File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1997/marxism-news.9712, message 18

Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 08:11:38
Subject: M-NEWS: Mexico

Six peasant leaders are being held under arrest in Acapulco Mexico 
accused of belonging to the Ehercito Popular Revolucionario (EPR).
A delegation from "Fedefam" (The Latinamerican Federation of Families of 
Political Prisoners and the Disappeared) attempted to visit the prisoners 
but were refused permission to visit.  Among the prisoners are Benigno 
Guzman Martinez, leader of the OCSS (Peasant Organization of the Southern 
Sierra, Bertoldo Martinexz Cruz, coordinator of the OCSS and four members 
of the organization Peoples and Neighborhoods of Guerrero.

Although the repression going in Chiapas is well known, we should be 
aware and support other struggles. Because the EPR has refused to 
negotiate with the PRI government which most people in Mexico consider 
illigitimate, there is now a state of war in Coyuca de Benitez, only a few 
miles from tourist delights of Acapulco.
                                        Earl Gilman
                                        El Nuevo Topo magazine


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