File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/marxism-general.9712, message 30

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 14:11:04 -0500
From: (Robert Malecki)

>Renowned Internet warrior Bob 'Spart' Malecki has thrown in his lot with
>the far-right and joined spooky, semi-clandestine London-based
>neofascist outfit, 'Living Marxism'.

I love Stalinism! Especially Mark Jones version. Not only like his mentor 
"Aldolfo"  who put labels on  organizations like LM and Jim  like 
"neofascist outfit" but continues! 
>Malecki is the latest in a long line of illustrious theoreticians and
>thinkers to make the trek rightwards. Predecessors include David
>Horowitz (one-time author of The Free World Colossus', now a
>Republican), Susan Sontag, Neil Young, Ronald Reagan and many others.
>Earlier this century socialist leaders Benito Mussolini and Adolf
>Schicklgruber also made the transition  (the Nazi leader changed his
>name to Hitler when it became plain that the salutation 'Heil
>Schicklegruber' was not going to catch on).

This is interesting polemics coming from a fairly intelligent Stalinist. But 
the problem with them is they always reflect the popular front dead end 
politics of these outfits. Jim and Malecki are not only "neofascist" but in 
the camp of the bad guys named above like Mussolini (!)  and Hitler .. Where 
as Mark is one of the good guys who supports the popular front politics of 
the greens and the progressives or liberal bourgeoisie.. And the funny thing 
about this stuff is that the Stalinists and neo-Stalinists think it 
legitimate polemics while banning Trotskkyists on M-I for replying to this 
kind of stuff..

Naturally because I did agree with Jim's position on the third world in 
regards to the greens and imperialism who with their "birth control" and not 
giving the aids medicine available to the third world where the *real* AIDs 
problem is are in fact covering for a policy of genocide by imperialism 
under a green hysterical campaign about envionmental castastropy--it also 
according to the reasoning of one of the more intelligent Stalinist means....
>Reclusive Living Marxism guru, Frank 'Howard Hughes' Furedi is known to
>have discovered secret archives in Moscow indicating that not only was
>Lenin a paid-up member of the GOP, but even Karl Marx supported
>fox-hunting and was a secret associate of Conservative leader Disraeli.

Now coming from Jones one does not know if the above is true. But Jones 
knows that neither Malecki or the Spartacists have the above position. But 
in the world of Stalinist block politics it is always the bad bourgeoisie or 
the good bourgeoisie one supports. In Mark's case he thinks it is the greens 
and their liberal bourgeois partners who are the good guys. Jones never 
thinks in connection of working class independence but always the working 
class is tied to one wing of the bourgeoisie or the other and the Stalinists 
just have to choose which side to tail! And naturally his opponents are in 
one camp of the bourgeoisie or the other just like Jones! Mark has never 
figured it out that trotskyists are always for the complete independence 
from all wings of the bourgeoisie. But like Stalin before him he has the 
line that if you don't support my version of the popular front then you are 
a member of the opposing side and that wing of the bourgeoisie. In fact 
Jones argues a lot like stalin by dictating for example the line. The social 
democrats are social fascists, thus we think that these people are far more 
dangerous then the real fascists. So we block with the fascists to get the 
social fascists. No class politics here just outright Stalinist poipular 
front betrayal turned upside down!
>Malecki's unexpected somersault has left friends and enemies alike
>shocked and dismayed. Daisy Schicklegruber of Ponders End, north London,
>the last surviving neice of Adolf Schicklegruber, said, 'I never thought
>Bob would go and do a thing like that. Such a nice young lad, 'e was.'

Sommersault? Since my first appearance on the list. I made it explicitely 
clear that I was for the "workers bomb" and do not take responsibility for 
the envionment in any way under capitalism. The whole envionmental 
discussion to me in fact has been hi-jacked by various outfits many not even 
in the workers movement and which various outfits claiming to be leftist 
have completely capitulated to as the latest single issue campaign to fool 
poor and working class people into on their various mini-maxi popular front 
politics which hardly sets the goal of building Leninist Vanguard parties 
everywhere to overthrow capitalism. Against this I have called for the 
necessity of building vanguard parties based on the transitional program and 
tactics of both the first four congresses of the third International and the 
founding documents of the FI. This concretely means that the envionmental 
question is subordinated to the question of who shall rule and the struggle 
to smash the bourgeoisie everywhere through workers revolution..Now that is 
fairly simple and clear...
>But there were straws in the wind, according to longtime associate Dave
>Bedlam. 'These Sparts wanted to cover the planet with freeways and
>drive-thru Macdonalds,' Bedlam said from his NZ condo, 'and LM is
>secretly in the pay of Brazilian ranchers and an oil firm.' Bedlam is a
>ruling council member of the LHGRMCRITR-N.

This also is the arguement of a Stalinist who has adapted to the phraseology 
of the "progressive" Greens.  Malecki says yes to highways and sure why not 
fast food restaurants not in the least all over Africa! Which to the 
stalinists and the greens = jumping in bed with Brazilian capitalism. In 
reality fast food restaurants and highways all over Africa will and can work 
very well under the DOP on the road to communism. But naturally this 
precedes the workers seixzing power and setting up states where they rule 
and decide what should and should not be done.. Jone's model is save the 
planet now along with the bourgeoisie. Fuck off Jones. I have no interest in 
saving the planet for the bourgeoisie or the people by liquidating 
revolutionary politics based on single issuism. The only real way to save 
the planet is by building a Communist International to fight for the DOP and 
workers power everywhere.
>LM's insane guru Furedi is thought to have had secret dealings with Dave
>Blaffit, a former south African secret policeman who now runs a filling
>station on the M25. Blaffit once read Das Kapital.

I assume this is stalinist humor. But i suggest that Jones look into the 
"Bluebird" movement that developed in Germany after the first world war. 
Probably the original Greens who saw industrialism as the woe to all evil. 
They in fact did become the background of the "arian" solution to clean up 
things..Because, they could not draw a class line! Nor see this question has 
subordinate to the struggle for the DOP and workers power..
> Frank 'Howard Hughes' Furedi is himself a former Trotskyite. In recent
>years he has thrown in his lot with the World Bank and openly supports
>police atrocities committed while evicting peasants from their land.
>Malecki, in a characteristic move, said 'I agree with that.'

I doubt it. Even Proyect your neo-Stalinist partner did his time in the 
reformist SWP. However they were not Trotskyist nor has Proyect ever been a 
Just and ex SWP reformist, with a turn towards straight out third world 
popular front politics in Nicaragua and now these days anti-Commmunist 
witchhunter and advisor to Godena on M-I. And now taking up the stuff with 
the Greens in the same lying slandering way he has done things since I have 
arrived at Jefferson Village. Only npw he is directing his stuff at Jim and 
the RCP and LM along with you..Even going to the lengths of falsifying 
material of people who are not even here..
>Malecki will join an illustrious team of LM lunatics, including former
>weatherman Fred Singer, who thinks CFC is good for ozone, and other
>loony toons who have argued that the human impact on the environment is
>'undetectable' even though the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has
>increased by a third over pre-industrial times
>and is set to double, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

No I won't. Unless they have some very clear positions on quite a number of 
other questions facing poor and working class people. And as far as the CO2 
levels it really won't make any difference to poor and working class people 
whether they die from a lack of air, envirionmental catastropy's or what 
ever the greens are whining about along with the oh so militant left cover 
of the Stalinists like yourself. Our skulles have always made the white 
bleeched pyramids in the interest of the ruling classes in one way or the 
other. Only when we take power through smashing the ruling class and its 
state will we have and interest in saving the envionment. And even then it 
will depend on just how much resistance the class enemy puts up in the 
transitional stage. You Mark with your Stalinist conception of the world as 
"peoples" is counter-posed to the marxist conception of classes. and in the 
Bolshevik Leninist conception of fighting only in the interests of the 
proletariat as the only revolutionary motor in society. You are fighting 
instead for the conception of the popular front which fundamentally means 
"people" front which is reactionary and the deadly enemy of the working 
class fighting independently for power in its own name. You turn 
envionmentalism into a single peoples issue in trying to save the world 
under existing conditions. Which fundamentally means that poor and working 
class people become subordinate to alien classes and foremost the ruling 
class.. And the so called progressiveness of this movement really does come 
into question when Jim brings up the question of their support of 
imperialist plans of "birth control" which means genocide period for the 
third world..Not to mention aids..
>Asked for their views, an LM spokesman refused to comment on
>Malecki's breathtaking decision to join secretly-funded LM's grand plan
>for promoting the idea that the human population is too small, global
>warming is a myth, the World Bank is good, oil companies are better,
>rain forests should be made into newsprint and Christmas  dinner should
>be served with reconstituted turkey-burger.

As to why and where this LM group gets its money is not a decisive issue. In 
fact Lenin got a payed ticket on a sealed train back to Russia. According to 
Jones the Stalinist way of thinking that means that Lenin was bought off by 
the Germans! In other words the same arguements as the Mensheviks and others 
who were doing everything in their political power of the popular front of 
those times to tie the Russian working class to the bourgeoisie! Mark's 
arguement is very similar, however I doubt that the LM or Jim and the RCP 
are the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution. By the way would you refuse 
money from anybody in the defense campaign to save Jamal?

Ultimately Jones and his mentor with the ice pick steel boots Aldolfo both 
in the final analisis liquidate Leninism and working class independence 
through their bankrupt politics. these days Jones and his new found love of 
the Greens and CO2 levels. Aldolfo through his third period Stalinist line 
on Peru linked to finding a liberal wing of the Peruvian bourgeoisie to 
capitulate too. When attacked for their bankrupt popular front politics 
which subordinates the proletariat to the bourgeoisie in both the situation 
of single issue petty bourgeois hysteria and doomsday profiteering the end 
of the earth or in Peru through "Guerilla" warfare based on and alien class 
(the peasantry) connected to finding and "anti-imperialist" wing of the 
Peruvian bourgeoisie to capitulate too they have the same message. They are 
fighting NOT for the working class but the "people". The historical lessons 
of the "peoples" front is written in a bloody path throughout history by the 
Stalinist as is the third period Stalinism of the wacko Aldolfo.

These leftists are in fact representing the fundamental line that led to a 
capitalist counter-revolution in the Soviet Union and putting China and 
other deformed workers states well on the path in the same direction. Not 
only this their bankrupt politics in this case Jones popular front militancy 
to save the world from envionmental catastropy and support to the pick up 
the gun retoric of another wing of Stalinism in Peru along with Proyect and 
his new envionmental struggle linked to the incredible ideas he had a few 
months back of building a party along the lines of "Yankee Doodle" 
patriotism of the worst sort must be seen as just another rotten Stalinist 
popular front political bankruptcy this time without Old Joe and the Soviet 
Union to pick up the bill!

When exposed for this political bankruptcy they turn to the Mikado cop/agent 
neo-fascist fascist slander which is the reverse side of Stalinist politics! 
 And not in the least in Proyects attempts to build a solely Stalinist and 
Menshevik list as the organizational expression of the words that Mark Jones 
"neo fascist" line represents. In fact this is just a modern version of 
Stalinist slander and ice pick politics which always points to Trotskyists 
being fascist and now in Jim's case who is hardly a Trotskyist of not being 
a confused leftist moving to the right on this stuff by deserting the only 
class capable of finding a way out of the situation we find ourselves as 
also being a fascist.

In fact the real motivation for Proyects new arrival is the fact that M-I is 
now and empty shell with Godena and Gary talking to each other and Yoshie 
unfortunately sucking up to this shit with and occasional intelligent 
letter. She should probably come over here where she can at least meet some 
intelligent people.Mean while I notice Justin S. has leaped from this 
horrible list with Malecki on it over into the Stalinist Menshevik swamp to 
liven up things M.I. The "big" discussion these days is the origins of 
"earthday".. I guess the "rigtous" thaxian list has tainted his morals by 
allowing Malecki in the door.

But Jones I admit is a lot smarter then Proyect who is driven mostly by nail 
biting petty bourgeois envy to be a superstar name dropper and old SWP story 
teller turned sour and towards Stalinist popular front politics with a 
flavor of patriotic reformism ala SWP. Jones sometimes writes brilliant 
stuff! His latest on the Soviet union on the Johnson list was just great. 
Then he jumps into this stuff with the greens linked to Mikado, Hitler and 
all the rest while getting drunk, eating Suschi with his beautiful wife. 
Here I disagree with Jerry on the women's question stuff. Jones I am quite 
sure really loves his wife its just that his Stalinist politics can never 
help him find a way out of the mess he has wound up in. He is a Stalinist 
without Stalinism and the Soviet Union he once defended and sometimes still 
does when drunk. So now he turns to the desperation of the greens and the 
wacko liberals to find a new home for his fundamental love of "people". But 
his love of "people" according to the politics of stalinism leads him down 
the path of political suicide connected to defending politics which are 
detrimental not only to the third world but foremost the class which can 
with the correct leadership find the way out.. 

In fact it is the cry of a defeated lonely and drunken man who supported 
something that is now dead and buried with the demise of the Soviet union. 
The desperate crys we are hearing is in fact the slogan "All is Lost!" The 
only thing really lost is the loser Jones who now without the Soviet Union 
and Proyect without Nicaragua and Cuba is to defend the sinking ship of the 
Greens which is over! Their is no room any longer for this petty bourgeois 
ideology connected to hysteria. They will have to choose in the not to far 
distant future between imperialist war and fascist solutions or proletarian 
revolutions. They can scream all they want about imperialist hamburgers and 
CO2 levels but this is hardly what is the motor which is pushing us toward 
the edge. In fact it is the classical Marxist Leninist and Trotskyist 
position of imperialism in its death throes. And we will eiher construct a 
Bolshevik Leninist International along the lines of this classical politics 
of the main enemy is at home and leading victorious proletarian revolutions 
out of the next imperialist showdown or we are probably all dead!

So chirp on my aging Stalinist pal. But you popular front politics linked to 
Mikado/semi fascist rhetoric will not pull the Stalinist chestnuts out of 
the fire. Stalinism is dead and in fact the Trotskyist are alive and growing 
all but far to slow..

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

PS: To Hugh Yeah just can't wait to see when Proyect really gets going. 
Maybe I will send to the list the polemics about Proyects "Yankee Doodle" 
patriotic party line a few months back or the stuff on Tariq Ali! to get it 
started..It is pretty much linked to his new Green turn and science 
fiction.Or perhaps Aldolfo will drop in and then the fireworks will really 
start popping.. 

     --- from list ---


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