File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-29.115, message 7

Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 01:56:35 -0500
Subject: Re: M-G: "Struggle Against Bourgeois Feminism" Ploy

>Hariette Spierings wrote:
>> To LeninList:
>> Comrades:
>> The anti-communist provocations resulting in the formation of this list of
>> combat for the proletarian cause have bought out a very important factor to
>> our attention - the plans of the imperialist bourgeosie, principally the US
>> imperialists, to make use of bourgeois feminism as a CENTRAL TOOL of their
>> FOREIGN policy.

Just recently it was Quispe and the "milkmaid" from Detroit who were the 
main enemy for Aldolfo! Now it is the "bougeois feminists" who are leading 
the Trotskyite 
imperialist counter-revolutionary thrust against Aldolfo and the newly 
formed "Lenin" list.

Good-bye Aldolfo! You have signed your own political death warrant. And I am 
quite surprised that Mark and other can actually be sucked into your 
political suicide. I mean honestly Mark do you really buy this shit?

Aldolfo, your using M-G and M-news as a bulletin board by the way is just 
great. With that tactic you have convinced just about everybody who 
suscribes here to a real treat! Stalinism at its best going off the deep end..

I bet the subscribtions to the "Lenin" list will attract just about every 
wacko old Stalinist out their and you can all go marching off into the grave 
as you foam at the mouth about a bougeois feminist, Trotskyist, imperialist, 
agent of Fujimora conspiracy!

Naturally if you let me subscribe to the "Lenin list" I will do my best to 
convince anybody stupid enough to be their about some *real* revolutionary 
politics and not the namecalling, slanderous, idiotacy of an aging "third 
period" Stalinist who has gone of the deep end.

I hope Quispe and the "Detroit milkmaid" are watching this! It must be a 
treat for them allso. Then again probably not because they appear to be for 
more serious about organising support for the PCP fighters on the ground in 
Peru and Peruvians in exile and your antics of late have dragged even the 
any kind of real solidarity work for Peru and  the PCP through the mud.

Can anybody really believe that Aldolfo is a representative of the interests 
of anything after the last round? Other then foaming from the mouth Aldolfo 
has not one political message worth taking seriously. Aldolfo you are a real 
smuck and I hope that all Peruvians and not in the least serious political 
people are watching your antics.

So when it all comes down to the cookie jar. Our former leader of the "first 
soviet" in a Peruvian university is just a tired old hardline Stalinists who 
when politically cornered turns to impudent name calling and bans and death 
threats of political opponents. And a Stalinist with this kind of trajectory 
who does not have a state power and secret police to back him up comes off 
in this case as a big fucking joke.

At one time Aldolfo I actually thought despite your rotten Stalinist line 
you were serious about politics and especially politics in Peru. However 
time has proven that the only thing your interested in are Internet manuvres 
like the deadborn WMC and now the "Lenin" list to gather your shrinking 
little group of supporters in a corner of cyberspace and pray perhaps for 
god Gonzalo to come and rescue you from encirclement of the women on M-I, 
the Trotskyists, Godena and Proyect, and the professors of the ivory tower.. 
By the way i doubt even that the PCP would want to have anything to do with 
you after the latest round. Not even the PCP is that stupid i hope..

In fact your activities are almost becoming as bizarr as the recent 
discovery of the sect who actually thought by killing themselves they would 
be connected to a comet flying by in order to carry them to a new world. 

Good Bye Aldolfo. The political suicide of the old leftovers of the hardline 
like yourself has been of late and interesting spectacle. Now we have to 
deal with the more serious neo-Stalinists and centrists who actually take 
politics a bit more seriously and honestly then you. 

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki
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