaganda for that truth, explain it to others. And there's another element that Mao Zedong always stressed: The need for supervision and control by the masses of the revolutionaries, or the supposed such. Even under the conditions that people with Net access are a far from "representative" group, this element exists and can be made use of. Behind "closed doors", swindles can in general be much more easily perpetrated than out in the open air, where actual Marxists have nothing to fear. One accusation against me which I've already quoted once, the very last one, was the very strange one that I supposedly was "advocating that the communists, who have already 'come together and set themselves apart', return to the swamp." What did Adolfo mean by this "having set themselves apart"? I have the awful suspicion that he meant, "having gathered behind the closed doors of some mailing list" - a "Lenin" or "Avakianist" one perhaps? But Marxists don't really set themselves apart by *such* means. What was meant by Lenin when he spoke of that was the setting themselves apart *politically*. For comrade Adolfo, this first of all ought to mean, I hold, setting himself apart from the disseminating of baseless reactionary slander, and secondly - why not, at last? - also from the counter-revolutionary "Declaration of the RIM". [End of comments] [Continued in part 4/8] --- from list ---
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