File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-04-23.140, message 28

Subject: Re: M-G: Class Conciousness
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:07:29 -0400

> I don't know if I answered your question exactly but...  Some
> impediments and dynamics are the capitalist mode of production, and
> cycles of capitalist economics, propoganda, war, imperialism, rich
> nations where everyone aspires to be the next Bill Gates!
> Thanx
> Rob

Could someone please expand on this. I am a tad bit confused on how the
above are viewed as the impediments and dynamics of class development.


C.P Jones

Thanks for your input Rob, I appreciate it. 

> I need anyone to help me ponder the following problem:
> I am researching the following argument, and I need all the imput I can
> get.
> " The working class has not, over the period of a hundred years and more,
> developed the class consciousness which Marxists have expected of it and
> turned itself into the revolutionary class. The chances of this happening
> in the next hundred years are even more unlikely." What have been the
> impediments and dynamics of class development?
> Anyone wanna discuss?
> :) Thanks,
> Catapult

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