File spoon-archives/marxism-intro.archive/marxism-intro_2004/marxism-intro.0411, message 148

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 18:30:03 -0800 (PST)
From: BillyB-AT-pseud.pseud
Subject: Re: M-INTRO: Capitalism sucks, so what now?

I think some good questions are being asked here. I believe capitalism has a lot of problems that need to be fixed. Then the question arises can capitalism be fixed or do we need another system like socialism. But as the Rugdoctor pointed out socialism in the Soviet Union failed. Also, I think that there is a distinction between the collapse of the Soviet Union and socialism. We also see that socialism in Cuba isn't doing very well. China has also struggled with socialism and seems to be experimenting with other alternatives. The idea behind socialism sounds good, but it too, has many weaknesses. In socialism I believe there is a lack of individual responsibility.  Because people have no ownership of property and have little personal decision making opportunities. The system lacks the ability for people to excel. The economy becomes to complex for a government.  Also there needs to be some form of enforcement by a government. Then the question arises who oversees the government? 
 Here in the United States the officials are elected, yet we still see a form of government corruption.  Socialism sounds good at first but many of the ideas behind it have significant flaws.  I believe another system would be better.  Most likely a system with perfect people. Wouldn't that be nice?!?  

Rugdoctor-AT-pseud.pseud wrote:After reading Marx's Capital, I can now see how inefficient and undesirable the
capitalist system can be. But what do we do now? For example, socialism in
the Soviet Union failed. What went wrong, and what needs to be done to make
socialism work? Or do people think another system altogether is better?

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