File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1997/marxism-news.9712, message 42

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 19:45:44
Subject: M-NEWS: INLA Execute King Rat


The following is the text of a statement supplied to 
the Socialist Republican Publicity Bureau;

"The Irish National Liberation Army claim responsibility
for the execution of King Rat, Billy Wright.

"This action was taken against the backdrop of ongoing
genocide against the nationalist community. These
attacks are being mainly conducted by the LVF (Loyalist
Volunteer Force), until this morning by Billy Wright.

"The execution of Wright is in keeping with the Irish
National Liberation Army's position of defense and retaliation
-- It does not breach our no first strike policy.

"In conclusion, we warn loyalist paramilitaries against
further attacks against the nationalist community. If this
warning is not heeded we will have no hesitation in making
sure those who prey on the nationalist working class pay
the ultimate price.


North American Coordinator
Irish Republican Socialist Committees
2057 15th Street, Suite B
San Francisco, CA 94114


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