File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1997/marxism-international.9708, message 184

Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:51:48 +1000 (EST)
From: Gary MacLennan <>
Subject: Re: M-I: Chris Hani's murder

I have nothing much to add to this thread except to emphasise that Hani's
was what they call a "necessary murder".  In Ireland in the 20s the victim
of the  "we must kill him"  attitude was the socialist Liam Mellows. He
alone represented an alternative to the fake duality of Collins versus De

Just so in South Africa where the only possible opposition to Mandela was
Hani.  I am not at all astonished that he was murdered but I just do not
understand why he, Hani, was not living in Soweto where his assassins could
not have possibly reached him with such ease. He was to pay the ultimate
price for that luxury house in the white neighborhoods.

Moreover when he was refused protection by his colleagues he should have
shifted houses that very night.  I do not wish to be trivial about a tragic
matter but revolutionaries have much they could learn from studying the
Godfather films.



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