Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 18:18:52 -0400 Subject: M-G: Russian "Left" Speaks I'm forwarding a piece from JRL which I find a remarkable illustration of the marasmatic state of the so-called Russian "Left." I don't think any commentaries needed. The defenders of the "future of left-wing ideas in Russia" speak for themselves just fine. Vladimir Bilenkin Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 13:03:42 +0400 (WSU DST) From: (Renfrey Clarke) Subject: New April Theses of Russian leftists THE NEW APRIL THESES [The following document, which is aimed at providing a basis for new alignments and regroupments on the Russian left, was first circulated during April at the Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Initial signatories include Igor Malyarov, first secretary of the Russian Komsomol; Anatoly Baranov, deputy chief editor of the newspaper Pravda-5; and writer Boris Kagarlitsky.] The politics of the Russian opposition are now a strange mix of toughly-worded declarations and of behind-the-scenes attempts to find a compromise with the authorities. The left majority in the State Duma voted to confirm Chernomyrdin as head of the government, and also voted for the budget. But nationalist-statist rhetoric and criticism of the personnel policy of the authorities cannot substitute for principled politics. Nor can struggles over symbolic issues take the place of real actions aimed at defending the rights of workers. It is worth recalling that for the left movement the struggle for workers' rights, and not the defence of the state bureaucracy, has always been central. The government finds it advantageous to deal with an opposition that calls for a return to the past, with an opposition that cannot win elections. Nostalgia for Soviet times is in itself natural and understandable, but it cannot amount to a constructive program. The victory by the left in the 1995 State Duma elections could have provided a historic chance to make the shift from criticism to concrete work, to show in practice what the essence of an alternative economic policy amounted to. But such activity would have put the Duma in constant confrontation with the government, and placed it at risk of early dissolution. The leaders of the Duma majority are more afraid of such a dissolution than of the discontent of their electors. With a majority in the parliament, the opposition could have achieved a great deal. But in practice this is not an opposition in the strict sense, since by adopting laws and by voting to endorse the head of government and the budget, it is taking its share of responsibility for everything that happens in the country. The modernisation promised by liberal ideologues and government propagandists has not taken place in Russia. Not only are we still behind the West in technological terms, but we are now lagging further and further behind in the areas of education, health and social welfare. The blame for this lies entirely with the present-day elites, which have totally subordinated the country's development to their own enrichment. But in condemning the present order, the left must not call for a return to the past. It must look forward, to a society where a higher level of social justice is based not on bureaucratic distribution but on the democratic organisation of power; on a high level of technological development; and on the efficient functioning of socially-owned means of production. The weakness of parliament is the result of the partial and largely fictitious nature of the democratisation in Russia. As in the early years of the century, it is up to the left to raise the banner of democratic change, using the Duma as a forum for direct and open attacks on the autocracy. The task is not simply to replace the court favourites who have been put in power. The real problem lies in the principle of unlimited personal power, and it is this which has to be rejected. In this sense, it is quite irrelevant whether the president is called Boris Nikolaevich [Yeltsin], Gennady Andreevich [Zyuganov] or Aleksandr Ivanovich [Lebed]. What the country needs is not new tyrants and autocrats, but efficiently functioning state organs that are accountable to the people and under popular control. We are against presidential autocracy; this means that the left has to become the real democratic alternative, to show that except within the context of its program, broadening of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ending bureaucratic arbitrariness, halting the de facto censorship of the electronic media, and restoring real local self- government are all unthinkable. To nationalism, we have to counterpose our traditional values of the solidarity of working people whatever their nationality. The forces of the left are capable of putting an end to ethnic conflicts and to the division of society along national and religious lines. It is alarming when the leaders of the Communist Party remove the slogan "Proletarians of all Lands, Unite!" from their banners on the grounds that it is no longer relevant. While accusing the authorities of selling out national interests, the present-day opposition cannot formulate with any clarity what these national interests consist of. This is no accident. The nation's main interest lies in replacing the structure of power. In order to defend and strengthen the state, we have first to radically transform it. It would be irresponsible, even criminal, to defend and strengthen today's state, "Belovezhskaya Russia", in the form in which it has been established by the present regime. Moreover, we cannot possibly call on neighbouring peoples to unite with us while we cannot ensure order in our own home. Both the authorities and the opposition are trying to play the integration card as a substitute for radical changes in Russia itself. But a serious and durable integration is possible only as a result of such changes. The nationalist slogans of the opposition and its calls for integration are readily taken over by the right, simply because the official left does not have its own program. However much the leaders of the official left might talk of national accord, it will never exist in a society split into the hungry and the super-rich. Nor will there be economic stability so long as the plunder of public assets continues. With only a few exceptions, the opposition has failed to use the opportunities it possesses in the Duma in order to defend industry from privatisation and to help bring about the rebirth of the public sector. Meanwhile a new, decentralised public sector is spontaneously coming into being; the provincial authorities are becoming the owners of enterprises after their privatisation has failed. An alternative to the neo-liberal course of the ruling authorities is emerging at the local level, even where the local administrators themselves have no sympathy for the views of the opposition. The left has to thrust this alternative before public opinion on the scale of the country as a whole. There is a need for concrete discussion of the prospects for development, instead of declarations of protest that alternate with attempts by leaders of the left to prove how "constructive" they are. Finally, the left will never become a democratic alternative unless there is democracay within its own ranks. Behind-the-scenes decision-making and apparatus infighting must give way to open political discussion. The leaders of the Duma opposition have denied all responsibility for the defeat in the 1996 presidential elections, instead blaming everything on media bias and dishonest manoeuvres by the authorities. But is it really true that we were ignorant from the start of the kind of television and the kind of authorities that exist in our country? And why does the Duma opposition, that has not the slightest illusion as to the mood of the media chiefs, literally every day hand them weapons in the form of half-thought-out declarations? If the politicians lack the competence to work under unfavourable conditions, the politicians must be changed. Then we will be able to change the conditions. Finally, the leadership of the KPRF is firmly convinced that since the party is by far the largest left formation in the country, it does not have to pay any heed to other socialist currents and organisations. Here we are not talking only about small, divided left grouplets, but also about the millions of people in Russia who hold to socialist values and ideals, while definitely not supporting the Communist Party. The desire of the KPRF leadership to avoid an honest, serious analysis of the past makes people suspicious as to the character of the present-day communist organisations, and is used by hostile propagandists anxious to paint all leftists as supporters of totalitarianism or apologists for stagnation. Rejecting the propaganda of anticommunist commentators, we need to counter these attacks not with attempts "to save everything that cam be saved" of the past, but with our own analysis of the huge and terrible tragedy of twentieth-century Russian socialism. It is not only the authorities that now find themselves in a deep crisis, but the opposition as well. If we are to escape from it, we must openly and uncompromisingly diagnose the sickness and begin the treatment. We call on everyone in who cherishes the future of left-wing ideas in Russia - on communists and non-communists, deputies and worker activists, members of youth and veterans' organisations - to join in the discussion. The participants in this debate need to include everyone for whom the words socialism, freedom and justice have not yet become empty sounds. --- from list ---
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