File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-04-08.130, message 10

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 11:42:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #4en: 2/2 A barbaric anti-industry attack 

UNITE! Info #4en: A barbaric anti-industry attack 2/2
[Posted: 21.03.96]

[Continued from part 1/2]

In March 1979, the main forces of U.S. imperialism manipulated
a nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, causing an
"accident" and initiating a new wave of anti-industrial public
propaganda and governmental strangulation measures internationally.
The bourgeoisie of notably one of the comparatively highly-developed
countries, France, didn't play along, despite also a probably "follow-up"
sabotage action with explosives in early April 1979 against a Toulon
storage of nuclear equipment intended for export to certain European
and third world countries.

In Sweden, however, the politicians illegally refused permission for two
recently completed nuclear reactors to be commissioned, increasing
the number of scandalously idle such new constructions here to four,
and decided on a so-called referendum on nuclear power to be held in
March 1980. For "safety", since they well knew the majority of people
would probably still favour nuclear energy despite the entire reactionary
propaganda, which at that time reached a truly feverish pitch here,
they only advanced (three) parallell "NO" "proposals" between which
to "choose" in this "referendum", whose "result" was thus ensured
with no "risk of accident due to the human factor".

Behind this there was, visibly, massive superpower pressure. This
whole "referendum" plot was publicly exposed beforehand by me in
Sweden and by the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) in Germany, one of the
important other countries were the public was intended to be
"impressed" by the so-called "no" "of the Swedish people". And this
exposure probably importantly contributed to the fact that the
reactionaries didn't dare to scrap one or more of the completed plants
in Sweden at once, as had certainly been their intention.

But the politicians here have taken the "result" of the 1980
"referendum", an event justly described by one prominent nuclear-
energy expert in Sweden as a "modern" counterpart to the sentencing
of Galilei in 1633 by the old Inquisition, as a pretext for now directly
banning the further construction of nuclear power plants and for
deciding that this entire energy source is to be banned forever in
this country from the year 2010 on, or "phased out", as is their "nice"
Orwellian term for it. In 1987, after the murky Chernobyl incident in the
Soviet Union and the extreme, technically completely illogical, outcry
by the imperialists and social-imperialists against all nuclear energy
which followed on this incident, there was in Sweden even enacted
a law which prohibits the very research and projection with the
purpose of constructing a nuclear power plant here, the ill-famed
"brainwash paragraph", which, even under today's "green inquisition"
imperialism, as far as I know has no counterpart elsewhere.

The reactionary fanaticism which shows up in these actions is, as
already pointed out above, by no means limited to enmity against
nuclear energy. It's a fanaticism which has grown out of an increasing
fear, by the main forces of the international bourgeoisie today, of
proletarian revolution. It's directed, indirectly, against the workers
and against the oppressed peoples and nations, and directly
against the further development of industry in several countries. One
main preoccupation of the extreme reactionaries is that energy
should be intentionally made as scarce and as expensive as possible.

This in fact all-embracingly important factor (as far as the technical
side is concerned) in every more-or-less modern society today,
energy, also in general is one over which the bourgeois state has
a certain control, as opposed to the (non-state) industrial capitalists
who are mainly concerned with profit-making and who therefore
still may tend to favour industrial expansion and technological
and scientific advance instead of the opposite. With actions taken
by the executive body of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the state,
against the energy supply, industry can be strangled and a great number
of people forced into unemployment (and thus at least in part
"neutralized" politically), even against the will of some of the

This is also why in the last two decades not only the expansion of
nuclear (fission) energy in the world has been brought practically to a
standstill, with only some 400 reactors in operation out of the 2000
originally envisaged for the year 2000, and funds for nuclear fusion
research likewise cut drastically, but  extensive measures have been
taken and massive phoney "environmental" propaganda made also
against the second-best energy sources, the chemical ones, oil and
natural gas, which at present of course account for a much greater
part of the total than does nuclear energy and therefore likewise
have become important targets for attack by the arch enemies of the
peoples in their "green" stealth warfare.

In 1983-85, there was an international propaganda campaign over
the (non-existent) "forest death" allegedly caused by the use of oil
etc. As far back as in 1972, the above-mentioned early inquisition
"Club of Rome" piece "The Limits to Growth" also contained, in
addition to its vilification of nuclear energy, a so-called "theory" on
an alleged "additional greenhouse effect" supposedly due to human
chemical-fuel utilization. This "theory" obviously is not correct. Several
arguments, largely suppressed by the mass media, speak against it.
(I intend to post more on this later.) Despite this, the 1992 (actually
anti-industrial) so-called "Earth Summit" in Rio under the auspices of
international imperialism i.a. set up a so-called "convention" on the
"limitation of carbon dioxide emissions". The Swedish bourgeois
politicians declared their "ambition" to "take the lead" in implementing
it, just as they had already "taken the lead" in "referenda" against
nuclear energy (which they'll keep at least until someone comes up
with one returning more than 100% "no":s) and in truly medieval laws
against it.

Furthermore, the chemical fuels are always called "fossil fuels" by
all the media etc, by the entire present-day inquisition. This implies
that the theory of their being of biological origin is correct, which
would also mean that these resources were comparatively scarce -
another "reason" for limiting their use. In reality, the hydrocarbons
>from which these energy sources stem are of cosmic origin. The
planet Earth doesn't have such enormous amounts of them as do
the atmospheres of the outer planets, but still there's plenty of oil and
natural gas under large parts of the surface here, mainly at great
depths. This knowledge, too (another subject for later postings), is
being fanatically suppressed by the main international bourgeois
forces. This constitutes yet another front in their particular "green"
warfare against the proletariat.

[Note, on re-post to M-G list 03.04.97: See "UNITE! Info #28en", in
8 parts, entitled "Chemical fuels, not 'fossil'", posted to this
list on 23.02.97.]

In Sweden, there in all probability is a very large oil and gas deposit
some 7000 m below the ground in Siljansringen in the province of
Dalarna. But after the  - much-delayed - exploratory drilling of only two
bore holes, both of which showed great promise, the project of its
possible utilization was finally killed by political machinations in 1994.
In other parts of the world, e.g. in China when it was still socialist,
oil and gas has been extracted from crystalline rock and from great
depths, a fact which contributes to the refutation of the "fossil" theory.  

Here again, an important fact about the world today was clearly
demonstrated in Sweden: One reason why the proletariat and the
oppressed peoples and nations absolutely must topple the present
rulers of the world from power is that these reactionaries today more
and more are turning into a massive plug preventing the use of those
enormous natural resources which the earth holds, a plug which
must be pulled out if real economic progress is to be achieved.

To all readers of this article, whether they are in agreement with me
on the above analysis and the above description of certain recent
events or not - and I realize the need for further elaborations and
evidence on many of the points made here - I repeat the call: Please
support the fight against the present anti-industrial attack here in
Sweden! An international united front is sorely needed against the
ultra-reactionaries' "green" stealth warfare. Not least those friends
who have as their ambition to pursue a genuinely Marxist political line
IMO should carefully study the scientific and political questions in
connection with this, so as to be able all-sidedly correctly to lead the
struggle of the masses against their worst enemies.

[Note, 29.01.97: In the 4th last paragraph above, line 5, the original
posting erroneously had "carbon hydrates" instead of "hydro-
carbons". Only later was this mistake pointed out to me. - RM]

FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in the
INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befuerwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt
werden. Flugblaetter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir
hauptsaechlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veroeffentlicht, sind auf
Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Le'nine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque nume'ro # sera envoye' en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la se'rie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publie'e par moi,
principalement en sue'dois, depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur

Partidaria de la li'nea poli'tica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cado nu'mero # sera enviado en una o varias lengua(s).
Se pueden conseguir a la demanda volantes de la serie
INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por me principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Foerespraakar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att saendas p=E5 ett eller flera spraak.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig
huvudsakligen paa svenska sedan 1975, kan faas paa begaeran. 

Postal address:
Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38
S - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832





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