File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_1998/marxism-intro.9802, message 100

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 12:19:56
From: Rubber_Soul-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: Government, Butt Out!

>	I don't know what got Bob going off on this subject but as far as
>I'm concerned, it's ignorant and irresponsible of our country if we don't
>try to keep our youth from such harmful practices.

Who gives a fuck about your country! as a Marxist and a worker I have no
country, only a world to win. Go and take your bourgeois values somewhere
else! its people like you and your metaphysical values that you hold so
dear to your heart that acts as a powerful tool of social control on youth

Down with the united snakes of america!

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