File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_1998/marxism-intro.9802, message 145

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 17:18:42 -0700 (MST)
From: George-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: M-INTRO: Tonesters comments re: Georges worries

A while back I sent an email to this marxism-intro explaining how I had
some concerns about marxism and how my impressions of it had been
generally negetive.  I wondered if Russia was an example of how these
polices had failed in the past.  Tonesters response to my concerns was
very interesting and I would like to attempt to clarify what Tonester was
saying to me.

Tone says that the maral exhortation or the lack of it was not essential
to the failure of the 1917 workers revolution in Russia, it was the fact
that the revolution didn't spread so that workers took power everywhere
else as well....Tone goes on to say: Any future socialist movement will
once again be faced with making a revolution and spreading it.

Is Tone saying that if this revolution would have been able to spread
further, for whatever reason, that this form of government would have been
successful?  If so, what would Russia look like today?

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