File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_2002/marxism-intro.0208, message 1

From: Hans_Ehrbar-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: M-INTRO: Marxism Intro will Soon be Very Busy Again
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 09:54:39 -0600

Marxism-Intro has 236 subscribers right now.  It is a public
mailing list open to anyone, but it is usually only busy
when I teach my Internet class reading Marx's Capital.  This
class has just started again, and soon the 100 students
enrolled in it will be submitting contributions to
marxism-intro, because they have to.

If you would like to leave marxism-intro before
the storm begins, simply send the one-line message

unsubscribe marxism-intro


If you are interested in a different list about marxist
issues, not an introductory list, I can recommend Louis
Proyect's marxism list.  I have many political differences
with Louis, but he has been uniquely successful in
maintaining a fruitful discussion list.  To subscribe to his
list, send the message

subscribe marxism


Louis's marxism list and a few other Marxist and Heterodox
Economics lists are archived at

Soon the Marxism-Intro list will be archivd there too.

There are some seasoned old-timer Marxists lurking on
Marxism Intro; they are invited to respond to the
contributions of the newcomers on this list.  I myself am
giving my students already a lot of feedback to their
homework assignments, therefore I prefer to have a low
profile here.

More details about my internet class about Marx's Capital
can be found at

The class materials contain detailed commentaries
of Marx's *Capital* and other economic writings,
and the archives of past email discussions
about the study questions in this class.
To download them, create a new directory on your
computer, then download the two files

into this directory (over 50 Megabytes), then unzip these
two files.  (After this you may delete the zip files again).
Unzipping creates a bunch of pdf files in the same
directory.  You should open


with the Acrobat Reader.  This is a small file which has
links to all the other files in the collection; just click
on the words marked in red to get transferred to the other

If you would like to participate in the email discussion
of the class as an observer, please email me and I will
gladly add you to the homework discussion list.

Hans G. Ehrbar

Hans G. Ehrbar
Economics Department, University of Utah     (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308               (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake City    UT 84112-9300              (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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