File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9711, message 172

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 05:58:26 +0100 (MET)
From: (Rolf Martens)
Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #57en: 3/3 "MIM:s" instructive 4-gangism

UNITE! Info #57en: 3/3 "MIM:s" instructive 4-gangism
[Posted: 16.11.97]

[Continued from part 2/3]

Here I reproduce, for newsgroup readers, the two postings by
the "MIM" which I've commented on above and which were both
sent to the M-G mailing list on 09.11.97.


Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 13:42:37 -0500 (EST)
To: marxism-general-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: M-G: Rolf Martens: Being criticized by Mao-Jesus 
         as evidence

[MIM3 replies to Rolf Martens:]
Rolf Martens's drivel follows. It again shows that Rolf Martens
has no sense of materialist proportion. Merely being CRITICIZED
by Mao was evidence to say the "Gang of Four" was not proleta-
rian according to Rolf Martens!

This plays well to the petty-bourgeois ego-driven crowd, but
it has nothing to do with the science of revolution, which in-
volves continuous criticism and self-criticism. To see a criti-
cism from Mao shows nothing out of the ordinary for us Maoists.
Criticism is most fierce within the party and amounts to ordina-
ry day-to-day duty.

Once again, we advise anyone fooled by Rolf Martens's nonsense
or more likely and more importantly--his Christian method--to
read the "Holy Family" cure from Marx on the problem with "Abso-
lute Criticism." Since Rolf Martens thinks ONLY in religious
terms, a criticism from Mao of the "Gang of Four" was evidence
it was unworthy of leadership according to Rolf Martens.

You see Rolf Martens encourages us to live in a verbal fantasy
world and does not want us to understand that if Mao thought the
"Gang of Four" were reactionary like Rolf Martens claims, he
would have had them arrested or removed from the Politburo. We
can be sure that if Rolf Martens somehow managed to get into a
position of power, when it came time for ACTION he would be po-
lishing his speeches.

The "Gang of Four" were all steadily promoted and in the highest
committees when Mao died.  ACTION SPEAKS MUCH LOUDER THAN

Hua Guofeng's actions also speak much louder than his words of
support for Mao's line: when Mao died he arrested the "Gang of
Four" and handed over the reigns to Deng Xiaoping! 10 years of
Cultural Revolution Mao spent teaching people that the revisio-
nists HIDE and they WORM their way into positions of power and
you can only judge them by their ACTIONS and how they fit into
a class struggle!

Come time to apply this (and no, Rolf "apply" does not mean
"live a lifestyle"), Rolf Martens fell on his face IMMEDIATELY.
He did not see that Hua Guofeng was waiting for Mao to die to
launch his bourgeois attack. The absolutely pitiful thing is
that it is now 1997 and trash like Rolf Martens is still trying
to confuse issues--with petty-bourgeois QUIBBLES like his stupid
Hua-Guofeng-was-good-for-a-month quibble. (Oh, Hua was "sincere"
for a whole month says Rolf Martens, not plotting for Deng's re-
turn a month in advance. All I can say is I wish all the idiots
with such method would join Rolf Martens in all those Christian
Socialist formations.)

If revisionism only came in the Rolf Martens variety in the case
of ONE persyn, it would be so ludicrous as not to be worth re-
futing. Unfortunately, Trotskyists and crypto-Trotskyists are
using the same method and they need to be refuted to clear the
air for what Marxism is and what it is not.

Now see if in any of the quotes below there is any alleged evi-
dence that Mao considered the "Gang of Four" bourgeois or coun-
terrevolutionary. He says don't behave as a gang and he does not
support his wife's ambitions. That is pretty much all--hardly a
basis for Hua to arrest the "Gang of Four" and hand over the
reigns to Deng Xiaoping, who Mao had already purged from govern-
ment office and who was the #1 capitalist-roader targeted from
the Cultural Revolution and still around.

For me-first, petty-bourgeois scum like Rolf Martens it's a mat-
ter of being criticized by Mao and all criticisms are equal
since they all affect the ego which the petty-bourgeoisie cen-
ters existence on. There is no sense anywhere in Rolf Martens's
writings that being criticized for being too cliquish is not the
same thing as being criticized as the number one capitalist-
roader in the party! Being too cliquish is not a reason to ar-
rest the "Gang of Four" and hand over power to Deng Xiaoping!


[The rest of this post From Rolf Martens {says "MIM"}]

"Launching a New Upsurge in Studying Works of Marx, Engels,
Lenin and Stalin and by Chairman Mao" in PR #52/76, and

"Crushing the 'Gang of Four' Was a Wise Decision by Chairman
Mao" in PR #3/77.

In October 1976, when PR #44/76 was published, the Chinese
leadership were pursuing a correct line in dealing the big blow
against the 4-Gang and at the same time continuing the criticism
of Deng Xiaoping. They at that time had massive support by the
people and by the Marxist-Leninist parties in other countries.
The quotes in PR #44/76 most likely are true.

Shortly afterwards however, in November, they started to abandon
the correct line and more and more went together with Dengs'
clique, overthrowing socialism in China. Towards the end of
1978, a bourgeois dictatorship had been established there.

The PR accordingly became less and less trustworthy. But I don't
see much reason to doubt the correctness of the quotes (in part
the same as those earlier) in PR #52/76 or #3/77 either, since
it must have been known to not so few what Mao Zedong actually
had said or not said at those CPC meetings.

First, excerpts from PR #44/76:

'Wang-Chang-Chiang-Yao had long formed a cabal, the "gang of
four", engaged in factional activities to split the Party. The
great leader Chairman Mao was aware of this long ago and severe-
ly criticized and tried to educate them again and again. And he
made some arrangements to solve this problem.'

'Chairman Mao criticized them on July 17, 1974, saying: *"You'd
better be careful; don't let yourselves become a small faction
of four."*'

'Again, on December 24, Chairman Mao criticized them: *"Don't
form factions. Those who do so will fall."*'

'In November and December of the same year, as the central lead-
ing organs were preparing to convene the Fourth National Peop-
le's Congress, Chairman Mao said:'

'*"Chiang Ching has wild ambitions. She wants Wang Hung-wen to
be Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People's National
Congress and herself to be Chairman of the Party Central Commit-

'On May 3, 1975, at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the
Party Central Committee, Chairman Mao reiterated the basic prin-
ciples of "three do's and three don'ts", and warned them:'

'*"Practice Marxism-Leninism, and not revisionism; unite, and
don't split; be open and aboveboard, and don't intrigue and con-
spire. Don't function as a gang of four, don't do it any more,
why do you keep doing it?"*'

[So far, "MIM:s" posting 1 on 09.11 - actually later in time
than their posting 2, but I've preferred commenting on them
in this order]


Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 13:23:26 -0500 (EST)
To: marxism-general-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: M-G: Rolf Martens and imperialist
         psychological warfare tactics

Imperialist psychological warfare--a given in the 20th century

MIM3 replies to Rolf Martens:

Below we see an absolutely classic example of imperialist psy-
chological warfare tactics, tactics that prey on the religious
hangovers of the people, Christian hangovers in the West and
ascetic Buddhist influences in China. Many people unable to
GRASP the nature of SCIENCE give up trying and translate commu-
nism into being some kind of religion with lifestyle pre-poli-
tics. The CIA and defense intelligence KNOWS this and sets about
splitting up the oppressed and exploited people with psychologi-
cal warfare like Rolf Martens's below.

This political control exercised by the imperialists is another
reason that the imperialists never go all out to support educa-
tion of the masses. They only want the masses educated enough
to work, but not so educated as to see through their manipula-

Maoism is NOT a set of lifestyle commandments. The alleged life-
style proclivities of a persyn are no indication of his/her
class stance. In this case if Wang Hungwen liked cars, but if he
was the choice of leader who was going to prevent private family
farming and profit-run industry, then the proletariat better
line up with Wang Hungwen! And that is exactly the substance of
the matter as it actually happened in 1976.

Private property was restored in China--thanks to the type of
propaganda you see from Rolf Martens below, where a man's al-
leged (and how easy it is for these intelligence agencies to in-
vent things in lifestyle matters) interest in cars follows right
into civil war by their reasoning! Check the last two paragraphs

This goes for anyone reading this. If you can't understand
Marxism any better than to think it is some kind of injunction
toward certain lifestyles--THEN PLEASE DO NOT CLAIM YOU ARE
MARXIST, because you don't know what Marxism is yet!

No matter where we fight in this world, we must take this weapon
of psychological warfare out of the hands of the imperialists.
We must INSIST EVERY TIME that the persynal motivations of
someone are irrelevant to the truth of classes, nations and gen-
ders. 2 + 2 = 4 whether Wang liked cars or not.

There is no end to the idealist diversions the imperialist in-
telligence agencies can come up with unless we become
IMPERVIOUS SCIENTIFIC armies--immune to their game and always
refocusing the question on the class, nation and gender


Below is an excerpt from Rolf Martens on Nov. 9, 1997 on the He is quoting Jan

"The Four" were hypocrites. They had climbed towards power
moralising loudly. They had combated everything that ordinary
people found pleasure in. They had condemned card-playing and
banned such music as people liked. They had called those who
had goldfish or potted plants reactionaries or bourgeois. All
this they had done in the name of the revolution. Then they
themselves had gone to restaurants and eaten and drunk at
great expense, making the state pay their bills, and afterwards
they had watched privately-imported films. People spoke a lot
about this.

They told me about Wang Hung-wen's interest in cars.

- He has adopted parvenu manners and has turned into quite a
little Brezhnev. He just wants to go faster and faster in posher
and posher cars. But drive he cannot. He isn't even capable of

"The Four" were feared and detested as well as despised. If
in the autumn of 1976 had  succeeded in realizing their plans
of seizing power in China they would have triggered a sanguinary
civil war.


MIM3 replies: The above about potted plants and so on is grossly
out of context fabrications about the "Gang of Four." It was a
classic tactic of the bourgeoisie to try to come up with things
that seemed neutral in their implications for class struggle and
then make up some story about the "Gang of Four."

The bit about films is also petty quibbling, hardly significant
considering what was at hand. If there had been a problem with
"Gang" lifestyle practices, they should have argued WITHIN the
proletarian camp. People steeled in class struggle do not create
divisions in the proletarian camp over such nonsense, much less
arrest people over it.

The imperialists were trying to sink their claws into Chinese
culture and their entry was the above. It leaves open that the
masses should be watching Hollywood films and no where aims the
blow against imperialist culture.

Let's recall it was Jiang Jing's JOB to lead Chinese culture. So
for the "Gang of Four" to watch imperialist films for technique
and also content to avoid, there is nothing so surprising. The
fact that Rolf Martens would try to take advantage of this fact
shows just how he makes use of Christian pre-politics and en-
courages the lifestyle anarchists so often found in the West,
the ones who cannot conceive of classes, nations and genders at
all yet --so lacking is their scientific training. 

He yells loudly against the Greens, but only on the questions in
which the Greens are correct. When it comes to the basic ap-
proach of lifestyle pre-politics, the quotes above show that
Rolf Martens is right there with the Green people he criticizes
so much.

[So far, "MIM:s" posting 2]

F=D6RENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s).
Leaflets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by
me, mainly in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Bef=FCrwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao
Zedong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren
Sprache(n) gesandt werden. Flugbl=E4tter der Reihe
INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupts=E4chlich in Schwedisch
seit 1975 ver=F6ffentlicht, sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi
principalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur

Partidaria de la l=EDnea pol=EDtica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cado n=FAmero # sera enviado en una o varias lengua(s).
Se pueden conseguir a la demanda volantes de la serie
INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por me principalmente
en sueco desde 1975.

F=F6respr=E5kar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att s=E4ndas p=E5 ett eller flera spr=E5k.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig
huvudsakligen p=E5 svenska sedan 1975, kan f=E5s p=E5 beg=E4ran. 

Postal address:
Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38
S - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

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