File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9708, message 150

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 19:22:58 -0400 (EDT)



Rolf Martens published his paper of  Sept. 1990 in German. But the
German language can be read only by a tiny fraction of the
participants of marxism-list. He translates publications of NEUE
EINHEIT but not his own so-called "criticism".

Indeed it is an annoyance of the participants of the marxism-list
to bring out a paper of 40 pages (and now even more) in the
German language without translating it. Rolf Martens already
announced that he will translate parts of it, that is to say, other
parts he does not like to bring into the international discussion. 
But Rolf Martens one doesn't have to deal with much any more,
because what up to now we have shown about the lack of principles
in his judgements, about the arbitrariness of his spreadings makes
everything clear and is not disproved by him. One can only tell
Rolf Martens to refrain from the annoyance.

This "criticism" is not the one of the time of his exclusion resp.
withdrawal of April 1990. That one was situated completely
differently and contained only one single point, that we allegedly
did not fight the "Greens" and the "green" tendencies of the
bourgeoisie any more. The "criticism" which he now turns
up with in  the Internet has been mixed with new parts again.
The whole paper by its methodology is irrelevant.  Rolf Martens by
his methodology is a crook, that is what one must briefly say of
it, already of the way of publication which shows here once again.
There is until now no cause to go into it. It is larded with a lot
of lies, political misrepresentations and unsubstantiated casual
assertions, like you can expect from Rolf Martens.
In the final part of this statement by Rolf Martens there are
quotations from alleged papers of NEUE EINHEIT which where not at
all authorized, which where taken from contributions to discussions
and  partly not even corrected of spelling mistakes and unjustified
abridgements. In his usual manner Rolf Martens rechristened these
texts into "party documents". Nevertheless these "documents" also
do not prove in any way that our organization or some of its
members want to discard Marxism-Leninism. 

And look what this right-wing troublemaker answered after the
refutation by our document of August 6th, 1997 ("Rolf Martens'
latest slanders") and the contribution of Walter Grobe ("Rolf
Martens 1994 and 1997", August 14th, 1997):  

	"And your various tricks won't even help your bourgeois
	reactionary mob Dr Sendepause & the Klasberries (degenerated
	"NE") one litle bit from getting *all* your teeth broken *and*
	then your skulls smashed by the people. (Sorry!)"

This reaction proves that there has been enough refutation of this
right-wing element. We can cross off  the topic "Rolf Martens".
Rolf Martens is not at all important any more, Rolf Martens has
nothing substantial to say any more. He is finished. A person who
like this reacts to his refutation is as well not worth in the
future to be refuted, even if he stirs up this or that new point.

August 31th, 1997
Editorial staff of NEUE EINHEIT

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