Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 11:42:20 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #4en: 1/2 A barbaric anti-industry attack UNITE! Info #4en: A barbaric anti-industry attack 1/2 [Posted: 21.03.96] [Note, on re-posting to M-G list 03.04.97: The 2 appendices mentioned below will not be reposted here. One of them, "The Heidelberg Declaration", appears in "Info #27en", which I shall likewise re-post today.] Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmaerkning: On the UNITE! / VEREINIGT EUCH! / UNISSEZ-VOUS! / !UNIOS! / FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series: See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der letzten Seite / Verrez information a* la dernie*re page / Ver informacio'n en la u'ltima pa'gina / Se information paa sista sidan. As Info #4en, I bring in 2 parts an article on a new anti-industry attack which just now is developing in Sweden, and on some of the political and historical background of the entire present international syndrome of campaigns against industry, technology, science and economic growth. As complements are posted, separately: 1) A translation of a brief article by another writer in Sweden (whom I haven't yet made contact with), Martin Stroemberg. 2) The text of the important Heidelberg Appeal, which was signed by many well-known scientists immediately before the so-called "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. See subjects "Save nuclear power now!...." and "The Heidelberg Appeal". A BARBARIC ANTI-INDUSTRY ATTACK Last Saturday, 16.3.1996, the party congress of the social democratic party in Sweden, which is the party in government here, scandalously decided on advocating, and later proposing to parliament, that one of the 12 well-functioning large nuclear power reactors in this country be closed and destroyed before the next election, in 1998. This is a very serious attack indeed, spearheaded directly against the industrial workers, above all, and threatening vital interests of more than 99% of all people in this country. Even the traditionally rather docile leadership of the union of blue-collar trade unions here, the LO, has protested against this decision, calling it "incomprehensible". In Sweden, today already 550 000 people, 12% of the workforce, are unemployed, mainly because of the reactionary anti-industrial offensive here, and the standard of living for most people is not improving any more but is constantly deteriorating. This latest attack concerns, indirectly and in part even directly, the great majority of people also in other countries. I therefore call for international solidarity against it. Please support the struggle, which is only just now beginning and which so far is hardly organized at all, to beat back this new assault on the entire industry in Sweden! One but not the only way you can make your protest known is by e-mailing the government here, c/o: with in that case please also a Cc to me, and with (only) subject line: strongly protest against plans to close one of well-functioning reactors The present assault in this country directly concerns people in several other European countries as well, since these of course are connected to the same power grid as is also Sweden. Only a couple of years ago, for instance, a so-called Baltic Cable was completed, capable of transferring the current of one reactor from Sweden directly to Germany or vice versa. The workers, the unemployed etc in Germany, too, are under direct fire here, as are others. In Europe and of course in all countries, the machinations and the terror of the present-day, "green", international inquisition must be countered! People of different social strata and of different political persuations should form a united front to do so, which is in the interest of all except some extremely small, though today extremely powerful, cliques of ultra-reactionaries. Earlier this year, when there was cold winter weather in Sweden as elsewhere, electricity rationing was imposed on some vital industries - a phenomena earlier unheard-of here. The utilization of chemical-fuel reserve power plants and the importation of electricity from as many as four neighbouring countries still failed to meet all needs. The rabid anti-industy, anti-technology, anti-science and anti-growth forces already have managed to impose the beginnings of "East European" or "third world" conditions in certain respects in this country. This as you can see by no means has satisfied their lust for destruction. Precisely concerning of nuclear energy, precisely Sweden has long been a particular example to all countries. This at first, during a certain period, in a positive sense, in later years however, above all in exactly the opposite direction, in a very negative sense. In our small country with less than 9 million people, a quite important battle has long been raging in what is actually a *"green" stealth world war* waged by the main forces of the international bourgeoisie against the people in all countries. The new reactionary offensive here in Sweden therefore merits international attention. This war is not only over nuclear energy, altough this energy source has long been a particular target of attack, precisely because it's such an important factor in all modern development. The international ultra-rightist forces, quite often operating under a camouflage of "leftism", of "Marxism" even, since 20 or 30 years back in fact are attacking the development of industry as a whole, particularly in the more developed countries and particularly in Europe. This mainly out of an increasing fear that the workers, if "allowed" to grow "too" many and "too" strong, will eventually team up with the oppressed peoples of the third world, together with them make revolution and smash the entire long obsolete system of capitalism and imperialism in the world, which is turning more and more completely into an enormous obstacle against the productive forces of today, a giant Berlin wall against the progress of all mankind. In Sweden, beteween the years 1970 and 1985 a nuclear electricity generating capacity of 10 000 MW was installed, in four power plants totalling 12 reactors. This means that today appr. 50% of all electricity in Sweden comes from nuclear energy. Some countries, notably France, has a higher percentage than that, but in overall nuclear-generated electrical energy per inhabitant, Sweden is - still - the internationally leading country. There is of course great need for energy in such a country, too, with its comparatively cold clima and long transportation distances - the area of Sweden is bigger than that of Germany with its 80 million people. However, in the early '70s, the international campaigns against industry, technology, science and economic growth were stepped-up enormously, as a reactionary counterattack against the radical youth and student movement in many countries developing from 1967-68 on, which in France and West Germany also came to embrace many young workers, and indirectly as a counterattack against the then very massive national liberation struggles in many third world countries as well, all importantly inspired and supported by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in then socialist China,1966-76. These reactionary anti-industry etc campaigns were stage-manged above all by the main forces of U.S. imperialism. In 1972 there was published, for instance, a neo-Malthusian anti-progress book entitled "The Limits to Growth" by the U.S.-based so-called "Club of Rome", a kind of embryonic propaganda organ for an international "green" inquisition. In the West European countries, also those superpower lackey forces which at that time mainly favoured Soviet social-imperialism, such as the openly revisionist parties and, more importantly, most of the recently emerged small parties which, in words, supported Mao Zedongs criticism of "modern" revisionism, started with increasing fanaticism to support the rabidly anti-Marxist anti-proletarian anti-liberation-struggle "green" ideology. Among the second world countries, Sweden was an early victim of this escalated international stealth warfare. All second world countries in fact were, and are, more or less prone to the infection of the "green" disease emanating above all from the superpowers and their lackeys, for since they participated and still participate in the exploitation of the oppressed peoples and receive(d) part of their riches from this, they also were - and still are, even in the somewhat different international situation of today - more or less dependent on the superpowers in the capacity of the latter as "world gendarmes" - a role which today of course is taken up mainly by the USA. For Sweden, which had earlier prospered, in part because it had been in some respects a "canary" of both superpowers, this dependence >from the mid-'70:s on started to have exactly the opposite effect economically. In 1972, the first UN so-called conference "on the environment" was held in Stockholm. It was in fact, on the part of the main international bourgeois forces including the revisionist ones, a conference on the strangulation of industrial development - as was, even more so, the big "follow-up" event in Rio de Janeiro 20 years later. In early 1973, initial decisions were taken by the Swedish parliament to cut down the nuclear-energy programme and to curtail other industrial development. This was even before the international so-called "oil crisis" of 1973-74, which was in part likewise caused by intentional efforts by the imperialists to strangle industrial growth. From 1974 on, no further permits were given by the government here for the construction of nuclear power plants. The propaganda of the bourgeois mass media in the '70:s became increasingly "green" and neo-Malthusian. >From late 1976 on, when the imperialists started hoping that they would get the situation in China "under control", that is, when they saw reason to hope that the rule of the proletariat in China was being overthrown and that thus they needn't fear public counterattack against their plans from that country, they escalated their international "green" stealth warfare even more. In Europe, in particular the masses of West Germany and Berlin(West), a potentially important factor in the entire international proletarian revolution because of some obvious geographical and historical facts, were doused with great amounts of "Agent Green" propaganda. Ignorant or reactionary strata of society were moved to take part in public anti-nuclear-energy and other anti- industrial campaigns supposedly directed "against" those very international reactionaries who in fact were orchestrating them. In Sweden, there was an equally sharp conflict over nuclear energy in particular, resulting in the fall of one government in 1978. In Germany however there at the time was also, as probably in no other European country, a genuinely Marxist-Leninist party, the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT), which (until approximately the late 80:s) continued to adhere completely to Mao Zedong's correct line. (See Infos #1en and #3en.) It counterattacked against the "green" campaigns, exposing the motives behind them. Although this party was very small indeed, the correct propaganda emanating from it in Germany and in Sweden (here in my rendering), which was based on some important findings by Marx 100-120 years earlier, spread like wildfire among the masses and in early 1979 had already achieved considerable results against the counterrevolutionary "green" public campaigns. We publicly "cut the throats" of some ultra-rightist phoney"Marxist" forces of that time, who functioned as a certain "ideological core" in them. [Continued in part 2/2] --- from list ---
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