File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_1998/marxism-intro.9802, message 103

Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 01:45:05 -0700
From: Johnson-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: Government, Butt Out!

Rubber_Soul-AT-pseud.pseud wrote:
> >       I don't know what got Bob going off on this subject but as far as
> >I'm concerned, it's ignorant and irresponsible of our country if we don't
> >try to keep our youth from such harmful practices.
> Who gives a fuck about your country! as a Marxist and a worker I have no
> country, only a world to win. Go and take your bourgeois values somewhere
> else! its people like you and your metaphysical values that you hold so
> dear to your heart that acts as a powerful tool of social control on youth
> today.
> Down with the united snakes of america!
>      --- from list ---
You know, Rubber Soul, or whoever the hell you think you are because
you're obviously not an American, it's people like you that make me
wonder why the hell we even have soldiers out there fighting for our
country.  Yeah, you claim that you live not in a country, but in a world
only to win.  That is the stupidest, crappiest, cop-out answer I have
ever read in any of these e-mails yet.  Down with the United Snakes of
America?  What is that?  Do you really think that the USA is the root of
all evil in this world?  Do you really think we shouldnt have countries
in this world, just one big happy family?  Use your feeble little head!
I can't even start to imagine what kind of problems we would have if the
government did'nt set certain restrictions on youth, or should I say,
uneducated people such as yourself.  If you really want to live in a
world to win, you must first understand, you pig, that it starts with
teaching our youth certain morals, which obviously somebody forgot to
teach you.  Yeah, you're right, down with the U.S.A. and up with free
smoke in every home and bedroom and bathroom and school.  Can you say
"DUMBASS"?!  Go ahead and send your ridiculous reply, I'm interested to
see what kind of crap you come up with next.

     --- from list ---


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