Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 07:12:24 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #31en: 6/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide UNITE! Info #31en: 6/8 What c. Adolfo's riddles hide [Posted: 29.03.97] [Continued from part 5/8] MY POSTING, MAY '96: "DEBATE NEEDED ON M-L GENERAL LINE" Below you can see, in the briefest and clearest possible way, what were then and what still are now the real main issues of contention beteween Adolfo Olaechea and me - what he's trying to hide now with those smokescreens rolling all over his posting. This was sent, in connection with my having endorsed the March 1996 Call for a World Mobilisation Commission to Defend the Revolution in Peru, on 27.05.1996 to the Marxism mailing list and later, on 22.07.96, posted again in "UNITE! Info #15en" and then also issued as a leaflet for dissemination in Sweden etc. Here, I indicated 3 points which it IMO was absolutely vital to discuss, for all who realized the need really to adhere to the line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and on which to develop an international criticism against the "RIM Declaration", which in particular on these important points was opposing that line but which was still being defended by several apparently sincere people including comrade Adolfo, to whom I was also replying. Here's the posting (with some of the notes I added on 22.07.96): Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 01:08:30 +0200 (MET DST) To: marxism-AT-jefferson.village.virginia.EDU From: (Rolf Martens) Subject: Debate needed on M-L general line This is part of a discussion on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marxism list and is also sent to newsgroups. Today the adherents in several countries of Marxism, Lenin- ism and Mao Zedong Thought (which many comrades prefer calling "Maoism") are preparing for the convening of a confe- rence to create a World Mobilisation Commission to defend the revolution in Peru. Among the tasks of the proposed WMC outlined in that Call for it (of March 1996) which many parties and other organizations as well as some individuals including myself have already endorsed, is: "4. To defend Maoism as the new, third, and superior stage of Marxism, within the context of Marxism- Leninism-Maoism taken as a unity in development." [*Note* (in "UNITE! Info #15en", 22.07.96): Paper copies of the Call for the WMC in English, as received over the Internet from the London Sol-Peru Committee and disseminated by me since 01.05.96, are available from me. A Swedish translation of the Call was published by me as "INFORMATIONSBLAD N0. 27: Upprop foer WMC" on 20.07.1996. A Spanish translation of the Call will be published in a later issue of El Diario Internacional, to whose dissemination I'm contributing.] This raises some important questions. On a number of issues, what is the genuinely Marxist-Leninist (Maoist) standpoint today? In my opinion, there is great need for an extensive international debate on some of these issues - I'll point to three mutually interrelated ones in this posting. Many comrades for a long time have been endorsing the so-called "RIM", "Revolutionary Internationalist Movement". They since late 1993 have been very clearly confronted with the fact that the leading body of that movement, the Avakian- ist "CoRIM", was a bunch of reactionary elements who from then on openly stabbed the PCP, unfortunately a "participant" of the "RIM" since 1984, in the back. But what most of those comrades seem still not to have realized is that the "RIM" was a phoney from its very beginning, that its basic document, the "RIM Declaration" of March 1984, is a reactionary docu- ment, only rather thinly camouflaged as a revolutionary one. In an article published on 12.08.1994 and posted on the Net on 01.01.96 as "UNITE! Info #3en", I i.a. pointed out the reactionary character of that "Declaration", and criticized the PCP for its error of having signed it. There so far has been very little debate on this (initial) cri- ticism or on the character of the "Declaration" - which is re- grettable, since that document, today translated into more than 20 languages, has played and still is playing a quite im- portant - negative - international role. Writing in reply to someone else on the Marxism list on 08.05, comrade Adolfo Olaechea of the London Sol-Peru Committee briefly commented on my criticism in the following paragraph: "Finally, I will indeed appreciate if you would further me the quote from the PROPOSAL complete. I intend to use this exam- ple to try to explain to our comrade Rolf that he is deeply mis- taken in his blaming the PCP or Chairman Gonzalo for the failures of RIM or the betrayal of Co-Rim. You see, the very name PROPOSAL already entails a practical compromise upon which many people as Chairman Mao used to say who are maybe only 10%, 20% or 50% or more Marxists may unite." But I haven't blamed the PCP or comrade Gonzalo for the "failures" of the "RIM"! On the contrary, I've criticized them, and I hold that it's necessary to continue to criticize them, for the "RIM":s comparative *success*! For nine long years, 1984-1993, unfortunately, this "Operation Subversion", which it was from its very beginning, "functioned" quite "well", because those sincere revolutionaries didn't see through it but continued to endorse its reactionary basic docu- ment. Even now, apparently, comrade Adolfo hasn't realized the fact that he and other comrades were hostages to the Avakianists during that entire time. I hope to be able to convince him and the other comrades on that point eventually, though. In my opinion, they still haven't dug up the roots of that very negative ideological current for which, earlier this year, the com- rades of the Detroit Peru Support Committee coined the term "Avakianism". I've already posted some further articles with the intention of contributing towards the digging-up of those roots, and I intend to post many more still. I happen to have knowledge of the experience of some formerly very advanced proletarian revolutionary forces. As for the "treason" of the "CoRIM", this most probably is not the right word for its actions since late 1993, since all the facts point to most of those "leaders'" having been insincere from the very beginning, so that it was really more a case of their now openly showing their true colour. On three important issues, above all, the "RIM Declaration" and similar documents are disinforming the comrades: *1) The question of the general siutation in the world.* Here it's necessary, above all, to inform the comrades of Mao Zedong's correct analysis of that situation in the mid-1970:s. Of course, much has changed since then. But that analysis is a cer- tain important starting-point, many important elements pointed to by Mao Zedong at that time still are in existence today, and apparently, the reactionaries and their Avakianist helpers so far have managed to keep most comrades from even knowing about that analysis. Therefore, I'll soon post to newsgroups and to the Marxism list a "UNITE! #11en: China on three worlds, 1974" with extracts from that UN speech by (the later No. 1 traitor) Deng Xiaoping where Mao Zedong's important analysis of the world as divided into three parts was presented for the first time. More will follow. *2) The question of the role of the "Gang of Four" in China.* This by no means is only a historical question concerning a 1970:s phenomenon in one country. On the contrary, it's closely connected to the reactionaries' efforts during a long time and still today, of deflecting the revolutionaries from the correct orientation and of subverting the international movement on a large scale. What in my 1994 article I called "Gang-of-Four- ism" closely corresponds precisely to that which today is known as Avakianism, a phoney "Leftism" camouflaging a really ultra- Rightist ideological current. I've already started a series of postings on this question under the subject "'The Four' & events in China 1976". More will fol- low. This began as a debate with comrade Jay Miles of the Det- com, who has later written to me that at the moment he hasn't the time to continue it. In fact some time probably is necessary for other comrades, too, to check on and analyze those facts I've brought on this subject so far, which I believe are new to many. *3) The question of the main reactionaries' "green" stealth warfare, since 2-3 decades back, against the peoples of the world.* In earlier writings on this, I've sometimes used the term "a 'green' stealth world war". This has certain drawbacks, since it's not a "war" separated from international class struggle but a kind of warfare by the main forces of the bourgeoisie which is very much a part of that class struggle and a quite important one, too, which the Marxists absolutely cannot ignore - but this, unfortunate- ly, has been the case practically everywhere, an intolerable fact and an enormous success for the subversionist forces, which needs to be put an end to *immediately*, or as soon as at all possible. I've posted a few articles on this to newsgroups, here relying to a great extent on the important analysis by the formerly genuinely revolutionary party the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) in Germany. I'll post many more on that subject, too. I hold that, for the WMC to be successful and to develop further in the right direction, the broadest possible debates on the above questions will be a very helpful factor, indeed an essential one. Rolf M. [Note (in "UNITE! Info #15en", 22.07.96): Endorsers of the WMC Call: MPP, Sol-Peru Committee, Journal El Diario Internacional, all: Belgium, Sol-Peru Commit- tee, London (initiators); Detroit Peru Support Committee, Rhode Island Committee, MIM, Louis Godena, Charlotte Kates, all: USA; TKP/ML, Turkey; CP of Philippines; United People's Front of Nepal; CP of Greece (ML); CP of India (People's War); Partie du Travaille, Belgium; Indian Workers' Association, Stalin Society, Association of Communist Workers, all: UK; (news >from Detroit 21.07:) Action Socialiste, Canada.] [So far my posting on 27.05.96, repeated on 22.07.96] [Continued in part 7/8] --- from list ---
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