File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1997/97-03-06.201, message 60

From: "Rosser Jr, John Barkley" <>
Subject: M-I: Adolfo Olaechea
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 13:46:35 -0500 ()

     Unless he responds to me directly and personally, this 
will be my last posting on this topic, as I agree with the 
general sentiment that we should move and not get bogged 
down in leftover detritus and flame wars from the M1 list.  
As I said before, I only got into this now because of the 
death threats that seem to reveal much about Adolfo.
     1)  I have been informed offlist that there is 
independent support for Adolfo's claims regarding a large 
fine having been assessed of him by the Peruvian 
government.  Good enough for me, and this certainly can go 
a long way toward explaining, if not necessarily 
justifying, some of Adolfo's attitudes and behavior.
     2)  It is of little import what Adolfo did or did not 
do in the early 60s.  He made a big deal once about 
founding a "soviet."  I'm sure he and some of his buddies 
did start something they called a "soviet."  Others contend 
that this amounted to a big zero (kind of like the WMC).  
But, I don't think any of us have any way of determining 
this one way or another and for the current disuputes it is 
of little import.
     3)  There remains no independent evidence that Adolfo 
is an official spokesperson of the PCP.  Perhaps it is 
impossible for that to be proven one way or the other, 
given the secretive nature of the organization.  But his 
repeated assertions that he is the supreme and true voice 
of the PCP in exile in and of itself proves nothing, 
especially when such assertions coincide with ridiculous 
charges and claims.
     4)  This glorious declaration from the Sol Peru 
Committee London (Adolfo) via detcom-Jay (isn't he still 
suspended? even though I disaprove of that, what the heck) 
carries on about how even groups that claim to oppose the 
peace negotiations, such as Avakian's group and the MPP and 
the Quispe crowd, are all obviously dumb tools of the 
Fujimori regime and actually crypto supporters of the 
allegedly phony peace negotiations, is exactly what I 
expected and forecast from Adolfo and is the prime example 
of why the guy has a serious credibility problem, at least 
in my eyes. This was exactly what I forecast, a 
wide-ranging denunciation of all sorts of groups and 
people, myself included, as being part of a grand Fujimori 
conspiracy.  Is this or is this not paranoia, even if 
Adolfo does have real enemies?  The only evidence presented 
of any of these groups or people either being Fujimori 
agents or advocates of the peace negotiations is that 
they are viewed as critical of El Diario Internacional, and 
hence by extension of Adolfo's claim to be the One True 
Voice Of Revolutionary Gonzalo Thought In The World Today.  
    I think a very revealing aspect of this is something 
that Adolfo sent to the old M1 list about the Avakianists.  
He set up a meeting at his favorite club of loyal personal 
sycophants, the Stalin Society in London.  A nameless 
representative of the Avakianist CO-RIM was invited to 
"debate" with Adolfo.  The debate amounted to Adolfo 
engaging in the sort of name-calling and assertions without 
support that we just saw in this glorious Sol Peru 
Committee declaration.  The CO-RIM rep denied all this, but 
was not allowed to speak at any length or to provide any 
in-depth response, at least if he did, Adolfo did not 
reproduce it for our perusal in his post. The rep was 
essentially shouted down in good Stalinist fashion by the 
assembled flunkies.  The Avakianist rep argued that they 
oppose the peace negotiations, but the All-Knowing Adolfo 
Knew Better.  More Wow.
     I am fully prepared to discuss this a bit more when/if 
Adolfo returns, although we should cut it short.  I would 
prefer to move on to more substantive discussions of 
issues.  I, for one, found his discussion of the Peruvian 
situation at Liverpool to be very informative, even if I 
have poked at part of it in another post.
     Aside to Louis Godena, if that Sol Peru Committee 
declaration is your idea of something that makes me freeze 
in my lower extremities, well, excuse me while I have a 
good laugh, :-).
Barkley Rosser 

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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