File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_1997/marxism-intro.9710, message 116

From: KENAN-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: To Barbie
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 20:33:25 PST

>Date: Tue, 28 Oct 97 11:43:00 -0700
>From: Barbie-AT-pseud.pseud
>Subject: M-INTRO: To Kenan
>You seem to have a multitude of knowledge concerning global economic
>concerns.  I have been impressed by your submissions to this list.  
>response to Troll's questions concerning the Capitalist effect on 
>problems was enlightening, but it sparked further questions on my part.
>You made a wealth a comments on international problems.  Please 
enlighten me
>about what's happening here in the U.S.  
>I spent time working in a financial institution here in the U.S. I 
>for brokers who traded commodities.  I began to think of commodities 
only as
>paper money and objects.  After taking a course on Marx I have begun to
>change that thought.  It's strange to finally start having a grasp on 
>happening around the world as well as here in the U.S.
>Are we really killing our society with Capitalism? 
>Waiting in earnest.........

Thank you for the kind remarks..

Yes, I truly believe that the society "as we know it" is being destroyed 
by this system.  I guess every generation must have complained that 
things were going worse. So it seems like this is a trend, a process, a 
change in process in our society.  It is a shame though, because the 
changes could have been made towards more humanistic values instead of 
this barbaric frenzy we are observing today.  

It is ironic though, that while being accused of "wanting to destroy 
family values, the essence of our society.. etc.", we end up defending  
education, health care, human dignity, the environment, human values, 
peace, friendship, and a true democracy.  I don't think these values are 
universal values shared by all classes.  Capitalists, because of their 
class position can not simultaneously defend these issues and continue 
supporting the system which destroys all of the above.  So they will 
have to be settle for the rhetoric; or, change the definition of values 
to promote individualism against friendship, greed against sharing, 
competition against cooperation etc.  I don't think that they think this 
is "killing the society". These are capitalistic values and it is 
perfectly normal to them. This is why the struggle should be to change 
the system which is the source of all the evils instead of trying to 
patch the system.

I am sure we will get into the issues in the USA as well as other places 
since they are so interconnected, and the destruction continues 

Your insights in the latest stock market crash would be very valuable 
given your experience with the financial institutions. I wouldn't 
venture out in that field!

I hope to continue discussing this subject further if people are 
interested... especially the population issue.


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