File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1997/97-02-05.012, message 35

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 09:15:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Louis Proyect <>
Subject: M-I: Justin Schwartz vs Rodwell (lnp post #1)

Justin, in replying to Hugh Rodwell, said:

"This is the orthodox Trotskyist position, but the futility of the 4I shows
its inadequacy. The American unions are misled. no doubt. But the first
thing is to get more of them, since they are in desperate decline."


Justin, please try to keep this stuff where it belongs, on marxism-general.
I am astonished to see that you have been engaged with Rodwell on
marxism-intro (that must be some introduction to Marxism!) as well. And both
of you have been crossposting sections of this Great Debate to m-i, no
matter where it arises.

We set up marxism-general just so it can accomodate threads about how great
(evil) Trotsky was or how great (evil) Stalin was. It is a cyber-parliament
where representatives from various parties can root out the Menshevism of
their foes. There is no limit to the length of the speeches or the number of
times a day people can take the podium to make them.

The marxism-international list doesn't need this sort of thing. We regard
each other as comrades here, even when we have deep differences. I actually
sent some private mail to Andrew Austin yesterday to tell him that I didn't
think he was the Marxist anti-Christ. I will step forward instead to accept
that honor. Did you ever stop to consider how there are 18 letters in my
name? Louis Nelson Proyect? 18 = 6+6+6. Proof enough, I'd say.

Even when I was in my Jackie Chan drunk tai-chi Marxist polemic stance
against Justin, I still made sure to be careful not to call him anything but
a principled revolutionary. Menshevik-hunting has no place on

Marxism-international should be a space that functions a bit like a
psychotherapist's office. People should be allowed to explore their
inner-most political thoughts without being labeled as a "Menshevik". By the
same token, when I am sitting with my shrink on Tuesday at 1pm, what would I
do if he blurted out, "Boy, are you sick!" Trust me, this happens at least
once each session. 

I am glad that marxism-news was set up. I hope that people get the message
and save stuff that is nothing but news for that list. I myself am a member
and am looking forward to the next issue of the Cockroach gazette to appear
there, where it belongs.

With respect to Dr. Levy, have no fear. The three post limit is the perfect
mechanism to keep me in check. I agree with Garry. I have been writing
brilliant stuff lately. I have also been coming up with some great jokes if
I say so myself. I would much rather riff about Foucault and Nietzsche than
waste my time trying to reply to somebody with an advanced case of
Finkelstein's syndrome. Sitz baths wouldn't even work in this case. Lobotomy
is called for.

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