Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:39:54 Subject: M-NEWS: Latest Prisoner Releases December 18th 1997. 01504 382297 IRSP WARN OF ATTEMPT AT 'CYNICAL AND DIVISIVE MANIPULATION' FOLOWING PRISONER RELEASES. Commenting upon the early release of nine provisional republican prisoners in the Irish republic, Irish Republican Socialist Party prisons spokesperson Willie Gallagher said; "While the release of any political prisoner is to be welcomed, we in the IRSP detect a sinister undertone in the prisoner release policy of the Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrats coalition. "The preferable treatment and selective release of prisoners aligned with the Provisional Republican Movement stands in stark contrast to the attitude shown to the political prisoners of the INLA and CIRA. In particular we would draw attention to the ill treatment of Josephine Hayden in Limerick prison. "The Government make demands of us while holding political prisoners hostages in an attempt at forcing those of us who reject the bogus 'pacification process' into line. The IRSP view this latest bid to divide and manipulate republican political prisoners as an exercise in sheer cynicism. "Furthermore, we see the activities to date of the current coalition administration doing more to hinder the search for real and lasting peace than assist it." Ends. P.S. Paul is Noels NEPHEW not son and the spelling of his name is Little, something he is particularly sensitive about for some reason! Peter, you may recall him from many years back. He served time for the RSM before leaving the Party around 1986-7. He stood for Sinn Fein in a number of elections and held various senior postions within that Party. He returned to the fold around around 2 years ago. Adh Mor, Kevin. North American Coordinator Irish Republican Socialist Committees 2057 15th Street, Suite B San Francisco, CA 94114 (James Connolly Society)
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