File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_1997/marxism-intro.9710, message 33

From: KENAN-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: a question to everyone
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 18:18:23 PDT

>Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:39:23 -0600 (MDT)
>From: BABAR-AT-pseud.pseud
>Subject: M-INTRO: a question to everyone
>Reply-To: marxism-intro-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Hi.  How you doing.  
>I am a new student in Marxian Economics.  To be honest, I am only 
>this course, because it satisfies my major requirement.  I would not 
>this class otherwise, and there is NO WAY that I would be subscribed to
>this discussion group over the internet.  So here is the question to 
>of you people out there in the various parts of the world who are
>genuinely interested in Marx's thoughts enough to join this discussion
>group.  "How did you become so interested in Marx's theory?"  "What 
>you to start studying about Marx?"  Maybe if you guys can tell me one
>thing that happened to you or even one thought that came to your mind 
>got you to start studying about Karl Marx, I'd truly appreciate it.  
>     --- from list ---
It all started with the discussion of *real* independence of my "third 
world" country.  Seeing that every, yes, every important decision in my 
faaaaar away country was carried out only to satisfy the "developed" 
countries we had economic relationship with.  This is a real problem 
when you can not even discuss the wages of carpenters without asking the 
international powers. 

The discussion lead to the discussion of imperialism.. which brought the 
economic relationships between countries.  Well, this brings the 
question of inequalities between countries and its reasons.  The 
discussion of inequality of countries brought the discusion of 
inequalities between classes in a country.  If you want to inquire *and 
be honest* in your inquiry and answers, this will force you to read 
Marx.  From that point on you are hooked! 

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