File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1997/marxism-news.9712, message 15

Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 02:41:11
Subject: M-NEWS: ** New list: Irish Left Forum **

Announcing the creation of a new list: IRISH LEFT FORUM

The Irish Left Forum (also 'Irish-Left'), is an email list for sharing and
distributing information concerning left-wing Irish politics, particularly
issues of a socialist, anarchist, working class, republican, and
nationalist character.

We welcome anyone interested in these matters, including activists,
politicians, academics and students residing in Ireland or with interests
in Irish affairs, to join the list and contribute information to the broad
Irish Left community.

All information from Irish-Left will pertain to Ireland and to leftist
issues, or if not, will be of clear interest to the Irish Left community.
We encourage announcements, action alerts, requests for information &
research sources, publications and brief news updates. In general,
discussion will be discouraged except where it serves as clarification or

Irish-Left is a moderated list in order to keep postings on-topic and to
reduce overall list traffic. As anyone who subscribes to lists knows, the
quantity of email is often overwhelming. With that in mind we will try to
limit the number of daily emails in order that the largest number of people
can participate without substantially increasing online time or expenses.
Although it is moderated, there will be no partisan or ideological
censorship, and no screening of subscribers: we hope to create a community
in which all members of the Irish Left feel equally welcome to participate.

To subscribe to Irish-Left, send email to
with the following message:

	subscribe irish-left your name

Official Irish-Left website:

In solidarity,
Jackie Dana (
& Eric Hayes Patkowski (
Listowners, Irish Left Forum

(apologies if you receive this email more than once)

North American Coordinator
Irish Republican Socialist Committees
2057 15th Street, Suite B
San Francisco, CA 94114 (James Connolly Society)


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