File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1996/96-11-06.190, message 91

Subject: M-I: Russian Revolution of 1917
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 10:07:08 EST

Today, in my time zone, is Nov. 6, the 79th  Anniversary of the Russian
Revolution.  I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts or comments on
the revolution as a whole, or commentaries on the Bolsheviks, the
Mensheviks, or anything else.  As we all could deduce, next year will be
the 80th anniversary, and I'm wondering what people think as to the
purpose of the Revolution.  Is the purpose of the Revolution just as
meaningful today as it was then?  I mean, I realize that now, we have not
the Czarist threat, however, the Bourgeois threat is just as real now as
it was then.

Any thoughts?


Anthony J. Caruso

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