Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 16:42:39 +0200 Subject: M-G: Cockroach Extra! (British Elections and Workers Struggle.) Workers Struggle-Fake Trotskyists and Pabloite revisionists! The Lcmcri/Workers Struggle group (who claim to be Trotskyists) with the article "REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISTS AND THE GENERAL ELECTION." (in Britain)quite clearly shows its obvious political bankruptcy on the question of how Trotskyists apply the question of "critical support" in regards to reformist workers parties and in this case the situation developing internationally around the "new" and "old" Social Democracy which have become explicitly clear political trends after the demise of the Soviet Union and the former deformed workers states in East Europe. Workers Struggle backhandidly is giving critical support and calls on workers to support building an imperialist "Democratic" Party of the American model in Great Britain today! Under the guise of whining that the majority of workers have not broken with labor "workers and oppressed peoples" should vote for labor. So instead of telling the workers the hard truth about Tony Blair's "new" labor which has not only deserted the working class even in the reformists sense, openly admits that it will in power carry out the anti-trade union, anti-worker legislation of the Tory Party. De facto turning the Tory program into their own and these Pabloite liquidators are tailing the working class rather then trying to lead it! In fact the Workers Struggle line is and expression of a leap to the right by these characters, while paying lip service to Trotskyism and the question of working class independence and the struggle to reforge the Fourth international they in practice (in deed) are opportunist to the core. And in fact are using classical pabloite revisionism of capitulating to anything that moves, as long as you can call it a worker in order to justify there rotten "critical" support to these "new" Labor traitors Not only that these fake Trotskyists with this prove that they are hardly interested in building a vanguard party of the proletariat, nor reforging a revolutionary International, but a party of the whole class! including its rear guard! It also reaffirms the Lcmcri's softness for anti-imperialist united fronts albeit with a British flavor of if you are against the Toryies "Vote for it"..Unfortunately "Blairs" new Labor party is in fact a De facto answer to the Tories with a political program that appeals to the middle class and in political reality the British road to popular front politics of the future not to mention that they have incorporated the anti-worker and trade union laws of the Tories as their own! And the Lcmcri/Workers Struggle group appear to have already jumped on the bandwagon. If these fake "Trotskyists" do not change course they in fact will become nothing else but a English expression of Pabloite liquidationism where the movement is everything the goal nothing..Not only that, they show that they have not understood one thing about "Proletarian Independence" which they try to pay lip service too! In fact calling for critical support to "Blair's" new labor while even themselves (Lcmcri) admit that Blair is trying to create a American Democratic Party for British Labor ( I would like to remind the LCMRCI that the American Democratic party is one of the twin parties of capitalism and not a workers party, despite the support of millions of workers) shows quite clearly that the Lcmcri are calling on the working class to support not a labor party in the traditional sense but a party which has broken with its historical base in the trade unions and is doing everything in its power to smash the working class and its organizations in its attempt to streamline new labor into a party of the middle class! And the Lcmcri and Workers Struggle Group's only answer to this is that a majority of workers still support it thus we do too! So in fact the Lcmcri's call for support for "Blair's "new" labor is in fact De facto saying to the workers exactly the opposite of what they claim and helping to build illusions that new labor represented by Tony Blair actually is doing something in the interests of the working class. The only prequisite for the Lcmcri calling for a vote to Blair's new labor is that part of the working class support it thus it is OK to call for a vote for a party which has broken with its mass organizational base in the trade unions for a pro imperialist Democratic Party solution of the American model! Since when do Trotskyists have the line that "critical support" is determined by the amount of workers who support something? And in England the development of Scargill's SLP which in a very clear sense represents "old" labor and the traditionalists and back to the good old times. And in fact a clear class struggle alternative expressing the both bitterness and reformist illusions of the new developments in the Social Democracy not only in England but elsewhere. The SLP must be seen for what it is, a classical left right split of the Social Democracy along the lines of having illusions in going back to the good old times and the growing army of poor and working class people who quite clearly see the difference of the SLP version of back to the good old times and the anti working class and anti-trade union policies of "New Labour". But our fake Trotskyists of the Lcmcri obviously can see no difference and draw the obvious conclusions of using the tactic of "critical support" to deepen and widen the horizons of these workers who in fact have seen and experienced for themselves what Tony Blair's "new" Labor party really means. The Lcmcri now has placed itself in a position to the Right of the traditionalists and are calmly telling workers to support a party which has deserted them even in the reformist sense! Naturally the only clear line of tactical support in the British elections is a call for "No Vote" for the strike breaking, anti-union, anti-working class "New" Labor Party of Tony Blair. no support to these traitors who are adopting the politics of the Tories and not in the least the "American" model of the democratic party. While at the same time giving "critical" support to the SLP candidates. Communist revolutionaries in these elections will patiently explain to workers that there is no fundamental difference between the last years of Tory conservative politics and the politics of the "new" labor party of Tony Blair. It will also explain that critical support to the SLP is just that! Communinists/Trotskyists/Bolshevik Leninists do not have any illusions that the program of the SLP which basically is the program of back to the English model of traditional Social democratic politics is a reformist pipedream. And that only by fighting for the construction of a Bolshevik Leninist alternative in the elections, in the trade unions, and the entire workers movement which will fight on a program of *real* proletarian Independence and a struggle for power. This program is not a return to the utopian traditionalist politics of the good old days. But a program which leads to the destruction of the present system and replacing it with the dictatorship of the proletariat. A step in this direction must be the creation of a Bolshevik Party in Great Britain as elsewhere which against all these fake Trotskyists and so called leftists who can not even tell the difference between a Labor Party which has deserted the working class and supports not even the traditional reformists program of Social Democracy (Tony Blairs new Labor Party) and the SLP which encompasses the bitterness and aspirations of the growing army of workers who at this point in time still have many reformist illusions about going back to the good old times of "traditional labor"..But understand that Tony Blair's "new" labor is the deadly enemy of every class conscious worker! Unfortunately it is the Lcmcri and Workers Struggle group who with their appetites of being so called authodox "Trotskyists" and part of the necessarily regroupment Internationally in the creation of a reforged International have shown with there new found love for Tony Blair's New Labor (because there are still workers that support these traitors) that they are no better then the typical Pabloite liquidators who understand nothing about revolutionary politics nor the fairly simple equation of telling the truth to the British working class about new labor. They have shown that rather then "struggle" for a *real* split of the Social Democratic base from the top is also a struggle for the formation of a revolutionary vanguard of a mass character led by the Bolshevik Leninists that there real appetite winds up by not even being able to come up with a correct line in the British General Election and in fact are joining the anti Tory British expression of popular front politics. In fact rather then acting like Communists and Bolshevik Leninists fighting for a revolutionary regroupment around the fundemental program and tactics of Trotskyism. They have leaped into the arms of Pabloite liquidationism and the most vulgar sort of workerist opportunism! Any militant who might have mistakenly thought or seen that the Lcmcri and workers Struggle group as a revolutionary alternative in the present regroupments going on Internationally after the demise of Stalinism must clearly see that the Lcmcri and Workers Struggle Group are nothing other then a bunch of centrists who at best have shown not that they have anything to do with Trotskyism. But in fact are trying to find and easy and opportunist way of not telling the workers the elementary truth of the present situation in British politics. A group who pays lip service to revolutionary regroupment who can not even see the difference between a critical vote for "new" Labor and a critical vote for the SLP will never create the human material and cadre necessary for building a strong section of a reforged Trotskyist International. Instead what we have is a group who is foundering around in the mud muttering "Trotskyist" phraseology without having understood one fucking thing. "Critical" support is a revolutionary tool to form the future vanguard of the Proletariat. To raise its consciousness and its ability to struggle around clear and defined goals and to forment a political split between the base and the top of the parties they at present follow with the goal of the Bolshevik Leninists coming out on top and standing at the head of the struggle. The Lcmcri tactic is to sow confusion and fake unity against the "Tories" and the most vulgar sort of capitulation to workerism and the most backward layers of the class. Tail enders who will lead nothing no where. In fact the Lcmcri when push comes to shove are no better then the pro American Labor Party people who support staying inside the Democratic Party! That is the bottom line of their line of "critical" support in the coming British elections to the "new" Labor party of Tony Blair. And the British Working class should turn there backs on these fake Trotskyists because they are not trying to lead the working class forward but at best backward! Cockroach hereby says to all militants who might of by mistake thought that this group could play a role in helping in the struggle of a reforged Communist International should take contact with the International Communist League (ICL) or their British section who in their document "Revolutionary Regroupment" (the entire document is at my homepage) quite clearly points out the political thrust of this grouping. The latest article by them only confirms what the ICL has been saying about the political trajectory of this group. And if you really want the Lcmcri and Workers Struggle group to be part of any revolutionary regroupment it is I am afraid to say that Comrades in the organisation should immediately take contact with the ICL and discuss the possibility of creating a real revolutionary opposition inside of this organisation in order to win the best elements to the program of Trotskyism. No political support to Tony Blair's "new" Labor. For the tactic of Critical support to the SLP. Towards the Rebirth of the Fourth International! Warm regards Bob Malecki ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of, COCKROACH, a zine for poor and working-class people and now starting the "Never Ending Story"... 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