Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 11:42:10 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: M-G: In reply to Karl C.: Re-posting some "UNITE! Infos" Under: "Congo: People wins! But why the industry decrease?", Karl Carlile on 26.03 i.a. asked for more details on "my" theory on this industry decrease - actually the basic analysis of it is not mine. That analysis, in general terms, was brought by me in a posting which I've repeated some times already but am not ashamed to repeat again: "UNITE! Info #4en". Its two parts I shall soon post, separately. Its two appendices will not be repeated. That posting doesn't touch at all directly on Sub-Saharan Africa, the theme we were discussing, but since the phenomenon I'm pointing at, reactionary "green" warfare, is global, it does concern that region too. The same goes for the other thing I shall repost now: "UNITE! Info #27en", in five parts. Its subject is: "Who fights 'green' fascism?" and it to a large extent consists of a criticism of a long article in a supplement, in July 1992, to an issue of "SOCIALISME MAINTENANT!", the press organ of Action Socialisme, Canada. It cannot hurt, I think, to remind Jacques Beaudoin, who mailed me some material from the AS including this last November, of this criticism. And this posting of course goes into the question of the "green" warfare in some more of its details too than does the "#4en" one. Rolf M. --- from list ---
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