File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9708, message 3

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 1997 06:49:37 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Rolf Martens)
Subject: Re: M-G: Re: greetings

Hello Bruce, you wrote on 31.07, the below

And please see comment on other post by you (fwd by Spoon)

>Comrades, we are all incorrect, and Rolf is correct, according to
>this.... Enjoy.  (!?)

I didn't say that. What I'm saying (basically) is that
1 plus 1 equals 2. (Not so simple in physics or in
politics as in math. But basically so.) You're pointing
out (in your other post) that some people who say it
equals 3 will sometimes draw a crowd. Yes. Precisely.
But this is because the bourgeoisie controls all the
media almost - not quite - completely.

And if you say it equals 2, then you're correct.
Only, you're saying "3". But I don't give a shit
about how many people say "3", or how few say "2".
These things can be checked on.

Rolf M.

>On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Rolf Martens wrote:
>> No! Certain qualifications are needed. One must have seen
>> through things at least approximately - today understand
>> the basic correctness of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong
>> Thought (they're one unity today) and have a line that
>> really, approximately at least, *favours' the vast majority
>> of people. Sometimes it's difficult to say, who should
>> really be considered a Marxist and who should not. Everybody
>> is making mistakes, for instance. But one who - such as you -
>> havent't seen through the charcter that the Soviet Union had,
>> from at least the early 60s on - I would say does not qualify
>> as a Marxist. The facts of that case are so clear. The question
>> too (still) is so important.
>> >Your idea that the ruling class is pretending to
>> >be wolves in sheep's clothing is totally paranoid. 
>> Another reason, Bruce, why I wouldn't call you a Marxist.
>Am I alone, oh halleluia, when I fall on my knees, halleluia,
>and worship the image of Mao, oh, praise the lord!  None of us
>are worthy, halllllllll-elujiah,  except the great prophet:
>We all must worship him, because he posesses the soul of Mao and is
>the single arbiter of truth.
>Worship, worship, worship.  
>I think I've made my point...
>Bruce Burleson
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