File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9711, message 55

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 07:18:08 -0500
From: (Robert Malecki)
Subject: Re: M-G: How many angels can dance on Rolf Martens' pin-head?

MIM writes!
>You are echoing the Trotskyists and other revisionists who
>were then (and now, stupid fools) criticizing Mao and Maoists for
>targetting the bourgeoisie in the party, not old exploiter classes
>or middle-classes. Get it through your thick skulls idealists!
>It was not an imperialist invasion, nor a coup by old landlords
>nor a rising of the middle classes that brought capitalist to the
>Soviet bloc. It was the bourgeois faction right in the party
>JUST as Mao (and no other leader of state besides maybe Hoxha) said.

Well well, Mim claiming Rolf to be a Trotskyist. In fact your above 
paragraph comes closer to Trotskyism then anything Rolf says.. If you 
replace the Chinese and Russian Stalinists with a bonapartist click that 
rose above the party and put their interests before the Russian and Chinese 
working class instead if "capitalists" you would almost get it write.. But 
the problem with MIM is that they are on their knees before their now dead 
Envar H. probably one of the most bizaar Stalinists that ever hit this 
planet. His original "Stalinist" idea of building Socialism in one country 
was what we described quite a long time ago as "Soviets without electricity"..

And what happened in Albania. It went exactly the way the Stalinist led 
degenerated and deformed workers states did in the USSR and Europe and well 
on their way in China. Capitalist counter-revolution.. And the MIM like all 
the rest of the western Maoists were always cheering one wing of Stalinism 
that they could find to tail..

Do you people have a statue of old Envar sitting in the office and how about 
Kim El Sung!!?

Please tell us the line MIM..

Because you are right in saying that Rolf not only tails his own bougeoisie 
as well as others all around the world. In fact he is more friendly these 
days with the pro German right wing conservative party in Sweden  where back 
in the Vietnam days he was tailing the Social Democracy and its fake pro 
third world line..He after the demise of Maoism has evolved towards the 
politics of the wacko Euroopean Workers Party..

But as I understand it, the MIM has taken the true "Proletarian" path  to 
worshipping a politics which puts on and orbit much closer to Aldolfo these 
days and classical third period Stalinism ..

Maoism is dead at least here in Europe. I guess the only reason that Maoism 
and Gus Halls party have survived in the United States is because of the 
political backwardness of the American working class. However, when the 
American working class makes the leap I doubt that the Stalinists will be 
leading it. 

On the other hand the insignificant Trotskyists have grown and will have the 
opportunity to intervene this time around just because Stalinism is dead and 
their is nothing that can revive its corpse.. 

And the fairly simple reason why is that we fundementally represent the line 
of Lenin and Trotsly's Bolshevik party.. I can not wait to see you people 
trying to convince anybody about the dearly departed Envar H and his 
revolutionary heritage which came crumbling down just like all or most of 
the other Stalinist regimes. The bright "CommunisT" light of Socialism in 
one country has finally showed itself to be the road to capitalist 
counter-revolution everywhere. And it was those insignificant trotskyists 
who were the ones that pointed this out all the time while defending these 
countries aginst imperialism. The Maoists in the west have taken exactly the 
opposite path. When just their click of Stalinists didn't win they deserted 
the Chinese Proletariat and the Peasantry.

Well, Trotskyists still stand on the side of the Chinese Proletariat and we 
still defend the gains of the Chinese revolution. But the only garantee is 
that a political revolution ousting all of the Stalinist pretenders and now 
capitalist roaders from power linked to Social revolutions in Japan as 
elsewhere throughout this part of the world is the only way forward. What 
has the MIM to offer? Demonstrating with the liberals and Pro dali Lama 
people... Is Geer one of your proletarian allies in the struggle? Or is it 
the Stalinist version of prolo culture and bowing and cowtowing to the 
backwardness of the working class and poor people that is the line. I have 
heard you even defend rape1 is it true? And if you have written off just 
everybody except the corpse Envar H.. Well, you people are in deep shit 
without a paddle..You have completely cut yourself off and deny your own 
history..Must be real difficult defending the line of "Down with Everybody". 
I mean at least Aldolfo is trying to raise Old Joe from the grave. A quite 
propsterous proposition that I would say. But then he has got God Gonzalo, 
and Mao and is looking for a liberal wing of the Peruvian bougeoisie to 
capitulate too.. 

Must be difficult being a Mao-Stalinist or Hocha Stalinist these days not to 
mention trying to raise old Joe from the dead! 

Warm regards
Bob Malecki
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