File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1997/marxism-international.9710, message 431

Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 13:04:32 -0400
From: james m blaut <70671.2032-AT-CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: M-I: bust


Since I started this exchange, I was going to let you have the last word
and let me sink back into the stinking ooze of academe, but you ended with
a question mark, so I have to answer your last question, or try to.

I believe that the development of industrial capitalism and colonialism
went hand in hand during the 19 C. Countries whichj avoided being colonized
-- colonialism meant that SV went mainly to the colonizer and litrtle if
any social capital could be accumulated -- had at least the chance of
developing strongly, and indeed, in Europe, even the tiny ones developed.
Japan was the only country far from Europe that avoided colonialism,
assembled social capital, accumuklated private capitalism, and rose. Note
that this implies that development was not a European monopoly. Nor does it
emerge from Japanese culture.

I'll stop here (he heaves a deep sigh of relief). Say hello to Neil and
Cindi if you see them around NY.

En lucha

Jim B


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