File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9707, message 95

Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 12:42:37 -0400
From: (Hariette Spierings)
Subject: M-G: LeninList: "Herr Klaus" is welcomed to expose his ideas 

It seems that "Chairman Santa Klaus", in his role as "Grand Marxist of the
Teutonic Order of Doctrinaire Phillistines" has now joined in - whether out
of his own "hysterical" disposition of the moment or not (we shall see in
due course) - the snitches game pioneered in various "marxist lists" by the
"Quispes", Avakians, Trotskysm, the MIM sect, and the CIA and the Fujimori
intelligence services making the bogus and counter-feit allegation that
This silly little snitches game has no place in the LeninList - as "Mr.
Masseti" and the MIM sect itself found out to their own cost. 

Comrade Jim's action as moderator has served notice that this line of attack
will not prosper in LeninList - which is a list in which the basic
principles of Marxism are adhered to:

This is what comrade Jim Hillier, as the moderator in charge of LeninList
said in response to the truly hysterical - in the sense of "funny farm"
laughable - posting by "Chairman Santa":

In message <>,
>Adolfo Oleachea, who describes himself as a representative abroad 
>of the PCP (Sendero Luminoso de J. C. Mariategui), has answered 
>with an absurd shelling of abusive words, in reply to our 
>chairman Klaus Sender's criticism.

Your opening paragraph, reproduced here, contains a specific claim that
someone is, and claims to be, a leading member of the PCP. As you mustbe
aware, it is PCP policy that its members abroad do not identify
themselves as such. Their reasons are clear. It is no more than basic
communist morality, therefore, for communists inthe imperialist
countries to refrain from speculation as to who is and who is not a
member of the PCP.

Your comments go further than mere speculation, of course. They make a
specific claim. If the claim were true, it would amount to an open
fingering of a revolutionary to the bourgeoie state, since we know that
this medium if open - ie open to the state to listen in. I will not, in
my turn, speculate as to our motives. I will, however, point out that at
the very least this is a gross irresponsibility on your part.

On the Lenin List we will not tolerate such behaviour. Our aim is to
foster the revolutionary movement, not to do favours for its enemies.
Our aim is to help communists get into contact with eachother, not to
assist the state in its work of eliminating and isolating them.

As moderator of the Lenin List, I am rejecting this post. If you wish to
re-write it so that it conforms with the norms of communist morality,
then you may re-submit it and it will be considered afresh. In its
present form it is unacceptable.

For communism

Jim Hillier

Well said comrade Jim.  However, there is no reason why Mr. Klaus (one he
drops his robes as "Chairman Santa") should no debate his allegations
against Mariategui with me in a serious atmosphere, and therefore comrade
Jim is right in opening the door of LeninList to plain Klaus Sender (here in
LeninList Chairmans are only those communist who lead actual revolutions and
real proletarian parties, and not just a one man band "chairing it over his
keyboard in Internet") to debate in a serious fashion what lays behind his
silly attempt to mis-represent J.C. Mariategui as a mere "revolutionary with
very serious weaknesses" - implying of course his own claim to being a more
consistent revolutionary without such weaknesses! 

And, particularly, his completely revisionist summation:

"Gonzalo is mistaken in calling Mariategui a "thorough Marxist-
Leninist" as there are elements with him which are incompatible 
with Marxism".

Of course, such an assertion on the part of Mr. Klaus, is just an underhand
way of saying the very same thing that the revisionist and Trotskyst allege:

That Mariategui was not a thorough Marxist. Ergo, the PCP's ideological
basis and the road of the peruvian revolution are not thoroughly Marxist,
the Peruvian revolution is led by Incan mesianics, Pol-potians, etc. etc.  

That is really the ESSENCE of the hypocritical thesis of the "sober and
staid burgher Herr Klaus" - and the very same thesis that his own (7 years
ago) disciple from "Nuclear-Vikingia" has endorsed to the applause of the
Trotskyst malecki.  So there is no accident here, nor is there any
"hysteria" in taking off the mask of this collusion of Trotskysm and
doctrinaire slander.  On the contrary, we are intending to have a good time
and fine entertaiment in this regard, provided courtesy of Mr. Klaus.

I will be also glad to debate the question of who has really the
"responsibility for Mr. Martens", since Herr Klaus alleges that I bear some
responsibility for the antics of the nuclear pest Rolf Martens on account of
Martens having "supported" - among his many meanderings - some of our
initiatives in recent times.  

There is of course an enormous difference between uniting with people to
wage common struggles against common enemies under concrete conditions, and
quite another to be subscribers of the same ideological platform and,
moreover, militants of the same party like Klaus Sender and Martens both
recognise to have been.  I think then that in that regard too I must concede
the far more valid claim of Mr. Klaus to such a treasure!

Even today, the nuclear pest Martens continues to pay tribute to his "Grand
Master", and that, in my opinion, is really the "Grand Master's" ideological
responsibility.  It is direcly related to the question of what class
interest is served by which ideological stand.  Martens recognised the chip
from the old block as soon as he saw it sprouting!  For their fruits ye
shall know the trees!

In any case, the LeninList awaits Mr. Klaus for a serious debate on the
question of Mariategui's Marxism vs. "Chairman Klaus's own achievements in
this regard, as soon as he drops the hatchet of the agent provocateur!  

Adolfo Olaechea

For starters, here is some more which was published in LeninList in relation
to another similar issue but which has some bearing on the present source of
these revisionist allegations against Jose Carlos Mariategui:

>  ------- Forwarded message follows -------
>>Whether it comes by revolutionary means or not, British communists
>>should support the right of the Irish nation to self-determination. It
>>should be one of our key demands, one of our key tasks. Instead, the
>>British left sees its key role as regards Ireland to be providing
>>"erudite" "informed" critiques of Republican strategy, written by
>>"theorists" and "strategists" without a single victory to their name.
>>This is not marxism, it is a mockery of marxism, a travesty, a disgrace.
>>Now the Republican movement is fighting again on the streets. Let us
>>welcome this militancy. Let us encourage it by adding our weight to the
>>struggle. Let us send our revolutionary greetings to the street fighters
>>of the nationalist ghettoes, to the IRA men who were sent down last week
>>for 35 years, to all those in whose hearts the spirit of freedom burns.
>>And who knows, if we actually *do* something, then any criticisms we
>>might have of the Irish comrades might then be taken seriously by them.
>>For communism and Irish freedom.
>>Communist Action Group
>I could not agree more with the internationalist spirit, in words and deeds
>expressed by comrade Jim and fully endorse his proposals for LeninList to
>play more fully its genuinely anti-imperialist role vis a vis the courageous
>struggle of the Irish people!
>May we, in LeninList, ALWAYS uphold, defend and apply the basic Marxist
>principle that the right to criticise struggle from a Marxist standpoint is
>only won by practical means in that struggle itself, and not by any kind of
>learned and doctoral mutterings from the sidelines. 
>That for Marxists, the purpose of criticism can only be to potentiate the
>revolutionary struggle when it falters or deviates from the revolutionary
>road, but, and most importantly, that such criticism, in that very
>circunstance, can not be merely one of words, unless it wants to be -
>rightly - perceived as sheer and irresponsible sabotage against the
>revolutionary people in struggle and the mutterings of "magnanimous apostles
>of freedom" in the VERY sense Marx used to describe the Germans of the XIX
>Century (which in fact were even more revolutionary, relatively speaking,
>than some "Marxist-Germans" in our days).  
>in order for such criticism to serve to potentiate a struggle IN THE REAL
>WORLD, it must be accompanied by deeds IN THAT VERY CONCRETE FIELD OF
>BATTLE.  Such criticism must be, in fact, embodied in deeds, and not in
>words alone, precisely there where it counts in practice!
>Moreover, bear in mind that only concrete struggle gives a right to
>criticise ANY concrete struggle, and that, otherwise, there is NO FREEDOM OF
>CRITICISM in Marxism!.  Only liberals and cretins abuse Marxism and indulge
>such "freedom of criticism".  As comrade Jim says:
>"This is not marxism, it is a mockery of marxism, a travesty, a disgrace".
>We ought to salute comrade Jim's thorough critique of the windbag
>intellectualism of the British left, which is to a certain extent a
>"sickness" of the same nature of that manifested in the silly "criticism"
>undertaken by those Teutonic Knights posing as "Grand Marxist" while
>parroting the SAME allegations as the reactionaries against Jose Carlos
>Mariategui in the most hypocritical and cynical fashion in the last few days
>around the Jefferson and other lists.
>Here is what the arrogant "Chairman (Santa?) Klaus Sender" (he must be the
>one in the photo-album of philistines staring ahead like a demented clown
>with a bright "red nose", I gather?!) latest pronouncement in the service of
>the imperialists and the Fujimori regime has to say:  
>"Adolfo Oleachea, who describes himself as a representative abroad 
>of the PCP (Sendero Luminoso de J. C. Mariategui)........"
>Every one here in Britain and anywhere in the world knows perfectly well
>that comrade Olaechea has never "described himself as a representative
>abroad of the PCP".    
>Adolfo Olaechea is the Spokesman for Committee Sol Peru in London.  It is
>only the Fujimori regime, the CIA, the bourgeois imperialist press, the
>McCarthyite politicians, the Trotskysts and other bogus "Maoist" sects such
>as MIM, as well as the agent provocateurs of the "Quispe" type, who have
>recently taken with relish to make such baseless allegations, ECHOING in
>full the repressive plans of the US imperialists and the Fujimori regime
>against the revolutionary Peruvian intellectuals abroad: calling them
>"Ambassadors of Shining Path", "Right hand men of Chairman Gonzalo", etc.
>This campaign - a snitches campaign - is part and parcel of the reactionary
>imperialist propaganda directed against such revolutionary voices as Luis
>Arce Borja and Adolfo Olaechea, and all those who help sustain the voice of
>the oppressed masses of Peru fighting for the revolutionary line in a
>CONCRETE AND REAL situation and in a concrete and real way.  Everyone knows
>that such is the case with the people grouped around El Diario Internacional
>and Committee Sol Peru, in particular all those genuine revolutionaries
>which support that very concrete line without individualistic reservations
>or a two faced and bogus "support".
>The fact that such campaigns of provocation are under way, goes to show that
>the creation of LeninList has in deed constituted a serious blow to the
>reactionaries and their witting and unwitting dumb tools.  These "gentlemen"
>are pretty desperate trying to engage revolutionaries in their provocations
>under the guise of "criticising" Mariategui, the PCP, the PCP's
>participation in the RIM in 1984, the PCP's endorsement of Mariategui's road
>as the road of the Peruvian revolution, the work of the WMC, etc.  
>They find it difficult to penetrate the iron fortress of deep-felt communist
>principle which guides the existance of this LeninList.  Their desperation
>to penetrate LeninList is leading to the exposure of many such bogus
>"theoreticians" who have attempted to turn Maoism into their "private toy
>rattle" in order to "criticise" those in struggle from the supine sidelines
>of their doctrinaire intellectualism.  
>In performing such "criticisms", just like the bogus left and the bogus
>"communists" in Britain when pontificating about the Irish struggle while
>sitting on their idle hunches, these people play too directly into the hands
>of reaction.
>All these "critics" of the revolution and the revolutionary people in
>struggle, whether in Ireland or Peru, are people utterly divorced from
>revolutionary struggle in the here and now in their own countries.  They
>have no undertanding either of the "golden rule" of communism, nor of the
>question of "freedom of criticism", nor of wha such "freedom of criticism"
>means from a basic Leninist and genuinely Maoist perspective:  Liberal
>Many comrades may have asked themselves when reading the Fundamental
>Documents of the PCP which we recently published in LeninList what did the
>PCP meant by the Maoist thesis of the "colossal mountain of garbage".
>I intended to write an explanation pointing out how that phrase reflected
>the question of the ideological and practical tasks of the proletariat in
>"cleaning up the Augean Stables of revisionism, dogmatism, doctrinaireism,
>sectarianism, etc, as well as all kinds of reflections of the bourgeosie in
>every sphere of social life, principally in ideology.
>I think the current "debate" forced upon us by "Chairman Santa Klaus" and
>his ex-disciple the "nuclear Viking" with their pedestrian attacks on
>Mariategui's Road, is a most illuminating way to illustrate this point in an
>striking and easily understandable manner.
>What comrade Jim has done regarding the variegated wind-baggery of the bogus
>British left regarding the Irish struggle, is also a fundamental part of the
>"colossal mountain of garbage" that genuine British proletarian
>revolutionaries must undertake to sweep away with a broom of iron!  In that
>struggle too, we shall always stand shoulder to shoulder! 
>Revolutionary greetings,

     --- from list ---


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