File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_2004/marxism-intro.0410, message 10

From: bobcat-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: RE: M-INTRO: Does Capialism lead to atheism?
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 00:48:01 -0600

As Bertha mentioned, Marx has a very famous quote on the subject.  He said
in the Communist Manifesto that "Religion is the opiate of the people."  I'm
not sure if he was actually atheistic, or just agnostic, but he held a very
sour perception of religion.  

It is strange that, though we are asking if capitalism leads to atheism, it
seems that in the modern world the opposite is true.  The most capitalist of
Western nations (the USA) is also by far the most religious nation in this
group.  Socialist countries such as Canada, the UK, Germany, and France have
a much smaller percentage of actively religious persons.  Why is this?

Education may have something to do with it.  Again, countries like Germany
and Sweden have higher rates of college attendance than does the United
States.  This seems to be proof that education is part of the equation.

I think the other part has to do with exploitation and distraction.
Capitalism is an exploitative system.  In order to avoid popular uprisings,
the people must either be violently oppressed or distracted.  Religion
provides a very convenient distraction.  Because religion tends to be so
deeply ingrained when it is taught, problems of the world are often pushed
aside.  Who has time to worry about wage rates and production and social
welfare when important matters like salvation and righteousness demand our
full attention? 

Still another possibility (arguably the most relevant in our day) is
religion's and capitalism's similar infatuation with self-determination.  A
man who wants to succeed in religion/capitalism needs only be devout/work
hard to succeed.  The unrighteous/poor are only that way because they choose
to be unrighteous/poor.  This powerful similarity might be another link
between the two.

So those are my ideas as to why capitalist societies are actually MORE prone
to religion than socialist societies.  Thoughts?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-marxism-intro-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
[mailto:owner-marxism-intro-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 4:38 PM
To: marxism-intro-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: RE: M-INTRO: Does Capialism lead to atheism?

It could work either way, because in the Capitalist society we are free to
achieve anything we want therefore there could be an opinion that if we are
able to do what we want, then why do we need God to help us.  On the other
hand, if the oppression in a Capitalist society is so awful, why wouldn't
people be seeking the Lord to help them out of a bad situation.  

As far as being atheist in a socialist society I think there would be just
much possibility due to the fact that the government would be dictating so
about what happens to the people that they could feel a need for a higher
power.  At the same time, the same people could be so satisfied that they
wouldn't think they needed God or salvation.  

Basically, I would say that the type of economy does not dictate whether you
will be more or less inclined to believe a certain way.  It has more to do
how ideas are exchanged in the world you live in.      

Quoting BigBertha-AT-pseud.pseud:

> Marx, a socialist, made comments pertaining to religion. He said something

> to the effect that those who believed in religion were immature especially

> in early history. Therefore, I believe that he was atheist himself. It
> not be just Capitalism that leads to atheism.
> God teaches one to worship him and none else. If one really follows his 
> teachings, they change their frame of mind. They may obtain many goods in 
> their Capitalistic society, but the way they use it is different.
> It doesn't matter what kind of a society one lives in, they have the
> how they want to deal with wealth, whether they have it or not.
> In a socialist society, one could still covet; they are just limited by 
> government.

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