File spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1998/marxism-international.9802, message 468

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 98 17:20:19 EST
From: boddhisatva <>
Subject: Re: M-I: Wallerstein: "Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production:

		Comrade Lou,

	Look, the bottom line is that capitalism gives workers the false
choice between a polluted environment and a comfortable standard of
living. Greenism accepts that false choice as truth.  Marxism suggests
that a comfortable standard of living *and* a clean environment are
simultaneously possible only through the increased innovation, efficiency
and personal responsibility inherent in a system where the workers control
the means of production. 

	What is wrong with Greenism is obviously not that it seeks to save
the environment.  What is wrong with Greenism is that it seeks to reform a
system that cannot be reformed, and accepts the realities of that system
as the only possible realities.  Development WILL NOT STOP.  Count on it. 
The question is *how* mankind will use the earth for his industrial needs,
not *whether* he will. 


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