File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1998/marxism-general.9801, message 32

Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 01:44:00 -0500
From: neil <74742.1651-AT-CompuServe.COM>
Subject: M-G: Communism vs. socialism??

Dear Sheila,

The  maoist state-capitalist MIM notes people 
are scamming you here. They are uncritical supporters
of stalinism and all its horrid crimes against the working class.
They  in fact sell a outrageous apologetic book  for  failed stalinist 
state cap regimes called ,  (and NO joke!) "Was Stalin really a Tyrant?"
MIM politics go along with their economics , with  state capitalist 
economy and political tyranny and oppression- with workers
having only enfoced   illegality to build and construct their own 
class wide organizations, economic and political to oppose
the Maoist  ruling class exploiters
Dung Shao Pingism in China today is the logical continuation
 (for the bosses) of the Maoist project in ruins. .

Do you not find it amazing that MIM can write voluminous 
tomes about their  "great helmsman" Mao and nary a word
about workers own organizations of class struggle , soviets,
mass assemblies,  workers councils, groups  etc. anywhere? This is clear 
indicator of what kind of society they would want to foist 
on any gullible "people" who get mislead by their  religion 
of Maoism. 

I emphasize the MIMs own  term of endearment 'people' here as
they ususally don't go near any real workers (at least 
in the imperialist centers--as MIM considers all these
workers, all white ones anyway- to be but one huge 
mass of 'bribed labor aristocrats".
They talk on a lot about" oppressed people", not workers, to justify 
their  unprincipled alliances with other national capitalists,
mainly in the peripheral areas of world capitalism, but
in the US as well..  . 
No wonder they never go anywhere near the working
class, which in spite of capitalist exploitation and plunder,
is somewhat integrated in production and exchange  . 
Another thing, MIM thinks  this is a misfortune! 
They like segregation much better. 

They (MIM) are not for workers rule  &  a society that will in the
transition period, (lower stage of communism-socialism)
phase out money, waged labor, capital , commodity prodution
and exploitation of person by person and build a worker council
run planned  economy to serve human needs, not exploitation and 
MIM is instead for Maoist  state-capitalism , where you still have 
the laws of capitalist competition, accumulation cycles, 
waged labor, new  bosses, buying and selling ,poverty ,
insecurity , sexism and want--headed by  (Maoites), etc. 
They to this day parrot out the "glories" of the Stalin rule period
in the ex-USSR (as does PLP as well!) as the hight point 
of their 'socialism" -really failed state capitalism..

Better to get the basics from Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc.
as you will see  from studying their  basic works on
economics, politics , history, and philosophy that
if MIM has anything to do with Marxism , it would
most likely be of the Grouchoist variety, i.e one can
get a good occasional  belly-laugh.

But marxism is a science and has been updated by the
experience of the workers struggles in many lands,  so
even some of the founders works need to be brought in line
with contemporary  world reality , with things/changes like the
microchip age and "Globalization" of the capital and
the prodcution process , transnationals , devalueation
of labor power.  etc. the collapse of the Stalino and maoist
regimes/movements , E. Europe, Albania, etc  and the  history of  workers
mass  struggles to win their freedom.

Good luck !
Internationalists web site with basic info is at 


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