Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 18:46:25 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Re: A clearer view? Just an observation. When I first came to this list I noted early a certain hegemony. First, I was assailed by the (marginal) Stalinist crowd for my stand on historical materialism contra dialectical materialism. Okay, they were quickly revealed as not the powers that be on the list. I didn't think they were to begin with. They were tolerated, I suspect, because they were honest about their position, and those who sought to hide their tendencies in this direction let the daring speak their minds for them. Even though they were defended aggressively, their personal attacks (not against me) brought suspensions and eventually self-removal. Good riddance. Then I started needling in on the dominant voices, calling them down on their stale, empirically voided concepts and poor theory work, and this brought their wrath upon me. This or that "authority" was going to be sicced on me, and I was a fascist. Whatever. This is beside the point. Here is the point. The longer I stay on this list, and the more I learn about the different people, their histories, their personalities, and different theoretical capacities, the more I am discovering that those who have been excessively marginalized over the past couple of months, those whose names are called in denigrating tones, those names I came on the list having never met, wondering their positions (which must have been crackpot judging from the way the majority was treating them), those people who have (strangely) become a "camp" all to themselves (put there, I stress), a "camp" of misfits, are actually the only consistently sensible ones here, and if they comprise a "camp" at all it is because they are independent thinkers who are not intimidated by the machinations of those self-important people who think they really have some sort of angle on social reality. The theoretical work on this channel is often shit; I can't say much about who is practicing what the preach or not because we all here talking. But I can certainly say that those who think they know it all know too little and ought to get their shit straight before they go and shit on those that challenge their egos, because in the end their shitting on themselves. The dynamic here is a bunch of pompous assholes characterizing everybody else as pompous assholes. No, Louis, I am not "one of us." I understand the world a bit better than that "us" do. I like the way so many of "us leftists" act in such understanding and inclusive ways. I like the unity that is being build by "us leftists." Sincerely, Andy Austin --- from list ---
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