File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-04-08.130, message 21

Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 19:32:59 +0200
Subject: M-G: Read What they write and warch what they do!

Louis Godena despite all his long winded articles trying to clean up
Stalinism appears to have become the errand boy for Aldolfo after he left
here with his tail between his legs to create the "Lenin" List. Look if
Aldolfo and his pals want to talk politics on M-I then all they have to do
is follow the rules. We don't need Godena playing the errand boy for the
"Lenin" list. 

Obviously if Godena continues to use M-I as a bulletin board for the
ravings of Aldolfo then Malecki will once again start posting Cockroach two
times a week and perhaps some of the discussions from the LP list.

So one more errand boy message from Godena and Malecki will immediately
start posting and using M-I as a bulletin board also..

Now the New York Librarian who after Hugh's great article on the
Metropolitan crowd has written another one of his monthly "Trotsky sect" 
and they never buildt anything anywhere letters. 

Interesting is that Proyect sees the charming circles he travels in as a
compliment (all of a sudden) for militants like Zeynep who work with the
"workers university".. Not just a month ago he was telling us how Aldolho
was his "comrade" and when his "comrade" threatened to "break her bones"
and get the goods on her in Turkey Proyect was at first silent and then
extremely apoligetic to the hard Stalinists who see death threats and
threats of violence and getting the goods on people as viable tactics in
the workers movement.

And now Proyect is talking about his new great project (really the same old
garbage) as if nothing has happened here in the past months!

So my advice to any new people here is to take a look in the archives and
see what these two heros have been both saying and doing. Although one must
admit that Louis Godena is far more honest then Proyect who does all kinds
of flim flams. From the heights of the Metrepolitan crowd down into the
dregs of Stalinist falsification and violence agaist political
opponents..And some whewre in between a touch of "Yankee Doodle" social
patriotic bullshit when he is not harping on the new left or Stalinist banjo..

As I said in the header. Read what they say but warch what they do...

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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