File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_2002/marxism-intro.0212, message 30

Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 16:21:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Panarch-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: rational inequity?

i have an MBA dude. and I've run/sold some
pretty successful companies.

the only 'basic' biz concept i believe in anymore
is that it is fundamentally exploitative. 'risk'
is a metaphysical excuse.  the employees who could
be out of work at any moment with no way to feed
their families take the real risks.  i know plenty
of 'biz' guys who lost companies and just got more
money from VCs after that.  Once you are In with
the capitalists, risk doesn't really exist.


--- flavio-AT-pseud.pseud wrote:
> Panarch, 
>    It is very obvious that you don't understand
> business, or the theory of risk vs. return. The
> thought that all profits made should be split equally
> between all of the employees that made such product
> possible is just stupid. The other people did that
> work on the projects do not have as much to lose if
> something goes wrong. If these people should be given
> equal shares if success is achieved, than shouldn't
> these same people be held responsible when something
> goes wrong, and debts must be paid? The answer is YES.
> But are these same people responsible? NO. So why
> should a person be given an equal share of a profit if
> they are not willing to be equally responsible for any
> such loses toccury occure? 
>    On to your other point. I never said that Bill
> Gates invented anything that was ingenious, or even
> made any comments as to what it was that got Gates
> started in the computer business. What I have said is
> that in order to build as large as and as successful a
> business empire as Microsoft you have got to be a
> bgenius genious. Anyone that would argue against such
> a comment does obviously not understand business or
> the theories that go directly along with risk and
> reward. Which is one of the most basic of all business concepts.

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