File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/current, message 2

Subject: Re: M-G: "Discussion" with/on Chris-B: More later
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 23:54:26 +0300

Rolf, I had read your 5 part posting on Chris B before. I've been reading
his posts for the past year as well. Your evidence is NOT evidence. You have
gotten the idea in your head for some reason other than evidence. You are
free to your opinion but why don't you stop drowning everybody else and this
forum with it. Drop it and perhaps people will have some real discussions in


>As for the statements of Chris-B concerning matters of fact,
>I advise readers not to trust this person to tell you the
>time of the day, as the saying goes, and to check on
>every small thing that he maintains, if you should think
>that any of them might be important.

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