Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:14:29 +0200 Subject: M-G: The dainty toes of the boys from Buffalo! At 11:53 1997-04-16 -0400, you wrote: >I call upon all critics of what the Revolutionary Marxist Collective has >written to demonstrate intellectual and political responsibility by offering >a critique of this position rather than simply dismissing it out of hand, OK! A serious critique... The Buffalo boys who call themselves "Marxists" have actually taken a little step! No longer is everybody on the list characterized as "cyberfascists". Yesterday a whole new list of labels were pasted on some of the actors on this list. Now that is a real little step. Even Louis P. is being nice to you and giving you lectures about how he wants to have you in his "family" of Marxists and comrades.Here you have a chance to build perhaps a new block against those horrible ignorant and economist prolo types who don't understand your highwire circus act! I think Louis likes you secretly because you appear to dislike the classic "marxist" characterizations that have been thrown around here like "Stalinist", "Menshevik, "neo Stalinist" "Trot" etc. Your characterizations of yesterday remind me of Louis P when he is really enraged and in top form. So perhaps there is common ground to work on here for the Buffalo boys with the dainty toes! There you have my serious "intellectual and political" critic of this group who originally was throwing that characterization of cyberfascism around as confetti or rice at a wedding is thrown. But you still have a long way to go before your land on earth. Now you are whining about being accused of "Stalinism", "sectarianism" and "ultra-leftists". You forgot by the way "Cretins" and at best "elitism". Reminding us of the McCarthite witch hunt days seeing yourselfs now has the victims of a plot. All of your arguements from the beginning and critisms of others you are now using yourselfs in order to defend those dainty Buffalo toes that the list people in many different ways started stepping on. I think that we could put the word "cyber" in front of these characterizations of the Buffalo boys because I think that there kind of antics can only take place in cyberspace although it looks like the university of Buffalo and the small circles that this group obviously travel in have nothing to do with the day to day reality of poor and working class people around the world, despite that a tiny bit of lip service does turn up once and awhile in there long winded screen writes as if this was a soapbox opera or something. In fact the Buffalo boys who before were the doctors and everybody on the list was patients has now turned to the Buffulo boys turning it around and becoming the patient begging for a doctor. So the doctor once again asks the patient. What is it you do in real life? As he tries to bring them back >from there paranoid world of cyberfascism everywhere now turned to a "McCarthite" witch hunt! Please let us know when you have come down off your ego tripping high horse and want to discuss real politics with some serious people on the list. Because its either that or you marching off in cyberspace screaming nobody understands us! And believe it or not I find your brand of "marxism" and almost soap opera in the best Dallas style extremely funny and entertaining. It is almost better then reading the "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" to escape the real world for a while.. This is very funny but also pathetic coming from people who are surpose to be smart? In two short weeks you have managed with your elitism and cretinism to paint yourself into a corner and now you are sitting their whinning like a couple of puppies.. Now everybody knows that one must have patience with puppies (if they are puppies?) right... IT will be quite interesting to see how the Buffalo boys get themselves off the couch from here. Stayed tuned for what is it for act number now guys? I promise to bring popcorn and pepsi cola as i watch this cyber drama continue for a while. And in the best soap opra style I end with.(That is if I am not expelled from the list) Will the dainty toes of the Buffalo boys be able to raise themselves from the couch? Will the heavy curtain of of McCarthite witch hunting relieve the pressure for our cyber "Marxists" who find themselves lost in space? Will Doctor Louis P. coming rushing in to save the patient at the last moment seeing in them a possible cure from the horrors of the ever returning prolo trot disease that has smitten the list? Will Utica Rose take out his scapel and by mistake cut out the heart of the patient understanding that there is no sense in trying to operate on the brains that don't exist? Will the list clown Barkely go from joking to apoligizing to the dainty toes of the Buffalo boys? Has David left M-I to return to the toils of deep entry into the LP and the left wing of the Democratic Party? Will Gary (" I don't give a fuck") from Australia stay on this time? Will their be a wedding on M-I between the boys from Buffalo and our Portuguise patient? When will the next cross posting from the "Lenin" list arrive from Molentov Jones and who posted it? Will the moderaters intervene in order to set M-I back on course and which couse is that? Mean while I suggest that everybody support some of the very serious stuff that has come up on the list lately. The dockworkers stuff from Hugh. The stuff from Yoshie on Black Liberation Radion. John Holmes stuff on the KKK stuff. Not to mention the Tennesse strike and Swedish Imperialism. John's stuff on the railway workers. And finally Welcome to the list Chistie:) And Hi Paul Z who is also and Lper from (you guessed it) BUFFALO! Glad to see that you are still here. PS: The Buffalo boys have now made history. This article goes into Cockroach! Congratulations! See #53 out soon... Warm Regards Bob Malecki ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of, COCKROACH, a zine for poor and working-class people and now starting the "Never Ending Story"... Back issues of Cockroach and my book at -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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