File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9707, message 199

Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 12:30:31 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Rolf Martens)
Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #21en: 5/5 Debate with Olaechea, '96 VII 

UNITE! Info #21en: 5/5 Debate with Olaechea, '96 VII
[Sent: 27.10.96]

5/5 Do c. Adolfo & PCP need lessons from individuals? [14.07.96]
[Continued from part 4/5]

[6. On the earlier separate struggles of the different forces,
on their having been cut off from each other, on who has
been making things dificult for whom and how, and on
what basis the revolutionaries today must and can unite
- ctd.]

[D), ctd.; Qoutes from the "RIM Declaration", 1984, ctd.]

=A4POINT 2=A4:

On Chairman Mao's brilliantly successful, genuinely
internationalist proletarian revolutionary foreign policy
in the early-mid'70:s, p.25:

"Despite the tremendous victories of the Cultural Revolution
the revisionists in the Chinese party and state continued to
maintain important positions and promoted lines and
policies which did considerable harm to the still fragile
efforts to to rebuild a genuine international communist
movement. The revisionists in China, who controlled to
a large degree its diplomacy and the relations between
the Chinese Communist Party and other Marxist-Leninist
parties, turned their backs on the revolutionary struggles
of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples or tried to
subordinate these struggles to the state interests of

=A4POINT 3=A4:

On the unity of the Third World, on the struggle against the
hegemonism of the two superpowers, on the differentiation
into intermidary zones and the Three Worlds, p. 25:

"Reactionary despots were falsley labelled as 'anti-
imperialists' and increasingly under the banner of a
worldwide struggle against 'hegemonism' certain
imperialist powers of the Western bloc were portrayed as
intermidary or even positive forces in the world."

=A4POINTS 2 AND 3=A4 (again):

On the broad international united front against the
superpowers and in particular against Soviet social-
imperialism as the then most dangerous source of war,
which above all was posing a grave threat of military
aggression against Western Europe, p. 25:

"Even during that period many of the pro-Chinese
Marxist-Leninist parties supported by the revisionists in
the CPC began to shamelessly tail the bourgeoisie and
even support or acquiese in imperialist adventures and
war preparations aimed at the Soviet Union which was
increasingly seen as the 'main enemy' in the whole

=A4POINTS 2 AND 3=A4 (once more):

Once again on Mao Zedong's 1974 analysis, by him
always based on the upholding of class struggle as key
link, of the world as then divided into three parts,
three worlds, p. 25:

"The Marxist-Leninists have correctly refuted the
revisionist slander that the 'Three Worlds Theory' was
put forward by Mao Tsetung."

=A4POINT 4=A4 (and also =A4Point 2=A4 again):

On the same analysis and also on the 4-Gang, p. 25:

"Here it is important to note that the revisionist usurpers
had to publicly condemn Mao's closest comrades in arms
for opposing this counter-revolutionary theory."

=A4POINT 4=A4 (once more):

On the big blow against the counter-revolutionary 4-Gang
in October 1976, p. 26:

"In 1976 shortly after the death of Mao Tsetung the capitalist
roaders in China launched a vicious coup d'etat which
reversed the verdicts of the Cultural Revolution, overthrew
the revolutionaries in the leadership of the CPC, instituted
an all-round revisionist programme and capitulated to

=A4POINT 5=A4:

On the "green" warfare by the main forces of the bourgeoisie
against the peoples of the world, a very large and important
question at least since the mid-'70:s and, in the following
years, increasingly so:

"......................." (Absolutely nothing)

These things were what I critcized and refuted in my
12.08.94 article, posted on 01.01.96 as "UNITE! Info #3en".

It's quite clear that the PCP, by its endorsement of this
counter-revolutionary document, which above all vilely
attacks the proletarian revolutionary line of Chairman Mao,
has caused considerable damage to the international
proletariat. This is the negative side of the PCP's actions
so far, and it's by no means an unimportant one.

When those people who're supporting *this* document, or
who're *not* criticizing it, are saying: "We are the genuine
Maoists", that's something which must be taken with
several grains of salt, to say the least.

Such a thing can be excused, if it can be excused at all,
only by the comparative ignorance of such comrades who,
because of the imperialists' massive suppression of
information and their cutting off of the different forces from
each other, have been unable to see the erroneous and
completely reactionary character of the things I quoted.

Or their endorsement of this document might be explained,
if not excused, by their reasoning perhaps that their
"participation" in the "RIM" - and thus this endorsement, even
if doubtful - would mean their in practice getting out of their
isolation and into a situation of cooperation and debate
with certain other forces, some of which might turn out to be

But such a "reasoning" is completely erroneous. Of course
the imperialists - and in particular certain forces of US
imperialism, who can be seen to be the ones who from
the start really constructed the "RIM" - in uniting the various
forces behind the rotten banner of the "RIM", thereby were
also forced in certain respects actually to bring those forces
together, too, so that a certain genuine cooperation, even
under that rotten banner, did come about.

But that's a completely *secondary* aspect of this whole thing,
since such cooperation could and would have come about
anyway, also without the "RIM". The imperialists in any case
would not have been able to prevent it completely.

One important object of the "RIM" - which of course, at the
time, the PCP comrades can have known nothing about -
was that of attempting once more to encircle and suppress
the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) in Germany (together with
little me in Sweden), who precisely at that time when the
Avakianists started trying to construct the "RIM", in 1980,
had beaten the earlier "layers" of encircling phoney-
"Marxists" completely, at least politically, even if not yet

Precisely the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT), *that* was the party
which was *never* invited to "join" the forces of the "RIM".

E)	*The earlier absence of mutual support - and how can
	this be corrected today?*

The PCP, thus, on the one hand has led a pepole's war
against the Peruvian reactionaries, which has helped the
international proletariat, but on the other hand it has also
done considerable damage to the international proletariat
by its endorsement of the rotten "RIM Declaration" (and
by errors of the same kind even before 1984). Among
other things it has - no doubt unintentionally - contributed to
the Avakianists' encirclement-and-suppression campaign
against the still revolutionary KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT).

These actions by the PCP may be likened - although the
circumstances were also different - to those of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the late '60:s and early
'70:s. The DRV (together with the NLF in the South) waged
a just and eventually victorious war of liberation against the
aggression by the US imperialists and their puppet forces.
At the same time, the government of the DRV committed
such unjust acts as supporting the invasion of Czecho-
slovakia by the Soviet social-imperialists in 1968.  

Should the struggle of the DRV, because of this latter fact,
not have been supported by the peoples of the world? It was
correct to support that struggle anyway, despite this fact,
which in this case was only a secondary aspect. But the
Chinese communists in a comradely way warned the
Vietnamese: "When repulsing the wolf at the front entrance,
guard against the tiger trying to sneak in through the back
door", a warning which history later showed was justified.

In a similar way it's correct today to support the people's
war in Peru, while at the same time criticizing the PCP's

Since when did the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT), on its part,
have a possibility of getting into contact with (at least)
representatives of the PCP, and of knowing about the
existence of the "RIM"? I don't know this. But I judge the
point in time to be, not later than after 1 May 1987, since
on that day (if not even earlier) certain (very bad) forces who
supported the "RIM" and purportedly supported the PCP
demonstrated in Berlin(West), as I got to know (only) in
February 1993 in connection with the IEC Founding
Conference in Duisburg, Germany, in which I participated.

To me, my then German comrades, whose party I later,
for other reasons, found it necessary to criticize as now
bourgeois (at a conference in April 1990 and with a written
criticism in August-September 1990), never mentioned a
word about any possibilty of theirs of getting into touch with
the PCP or about the existence of the "RIM", although I
visited them in Berlin(West) several times in those years.

But, at least from some time in late 1987 or early 1988 on,
the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) must have had the
opportunity of stuyding party documents of the PCP and also
the "RIM Declaration", and thus would have been obliged to
make its standpoint clear both concerning the just people's
war in Peru and also concerning the "RIM Declaration",
whose utterly reactionary character must have been
immediately clearly seen by that party.

So from that point in time on (at the latest) one may date the
bourgeois degeneration of the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT), for
it didn't publicly state a single word on the PCP nor on the
"RIM", and to this day (as far as I know) still hasn't done so.
Its failure to support the PCP must be condemned. And so
must its failure to criticize the "RIM Declaration".

I on my part saw no documents from the PCP until May 1992,
when I got into contact with some, genuine respectively
phoney, supporters of the PCP here in Malmoe, Sweden.
I may have missed, erroneously, one opportunity of getting
into contact with PCP supporters in Sweden in the mid-'80:s,
at a time when in fact I in part wasn't fighting so well and was
"trailing behind at a snail's pace" in relation to the KPD/ML

Among the "indigenous" political forces in Sweden, I was the
first to come out clearly and unequivocally in support of the
people's war in Peru led by the PCP. This with my leaflet "INFORMATIONSBLAD
No. 21: Support the Liberation
Struggle of the Peruvian People! - Protest against the
Government's Infamous Decision to Deliver 18 People into
the Hands of the Butcher Regime in Peru!", of 21.10.1992.

As you know, I was appointed as one of two delegates
representing Sweden at the IEC Founding Conference in
Feb '93, have been a member of the Steering Committee of
the IEC since then, and since March 1995 am contributing
to the dissemination of El Diario Internacional in Sweden.

On my cooperation with Peruvian comrades and on the
question of our reciprocal support, much could be added
which however I'll leave out here since it would carry too far.

One in fact heartening thing about this cooperation so far is
that some forces of international reaction have seemed to
dislike it quite a bit. This is something which I've inferred
from certain otherwise unusual phenomena which, in general,
I know about in connection with precisely such political
actions as those I've been undertaking in the course of the
last two decades. They have included some seemingly
mysterious bombings' and incendiaries' taking place
precisely at certain "interesting" points in time and space.

A number of such phenomena have appeared in
connection with my cooperation in later years with the
Peruvian comrades too, the latest of them only some
weeks ago, at precisely that time when, by means of the
Internet and precisely by some discussions on this list,
the obviously rather important agent "Quispe" in New York
City was about to be completely exposed. These
phenomena - about which it isn't always clear whether they
are somewhat strange coincidences or not - seem to me
to indicate the positive importance of such cooperation.

The Internet and this list, thus, appear to offer some very
good possibilities for the teaming up of forces in different
countries with each other. Of course there are other ways
of doing this too, and much other work is to be done as well.

F)	*Should we mainly "work or own individual corners"
	or should we unite for reciprocal support, on the
	basis of the line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong?*

The last thing you wrote in your 27.06 posting was:

>Work your corner, defend your ideas by all means, but do
>not put those conditions for unity, because that is to attempt
>against the present basis of unity itself!

I don't think each comrade should mainly "work his/her own
corner". "Private garden plots" are preferable to "kolchoses"
or "People's Communes" only if the leadership of those latter
is in the hands of quite bad people. Otherwise, collective
work is better.

What "conditions for unity" can I be said to have put,
directly or indirectly, in my postings so far? Only those, I
think, that the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong
should be upheld, and not attacked or distorted, by the

This is also what is stated by that point in the call for the
WMC which I quoted in part 1 above, and in my opinion, by
no means can this be said to be an "attempt against the
present basis of unity".

For some comrades it may be difficult to discard certain
ideas which they have had for a long time but which are,
nevertheless, erroneous. I know that phenomenon from
own experience. But errors should be corrected whenever
they're discovered anyway.

If all comrades strive to unite on the basis of the ideological
and political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, they in
the present situation certainly will have good prospects of
making some positive contributions, not least in the
context of the WMC, for which we're now preparing.

Rolf M.

[So far my 5-part posting to the Marxism list on 14.07.96]

FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in the
INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befuerwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt
werden. Flugblaetter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir
hauptsaechlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veroeffentlicht, sind auf
Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Le'nine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque nume'ro # sera envoye' en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la se'rie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publie'e par moi,
principalement en sue'dois, depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur

Partidaria de la li'nea poli'tica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cado nu'mero # sera enviado en una o varias lengua(s).
Se pueden conseguir a la demanda volantes de la serie
INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por me principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Foerespraakar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att saendas p=E5 ett eller flera spraak.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig
huvudsakligen paa svenska sedan 1975, kan faas paa begaeran. 

Postal address:
Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38
S - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

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