File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1998/marxism-general.9805, message 257

Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 13:06:53 +0100
From: Hugh Rodwell <>
Subject: M-G: Rules and the list

Chris B writes:

>I will continue to urge that if M-G continues in any form, the posting of
>material out of it is not allowed. There is no reason why participants to
>such a list should have their comments distorted all over the internet.

An open list with public archives is more open than a newspaper. Of course
stuff published there is available for others to use. You won't prevent
distortion by this kind of unenforceable ban on reposting. Malicious
personal behaviour is subject to suspension anyway, if it's serious enough,
so I don't see a problem.

Chris gets into the same kind of problem when he writes that Rolf "uses
[M-G] as just another newsgroup where he disseminates his view of the world
in 1976." That of course is his privilege. People are neither blind nor
stupid and will be able to draw their own conclusions.

As many have done in relation to the *real* problem Chris mentions -- that
of cop-baiting. If Rolf can't produce compelling evidence of his charges he
should shut up or be suspended. It's one of the cops' favourite tricks to
cause bad blood and suspicion by loudly insisting "let's keep the cops
out", Rolf must know that. As must the other inveterate cop-baiter Dragnet
Proyeccht. Until good proof is turned up, I suggest caution and reserve
towards people suspected and no names -- it should be enough to warn about
the risks in general terms.



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