File spoon-archives/marxism-news.archive/marxism-news_1998/marxism-news.9804, message 71

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 09:17:25 +0100
From: Hugh Rodwell <>
Subject: M-NEWS: Brisbane: Update 2 and boycotts appeal

Here's a second update forwarded from Gary M in Brisbane, posted at 4.40 pm
Tuesday 21 April.





I am waiting for the latest news from Melbourne on what the judge had
decided.  This is an unbeleivable time.  We live from bulletin to bulletin.
Tonite there is a meeting in Trade Hall to form a 'Defend Our Unions
Group'.  I will be there and will post to the list straight after it.
Louis G. will forgive me if this exceeds the 3 post limit.

The later posts from Melbourne seem to show that the defiance is
continuing.  Jenny George has asked people to defy the court injunctiion
and has expressed a willingness to go to prison.   Frankly I won't be
holding my breath, but it is good that she said this.

I cannot stress enough that Melbourne is where the crucial battle is being

Tony's posts continue to amaze me.  The officials handing back a gate after
it had been won by workers in struggle just sickens me.  But so did the
carry on in Brisane on Sudnay night and before that when Reith came.

These officials are very conservative and they are only letting in the Left
because they are deeply frightened.

I am correct about them but this is a conflict which is taking us where no
one has been before or at least for a very long time.    The officials are
desperately trying to write a script. Everything they do is minimal and
designed to beg the bourgeoise to call off the mad dogs and to let the
officials get back to cosy mediation and negotiation. But the state keeps
upping the stakes.

Dave B has commented that the crisis is pushing the ruling class to take
the offensive.  I am not sure about this.  A recent economic statement did
however sound a note of real gloom for Australia in 1999 and Howard used it
as a justification for the attack on the MUA.  So perhaps he is on the
right track.

Update 2.

A word on the boycotts.   This is big news.  The farmers have squealed long
and hard. They are getting very agitated and are threatening to organise
and smash the picket lines where the police are not doing so - especially
in Sydney.  This could be a very ugly escalation from the Far Right if it
occurs.  Personally I hope it does.

Politicians from the Prime Minister downwards have all denounced the
boycott of Australian goods. The leader of the Labor Party has said he does
not want a boycott.  The union leadership so far have not issued a
statement that I have noticed.  But to repeat, the boycotts are a very
potent threat.

Please do everything you can to publicise the possibility of  boycotting
Australian fruit, wine and meat and any bloody thing else that has the
kangaroo logo on it.  If we could have another call for a boycott from the
East Coast or Britain or Sweden - anywhere, that would really boost the
morale of the strikers. Tell your shopkeeper that you will not buy
Australian.  Demand that your union issue a boycott call.

The response to the Longshoreman's announcement of a boycott shows that
this terrifies them.   If committees to Boycott Australia Goods (BAG)
spring up everywhere then this will be reported in great detail.  Is there
any way that a significant figure in Britain could be got to issue such a
call?  Scargill? Livingstone? Benn? Could someone please contact Adam Rose
and get him to link in with what is happening here. Could the lurkers on
this list report in with what they can do. We need help and we need it now.




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