File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1997/current, message 2

Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 22:58:44 -0700
Subject: M-NEWS: How to Build the Party of the Future (announcing new weekly series)

Ben Seattle is writing a new weekly series under the title
"How to Build the Party of the Future".

The coming revolution in communications, now in
its earliest stages, is already beginning to demonstrate
its potential to influence the development and interaction
of Marxist (and would-be Marxist) organizations.
In the next decade or so, the communications revolution
holds promise to completely transform the "left ecosystem" at
present consisting primarily of squabbling sectarian grouplets,
craven reformists and the just-plain confused.  In place of
this will likely emerge a dynamic and powerful system of
communist organizations which will both compete and
cooperate with one another at levels which at present may
seem inconceivable.

It is on questions such as this--that this series will focus.

The series will consist of one installment a week for
approximately three months.  Each installment will be
between 20K and 60K in length (ie: between 3 thousand
and ten thousand words).

This series is being written for serialization in the
Spoon's "Marxism-International" listserv and will largely
focus on the development of the "M-I" list.  But the
principles of development underlaying the relationship
between the communications revolution and the creation
of communist organization will likely be of interest to
many others and anyone is welcome to subscribe to it by
sending e-mail to "" with "subscribe"
in the subject line.  Please note: all such e-mail will be
processed by a human being (ie: myself) and comments
and questions are most welcome.

       __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

                         How to Build 
                    the Party of the Future
       __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

       by Ben Seattle (cyberRed)

       By continuing our political development
       and harnessing the the power
       of the coming revolution in communications --
       we can help to lay the foundation
       for a communist "trend of trends"
       with the ability to eradicate sectarianism from our ranks,
       puncture the influence of reformism over a vast audience,
       capture the imagination of workers in their millions
       and mobilize our class to ignite a fire
       that cannot be extinguished.

(apologies to subscribers of the Spoon's "Marxism-International"
 listserve for leaving this title page off of the first chapter--I would
 forget my head if it wasn't screwed on)


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