File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1997/marxism-news.9710, message 29

Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 10:42:51
From: IRSP <>
Subject: M-NEWS: Relatives picket at INLA man's inquest

Belfast Telegraph
20 October 1997

Relatives picket at INLA man's inquest
By Enda McClafferty

RELATIVES of a Strabane man shot dead by British soldiers seven years ago
today picketed the inquest into his death.

INLA man Alex Patterson (31) from Church View, was killed during a gun
battle with undercover soldiers at Victoria Bridge in November 1990.

Screens have been erected at the courthouse to protect the identity of six
undercover soldiers who will give evidence.

The dead man's two brothers were among a dozen people who took part in an
IRSP protest outside Londonderry courthouse this morning.

The group tied banners to the courthouse railings and distributed leaflets
to passers-by.

The IRSP rejects security force claims that Patterson was shot during a gun
battle. They argue he was "executed" by the SAS.

The family's solicitor was expected to ask the coroner to allow a current
INLA prisoner be allowed to give evidence.

Representatives from Amnesty International and the Committee for the
Administration of Justice were also present at today's hearing, which is
expected to last for three days.


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