Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 21:39:59 -0500 Subject: M-G: A MALECKI IN CHADOR! QUEEN BEE-RISHA: ANOTHER VULGAR MALECKI STYLE FALSIFICATOR: >3. Left groups. Basically socialist groups over a wide spectrum, from mild >to revolutionary. There used to be Adolfo's type back in the 70's, i.e. >claiming that formal equality is enough to correct the results of thousands >of inequality. (Which, rests on a bit deterministic viewpoint, i.e. change >the rules and the existing opportunities, minds and people will change >almost automatically. In fact, I think history (both Soviet Union and China) >clearly shows that old bourgeois ideas have a long durability. Unless one >fights them back *actively*, instead of *passively* waiting for them to >disappear, by granting equal formal rights, such inequalities don't >disappear. Now Queen-Beerisha, in order to give a veneer of marxist babbling to her pro-imperialist stand speaks with forked tongue. Just like malecki asserting - asserting - and asserting is not going to change the facts, Madam! When has Olaechea said that "formal equality is enough to correct the results of thousands (of years) of inequality". - That is an utter Trotskyst falsification on Queen Bee-risha's part. What Olaechea has said is something completely different: That under the bourgeois regime it is impossible to attain anything for the masses except the fullest democracy, i.e. formal equality. That to preach otherwise is to place one self at the tail and the service of the imperialist regime to the benefit, not of the masses of women, but of a minimal layer of knobsticks and bureacrats such as yourself. That to preach such a policy is to serve the imperialists and to throw sand on the eyes of the women and men of the working class. What Olaechea said is something completely different. You are lying through your teeth just like malecki. What Olaechea said implies that ONLY by means of a proletarian revolution can society enter into the question of redressing "thousands of years of innequality", i.e. introducing - by degrees - socialist measures which restrict the commodity based economy and immediately begin to discriminate, as it becomes possible the greater needs of the most oppressed sectors of society, the poor, women's special needs in education, housing, services, the labour sphere, etc. etc. ONLY the proletarian dictatorship can begin to do away, and ONLY communism can finally do away with the "thousands of years of inequality" for women by fully implementing a society that would function "from each one according to his/her abilities and to each according to needs". And that is what Marxists, who do not sow illusions or traffick with rrrrrevolutionary rhetoric to deceive the masses, must tell to the women, like Olaechea proposed: "And to the women we say: Expect nothing from the imperialist state's "positive discrimination" programs, but the advancement of bureacrats and leeches of the working class". "The only road for women to improve their status is to close ranks with their own class, and reject those "self appointed leaders"....." "Is there any reason why communists can not get a hearing if they go with open visor to the masses and say: Look comrade women: The eternal enemies of all the oppressed, the rich and sated, are already announcing that they want to use your plight to advance their interests and to defend the way of life they have accustomed themselves to live on the backs of your doubly excruciating labour". "In exchange for your following their lead to this "positive discrimination paradise" they offer to "empower" you and to deal with you - who are millions - above an equal measure than that they use with your likewise exploited menfolk. You know well that from the rich the poor can only expect the "worse possible damage". Even in ancient times the rich joined already in conspiracy against you and swore oaths of admission to the party of the rich like that used in the Greek city of Corinth: "We swear to hate the poor and do them as much damage as possible". "You know that, in your millions, you women - like your menfolk - are of the party of the poor and oppressed, and that therefore the "larguesse" of those bourgeois is only a cruel deception and a lure to fish a few knobsticks out of your ranks and thus enrol them in the ranks of your oppressors and torturers, to be used as a "special detachment" against the overwhelming majority of you". "Have no track with condescending saviours. Remember what the great Lenin taught: "Expect nothing from the imperialist state! Expect everything from the strenght and unity of your class!" We shall together uphold and establish a people's democracy, and that means EQUAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES FOR ALL"! "Stand up for yourselves and close ranks with the working class, your class. Do not ever forget that the plight of all workers, women and men, under the boot of capital can only be improved in common and AFTER the overthrow of its tyrannical force. And that requires a STRUGGLE with EQUAL RIGHTS AND EQUAL DUTIES FOR ALL! ONLY A CLASS-LESS SOCIETY can do away with the "special position of women in society". "ONLY A CLASS-LESS SOCIETY CAN DO AWAY WITH THE "SPECIAL (i.e. the subordinate) POSITION OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY" - That is what Olaechea said. So why has Queen Bee-risha lied? The response to this question maybe found in the words of the leader of the Communist Party of the Philipines, Jose Maria Sisson: "The imperialists and the most reactionary forces have long funded a few petty-bourgeois hirelings in the industrial capitalist and underdeveloped countries to specialize in spreading anticommunist and antiproletarian notions and undertake programs and projects to obscure and blunt the class struggle of the proletariat and the big bourgeoisie and the anti-imperialist struggles of the oppressed peoples and nations". "The petty-bourgeois hirelings pretend to criticize their imperialist and reactionary benefactors but prettify them by conjuring illusions that these can reform themselves about such issues as oppression and exploitation, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, environment, gender equality, ethnicity, civil society and so on. Pretending to be engaged in social movement or civic initiative, above classes and without class or government support, they misappropriate certain issues to slander and attack the proletariat and its revolutionary party". DOWN WITH THE PETTY BOURGEOIS HIRE-LINGS "in industrial capitalist and underdeveloped countries who specialise in spreading anti-communist and anti-proletarian notions..... conjuring illusions.... prettifying oppressors .... about such issues as oppression and explotaition, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, environment, GENDER EQUALITY, ethnicity, civil society and so on, AND NOW trailing behind Madeleine Allbright, Hillary Clinton and the US STATE DEPARTMENT! Down with the bogus pro-imperialist GOEBBLES "Left". In Peru, in Turkey, in Philipines, all over the world!. Long Live the Unbreakable Unity of the International Communist Movement! Adolfo Olaechea PS: Then, I notice that Bee-risha goes "Maoist" and advocates: In fact, I think history (both Soviet Union and China) >clearly shows that old bourgeois ideas have a long durability. Unless one >fights them back *actively*, instead of *passively* waiting for them to >disappear, by granting equal formal rights, such inequalities don't >disappear. But she forgets to add that is not the issue under discussion. The issue under discussion is whether the DEMANDS FOR POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION under the bourgeois regimes should be supported, i.e., whether the proletariat should preach "advancement of its cause" - or the women's cause which is really one and the same in the last analysis - to be expected from the bourgeois regime. Again the words of Sisson: "The petty-bourgeois hirelings pretend to criticize their imperialist and reactionary benefactors but prettify them by conjuring illusions that these can reform themselves about such issues as oppression and exploitation, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, environment, gender equality, ethnicity, civil society and so on. Pretending to be engaged in social movement or civic initiative, above classes and without class or government support, they misappropriate certain issues to slander and attack the proletariat and its revolutionary party". Welcome dear comrade Sisson to the "male chauvinist camp" according to Bee-risha and her eunuch acolytes. It seems that all proletarian leaders - the leaders of actual revolutions like yourself and Chairman Gonzalo, should be "ruthlessly criticised" by this reactionary benefactor whose sole objective - and note this Louis Godena who still denies it - is to "prettify" the imperialists by "conjuring illusions that these can reform themselves about such issues as ..... GENDER EQUALITY". My case rests! Adolfo Olaechea --- from list ---
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